All About Writing a High School Essay


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Defining a High School Essay

As you move out of secondary classes, you enter a new phase of life. There will be a list of colleges that you would love to get into. There is a specific criterion you need to learn and fulfill before getting into your desired college. Your college acceptance is based on the approval of your high school essay. There is a list of instructions that you have to fulfill and come up with an outstanding write-up. Your high school essay reflects yourself, so you need to make sure your essay contains all your vital information. After you learn that you got accepted as your education progresses, you will be required to write more compositions. There may be various essays that you will write depending on the subjects and other requirements; all essay formats revolve around a basic structure in your curriculum. With little consistency in grammar and help from this article, you will soon become a skillful high school essay writer.

Various Forms of Essays

You should know your audience and the type of essay they require. Although they all follow the same theme, you write a variety of articles for different situations. For example, if your educational instructor gives you a topic that requires research and investigating an idea, you will be writing an expository essay. Such a high school essay demands evidence and sets forth an argument that concisely talks about that idea. If your composition hovers around logic and reasoning to prove your point's superiority over others, you will have to plan your writing under the persuasive essay format. It is also called an argumentative essay as you carry clear arguments and support them with facts and common sense. Next, in line comes a narrative essay, and you can think of it as somewhat like storytelling. It is based on personal life experiences and demands creativity and thoughtfulness. Usually, your coursework also consists of a descriptive essay. It is the one in which you give a detailed description of the high school essay topic so that the reader can easily create a picture of the topic in his head. And if you want to buy literary analysis paper — we can help you too!

The Do’s And Don’t’s of Writing a High School Essay

There are a few things you need to consider while writing a high school essay. Jot down the key points first rather than starting directly on the submission paper. A reader can easily distinguish between planned and unplanned writing, as you may miss some essential details in the latter. The sentence formation is also vague, along with poor grammar, and the essay turns out ordinary and is unable to attract the reader. Your introduction is the first part that a reader comes across, so it must be your essay's most substantial element. Your document's beginning should be attractive and make the reader want to read more about the topic. You can start your introduction with a phrase or a funny experience. Please spend some time to come up with engaging introductory sentences as they set the tone for your entire writing.

Plan Your Essay

Once you aim to write an essay, there are a few basics that you need to adhere to. Now that you know the different varieties of compositions, you need to decide which format synchronizes with your topic. For example, if your educational instructor gives you a topic like "grades do not indicate intelligence,’ you have to understand the topic clearly initially. Once you ponder over the topic and do research, you will know that it falls under the category of persuasive writing. Then you research your high school essay topic and note down significant facts and figures to validate your craft. Keeping the word count in mind, you need to have a reasonable amount of information to make your high school essay look promising. Since your essay demands arguments and proving your point, you will now create a thesis that solidifies your statement.

Determine the Type Of Essay

Now that you have the topic for your high school essay, the first hurdle is to determine what category the topic falls in, such as a capstone definition essay, repository essay, or any other. There are four elementary forms of essay writing in high school, including expository, argumentative or persuasive, descriptive, and narrative. All types of essays demand a particular form of creativity. Although the basics of essay writing in high school are the same, there are minor changes in the tone and way of information delivery in each type of essay. For example, if your high school essay demands narration of your personal life experience or creativity, you will put it under the narrative essay category. You will then follow the narrative writing format and start planning your draft. While planning an essay, focus on the introductory paragraph.

Outline Your Essay

After writing the topic, you can write some key topics that you aim to cover. You can jot down the essential points on a rough piece of paper or a note on your laptop. Using this strategy in high school, you are less likely to miss out on important points. An outline is like a road map that guides you through your writing. When you spend time making a proper outline, you are less likely to get stuck at any point while writing. Even if you do get stuck at any point, your essay outline will guide you through to the end. You will be able to finish your composition earlier, giving you ample time to revise and correct silly mistakes.

Form a Thesis Statement

After having a proper outline to guide you through now, you will need to develop a thesis. A thesis carries the central idea of your topic. A thesis statement is a sentence that has the gist of your high school essay topic. It usually comes at the end of the introduction. It is a concise paragraph in which you describe the theme of your topic. Ensure that a thesis is not very long as all the details should be included in the main body.

If you are making a final year project, your thesis may be lengthy, depending on the main project. Just make sure that you maintain a ratio between a thesis and your actual high school essay. In any case, the thesis statement is different as it comprises a sentence summing up the topic.

