Best Essay Editing Service - Students' Choice
Editing and proofreading are the final stages in the essay writing process. The texts should not contain stylistic, spelling, or punctuation errors. Information should be presented consistently, have a clear and logical structure. Students have difficulty completing the assignment, and therefore professional editors are ready to help. For us, each essay is a separate project from several stages, on which a team of experts is working. Editing a text means making the necessary analysis of the essay and adapting it, taking into account the peculiarities of the language and various linguistic nuances. However, this is not the only feature of the service. Let's take a closer look at our company and team!
Professional Essay Editing - Our Goals
Editing of the text analyzes an essay for semantic, spelling, punctuation errors, control of the style, and the text's literary and informational content. Editing also involves checking the correctness of the data provided, such as dates and citations used. Thus, the highest quality of the essay, its accuracy, and readability is achieved. Our goal is to provide the student with a perfect product. All texts go through a multi-stage study and revision by the appropriate experts.
Experienced Essay Editors - Our Team
Our service is actively functioning thanks to experienced essay editors who are proficient in academic writing. We are accepting linguists, teachers, PhDs in various sciences to our team. Commitment to quality, courtesy, speed, and confidentiality unite all members of our team. Each of them is an expert in their area of responsibility and applies an integrated approach to work on projects. The quality of the services provided and the satisfaction of customers is the top priority of the team.
Our editors are fluent in English. In some cases, the role of the editor is performed by the domain expert. We thoroughly check the materials. Even though we employ the very best writers (for extended essays too), we use modern tools to ensure quality. We take student requests and requirements seriously. We want each of you to get A+ and experts apply in a lot of effort to get the best results.
Differences between Proofreading and Editing Essays
Proofreading means parsing the text to identify and correct spelling errors, typos and eliminate semantic and lexical inaccuracies. The duties of the proofreader include:
- style assessment;
- working out the structure of the text and sentences;
- compliance with a single standard;
- control of the correct design of lists, tables, notes.
Editing text is a complete study of materials. It includes proofreading, overall text assessment, content, and correspondence of the institution's requirement.
Editing or Proofreading - What to Choose?
If you are sure of the high quality of your text and only want to clean it up, check to spell, improve the spelling of complex sentences, then you need proofreading. If you doubt the text's impeccability, it will not be superfluous for you to order more serious work on it - literary editing.
Editing is more valuable than proofreading, as it requires more excellent knowledge, broader horizons, developed logical thinking. Literary editing includes correcting spelling, punctuation, grammatical, and typing errors. If you order editing, you do not need to order proofreading, even when it comes to such a voluminous work as a thesis or dissertation proofreading.
When Do Essays Need Editing?
If many readers view your essay, it is better to give it to an expert for revision. The editing helps to make the text better. Also, text editing is appropriate for material in which a problematic topic is in-depth touched upon. Sometimes, the text's composer does not know many terms about the topic, and the linguist will help remove inaccuracies and fill the article with up-to-date information.
After editing, you will get a text that:
- easy to read, simple, and easy to understand due to the absence of unnecessary words and complex phrases;
- has a logical structure and visual design, which facilitates the assimilation of information;
- does not contain spelling, grammatical, syntactic, stylistic, and other errors;
- the most informative, interesting, contains clear wording and is well remembered.
Benefits of Editing and Proofreading in the Service
Do you want to be sure that you have written your personal statement, admissions essay, college application essay, high-quality and flawlessly? Experts carefully analyze all materials in terms of language rules, style, and accuracy in conveying the topic's meaning in our service.
Professional text editing has its characteristics, depending on the direction:
- Literary editing. When writing a descriptive essay where you evaluate books or articles, it is essential to strive for ease of perception of the text by the reader, preserve the author's thought, convey the images and the general meaning of the text. Our experts are well versed in all of these aspects.
- Proofreading of documents. The proofreading of technical, legal, and other documents, saturated with terms and professional vocabulary, allows you to identify inaccuracies and discrepancies in time. Experts are always ready to help you choose the right terms and find typos if you have been asked to write an essay on law, history, or other complex science.
- Editing and proofreading of visual content. Graphic elements of the presentation, the video need editing. Proofreading of visual materials provides for their analysis for compliance with the digital language. If you want to complement your essay with a presentation, then you need the help of experts. Our team will help create the best presentations in which the audience will not find grammatical errors.
Why is Essay Editing an Important Stage?
Essays entrusted to our experts undergo quality control at all stages. The services of a proofreader and an editor help to timely identify and eliminate spelling and punctuation errors and achieve a single style, accuracy in terminology, and consistency of text blocks with each other. Working on the composition of the text allows you to achieve harmony of presentation and ease of perception. Our experts provide recommendations in several areas:
- Style recommendations. A professional approach to editing involves analyzing the text from the point of view of a single style. Parsing vocabulary will help assess the correctness of the use of words and expressions.
- Recommendations for accuracy and uniformity materials from beginning to end should be brought to a single standard - the use of special symbols, signs, terms, commas.
- Recommendations for information content. The absence of "water" is an essential indicator of the quality of the text. Overloading with unnecessary linguistic constructions, repetitions that do not carry a special semantic load reduce the text's information content.
How Do Experts Do Editing?
The text editing process can be divided into several stages:
- Editing. The editor proofreads the text twice. Redactor creates notes with questions or revision options.
- Coordination of edits with the client. The author coordinates all changes with you.
- Control editing. The editor checks whether all comments have been taken into account, re-reads the text if necessary. If there are no new questions for the author, this version of the text is sent for proofreading.
- Expert proofreads the text.
- Final. The editor controls the changes made by the corrector. As a result, the final version of the text is created, sent to the customer.
Reasons to Choose an Essay Proofreading Service
There are several reasons to seek professional editors:
- You get high marks thanks to our professional, very positive, highly qualified linguists. Experts are formatting essays according to your requirements. Note that through editing, writers can remove plagiarism from the text.
- With our help, you will achieve your English-writing goals, as we offer the best balance between price, quality, and time.
- You will receive a delicious essay that will surprise the teacher. We cooperate with teachers of the UK and the USA's language departments, native speakers from the USA.
- You can always contact us with a question, and we will advise you free of charge.
- You will save time to do more important things. Within a few hours, the editor will fix the errors, and you can get A+ without much effort.
It is unacceptable to make mistakes in the essay. Grammatical errors or syntax errors in the text can lead to defense problems, or the English teacher will return the paper for revision. Our company employs native speakers, but we have created an acceptable pricing policy. Every student can afford the services of a professional. Note that the cost of services is calculated depending on the editor's effort.
The following aspects affect the cost of services:
- The total amount of text to be read.
- Terms for proofreading and editing the text.
- The presence and number of tables, footnotes, schemes in the text.
- The subject of the text.
- Complexity and specificity of the text.
- The level of errors in the text.
- The number of terms and titles that require revisions.
- The word count to fix.
This is not a complete list of the features of the text that affect the cost of services. That is why it is possible to assess the text's complexity and name the final proofreading cost only after submitting the essay to the company. In any case, our experts are ready to offer students proofreading services at affordable prices, with high quality, and in a short time.
Our Guarantees
Students appreciate our team because we provide several guarantees:
- Confidentiality. Forwarding your texts to third parties is excluded. Absolute privacy and copyright are respected. Only the editor will know about the shortcomings of your text.
- Quality of work. Double proofreading in compliance with language norms. Edits are made in the mode of recording corrections with comments.
- Deadlines. The timing of order depends on the amount of text, the type of editing, the experts' workload at the time of contact. In any case, you will receive a quality result on time.
FAQ About Essay Editing
The essay editing process is time-consuming, and if you want to fix the mistakes yourself, many questions can arise. The experts answered frequently asked questions about essay editing to help you make your proofreading process more comfortable.
What Is Essay Editing?
Essay editing is the review and subsequent correction of the information material. Simultaneously, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors are not always corrected during the revision. Editing the text aims to check the style, logical connections, and general structure of the narrative. The editor must check the relevance of the terminology used.
What Is Included In The Editing Of An Essay?
The work of the editor is creative. It does not have a clear algorithm that will apply to all essays. Therefore, corrections are made by the wishes of the student. The editor proofreads the text in three steps. The first stage is introductory, which allows you to evaluate the material's quality, content, style, and general idea. The second stage is an in-depth work on the text. The editor breaks down the material into separate fragments, examines all the details, and makes the most changes. The last stage is grinding, thoughtful proofreading of the text in search of missed mistakes.
What Are The Types Of Editing?
High-quality editing will allow you to eliminate inaccuracies, achieve clarity in the sentence's wording, and save the text from complex words. Based on this, we can distinguish four types of editing:
- Proofreading. The point of proofreading is to identify lexical errors and eliminate them.
- Edit-shortening. When editing-shortening, the editor's main task is to shorten the text without prejudice to its content.
- Editing-processing. In this case, the editor corrects unsuccessful phrases and words, clarifies wording and phrases, and adds arguments.
- Edit-rework. Working on eliminating errors, the editor should make edits and constantly monitor the material's presentation's consistency.
A well-written text with the correct structure and style will attract the attention of readers. Therefore, editing and proofreading are essential aspects of the essay writing process. You can do without the help of a professional editor, but where is the guarantee that your material will be liked by the target audience and will convince them of the correctness of your point of view? Use the services of professional editors and become the best student! And even if you need essay writing service for MBA, write us!
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