How To Start an Essay

By the time the reader is done reading the introduction, he has already made his mind about whether he is going to like the high school article or not. When you start writing, give proper time and thought to your introduction to make it look bewitching.

You can start with an interesting quote or a funny fact to keep the atmosphere light and welcoming. This rule does not only work for high school essays as even a book report template stresses a captivating intro.

After you are done with the introduction, provide the readers with a little insight into the topic by putting forth a thesis statement. As the reader is already hooked to the context, he will want to know more about the remaining article.

A thesis statement makes this possible, and you can give them some tea about the topic. Introducing an additional sentence that acts as a mini-outline and covers all the major topics of your document is also a smart move.

Set Your Topic In Motion

Focus on making the topic engaging but do not give away too much. It can be challenging since maintaining this balance is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you learn how to write an essay, you will do enough practice to become an expert. Describe your topic in not more than four or five sentences. Since this is the part where the reader is most likely to get inspired, you need to make it worthy of the reader’s attention. Choose vocabulary wisely and avoid overstating a fact. If you exaggerate a statement while introducing the topic, there is a chance of your reader getting underwhelmed and unamazed after reading the details in the body. The introductory paragraph is like a road that should smoothly lead the reader to your passage's body.

Body Paragraphs Requirements

Every paragraph has a topic sentence. A topic sentence gives an idea of what the whole paragraph is going to be about. Usually, every paragraph has one topic sentence, and it discusses one point. So the remaining of your paragraph hovers around that sentence. It's like a mini-thesis, and so in that paragraph, you give details that resonate with the topic sentence. To give your high school essay a firm footing, validate the text with references, and cite them inappropriate places. You can also include quotes as this puts a good impression on the reader as they get the idea that you did proper research before coming up with the writing.

Essay Conclusion

When you are done with your composition body in high school, you will need to conclude your article. It may seem easy, but managing a proper conclusion can be challenging. By the time you reach the ending, you are already exhausted and want to be done with your essay without wasting time on the details. Your high school essay quality may compromise and will not be able to impress the reader. The conclusion is like a summary where you restate the thesis and give a brief overview of your arguments. Avoid copying the thesis word to word and rephrase it instead so that your work looks professional to the teacher.

Essential Elements of Essay Writing

When writing an article, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Compromising any of the following instructions may result in a blow to your work quality and eventually your academic score:

  • Give yourself time. If you can, two weeks is ideal for preparing an outstanding essay, but even if you are just a few days away from the deadline, it is better to start now rather than waste time in procrastination.
  • Avoid plagiarism. Your essay should be a product of your mind. An original essay is a blend of resources and creativity. An above-average original essay is ten times better than a fancy and plagiarized one.
  • Be descriptive. The more you let your imagination take over while writing, the better your article will turn out to the teacher. A good college essay writing service takes this rule pretty seriously.

Every Essay Has a Proper Structure

The three essential parts present in every article include an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. These, together with useful resources, form a proper structure of your writing. Following the perfect structure brings coherence to your craft and makes it presentable. It also becomes simple, and the student can have a better understanding of your writing. A structural essay is reader-friendly and keeps the teacher engaged in the article.

Every Essay Needs a Plan

Study the essay resources and take some time to think over the topic. If you don’t plan your article, it can turn out bland and may not impress the student/reader. Brainstorm on the subject and choose the type of essay you are writing. For example, a narrative essay requires a different approach when compared to a descriptive essay. Research on the topic and come up with an arguable thesis. Support your points with facts and shreds of evidence and form an outline of your high school essay's paragraphs.

Revise And Edit Your Essay

When your essay is completed, do not directly submit it and instead spend some time re-reading it. By revision, you can introduce specific changes in your draft and cancel out any errors that might make the work shabby. Make sure a student finishes your article a few days or at least hours before the deadline so that you have time to correct your mistakes or bring changes to pop out your writing.

Practice Makes You Perfect

Do not worry if you cannot pull off a ten on ten articles at the start. Practice makes perfect, and so you cannot expect your first writings to be extraordinary in high school. You will need to practice repeatedly until you eventually start producing scholarly high school essays.

Add Credible Sources

Your writing must contain credible sources so that any stated fact cannot be questioned. When a writer uses vague sources, the article fails to deliver its content to the reader, and the reader does not consider your work an outstanding piece. Ensure the references and citations in your essay are legit to bring more life and meaning to your composition.

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