15 min
A management essay is not unlike any other academic article. As with any academic assignment, the essay's primary purpose is to assess students' knowledge in the subject "Management." The main difference lies in understanding whether a student has some practical skills versus the vast majority of academic assignments that first assess theoretical knowledge.
- What Does a Management Essay Mean?
- Interesting Management Essay Topics
- Example: Duties of Corporate Managers
- Example: Human Resource Management
- Example: Knowledge Management
- Example: Leadership And Management
- Example: MBA in Global Management
- Example: Network Management
- Example: Organizational Behaviour
- Example: Performance Management
- Example: Real Estate Risk Management
- Example: Risk Management
- Example: Strategic Management
- What Management Means: Simple And Understandable
- Five Components of Management
- Four Processes of Management
To create this essay, follow the structure:
- The essay introduction, which explains the relevance of the topic. Why is this topic exciting and requires special consideration?
- A thesis is a statement within the framework of the topic, which would be formulated by you. The thesis, not the topic, is your essay's central idea, which you have to justify.
- Arguments. There must be at least three of them. Each argument should support your thesis from different sides. Each argument should be self-contained and complete.
- Conclusion. Here you should evaluate the potential of the topic. Perhaps there are other points of view? Do I need to raise it in the future? In conclusion, there is a return to the introduction and a search for ways for a possible discussion.
What Does a Management Essay Mean?
A management essay is a small piece of work written by a given structure and in strict accordance with a management program . The essay reflects the author's subjective point of view, based on the analysis of theoretical and analytical materials.
Some students still think that governance is research in which only executives or true management professionals can benefit, but governance is a skill that everyone uses every day. Organization and planning are essential for any corporation. However, they can come in handy in our day to day interactions with people and even when planning and evaluating the various tasks we face.
In a real business environment, any employee with governance skills becomes a precious asset. Even so, many students mistakenly believe that reading a book or two on the subject will teach them everything they need to know about governance. In practice, this is a skill that can only be learned outside the university. The good news is that having a strong theoretical background helps a lot in a real professional environment. And writing management essays is one of the surest ways to gain much-needed knowledge.
Interesting Management Essay Topics
Management is needed to define and set goals, achieve them with people and resources, coordination, and control. Without a competent governance system or self-organization, effective economic activity in any area is impossible: business classes, public administration, non-commercial projects. If you are at the Faculty of Management, then you need to consider topics from experts:
- The conceptual evolution of management.
- Labor motivation in modern conditions.
- A psychological portrait of personality. Assessment of the manager's business qualities.
- Influence of information technology on the success of the firm.
- Power and leadership: essence and meaning.
- The nature of work and requirements for the professional competence of managers.
- Business plan of the company: essence, structure, characteristics of the main sections.
- Limitations of the manager's effectiveness and their overcoming.
- The central dilemma of the American manager: revitalization of people and the importance of ideas.
- The state of the US economy: does the manager have maneuver?
Now that you have an idea of what to write about, consider a business paper template.
Example: Duties of Corporate Managers
Legal entities are corporate clients with whom representatives of any business want to cooperate. A corporate account manager usually contacts them. Many commercial organizations build their business precisely on such cooperation.
The main task of a modern company is to attract and retain a corporate client. Certain programs and techniques are implemented, employees are introduced to the staff, whose duties include attracting profitable partners and interacting with them. This position is called a corporate account manager.
Based on the results of psychological observations and surveys, I determined the following typology of managers:
- Melancholic. This type of manager is slow. His communication style is impassive and apathetic, which gradually arouses the client's dissatisfaction and pushes them to an early conclusion of the negotiations.
- Erudite. Managers of this type inspire buyers' confidence since they can answer all their questions, draw many analogies, and quickly navigate the situation.
- Executor. The creative approach is not his element. A manager of this type will act strictly "by the instructions."
I can conclude that no company can exist without corporate managers. Such people must have the ability to communicate and attract customers.
Example: Human Resource Management
The leaders of most organizations focus on production management, finance, marketing. At that time, human resources continue to be the weakest link in the overall governance system. I want to prove that the importance of human resource governance should come first.
First, human resource management directly affects a company's capitalization. The share of intangible assets in the total assets of the organization is growing.
Secondly, as the organization's most important internal competence, human resource governance ensures leadership in the competitive struggle. Since it is one of the most important competitive advantages of the organization, it becomes a guarantee of its success and survival in the face of increased competition.
Thirdly, according to several experts, human resource governance allows companies to move from the number of goods successfully working to the number of leaders in a certain market segment.
As you can see, we cannot do without human resource management. I believe that every company should take care of this.
Example: Knowledge Management
Knowledge management is a concept that emerged about two decades ago, sometime in the 1990s. Perhaps one can immediately define the term "knowledge management" - it is the organization and systematization of information and knowledge in a company.
What does a knowledge management system consist of? The obvious answer is from information and data available to all organization members through special portals and content governance systems. A content governance system is the most evident and operational component of a knowledge governance system.
Does knowledge governance have a future? Of course. Let's take the bibliometric analysis results: we count the number of articles in business literature that describe certain business concepts. Most of these concepts are gaining popularity quickly, reaching their peak in about five years, and then their performance almost as rapidly falling. Knowledge management is not just a modern trend. This concept has a future.
Example: Leadership And Management
There are too many managers globally, and also few leaders are ready to prove themselves. A leader is needed wherever you need to initiate and manage change. Where it is necessary to maintain an established order of things, you can limit yourself to management.
An effective leader does the right thing and focuses on the top priorities. It creates an inspiring vision for the future and sets a strategic direction. The leader empowers employees, motivates them, and energizes them.
An effective manager performs the tasks assigned to him, organizes the work, and does things right, offers a market research proposal for a new product. As a manager, you plan, give directions, manage work, measure performance, and control people and processes.
In terms of the spectrum of actions, management is broader than leadership. The leader deals mainly with the behavioral aspects. The manager deals with both behavioral and non-behavioral. I believe that a person working in a large company should be a leader and a manager at the same time. After all, if a person has such skills, then the company's growth will increase significantly.
Example: MBA in Global Management
Global management is a relatively new phenomenon resulting from globalization's rapidly developing process in the objective strengthening of international economic, political, scientific, technical, and spiritual and cultural ties. Global governance emerged due to the transformation of international relations and the functional necessity of managing the spontaneous globalization processes.
Global management is a system of institutions, principles, standards, political, legal, and moral norms. With the help of which relations and processes of the global, transnational level are regulated. The first who gave global governance an academic sound was J. Rosenau, an American specialist in international relations, a political science professor at George Washington University. He immediately separated the concept of global governance from the UN system. He presented global governance as something more than formal institutions and organizations through which international affairs governance is carried out through the UN system and its bodies.
Thanks to this system, international organizations increase their global governance participation with limited political authority. The development of such a system should be at a high level, and each country should contribute.
Example: Network Management
Even a five-minute network downtime can lead to significant losses. Therefore, to prevent unforeseen situations, it is necessary to apply an integrated and structured approach to network management, including, among other things, the implementation of proactive actions.
Managing a computer network is an integral and, in many cases, the primary responsibility of a network engineer or administrator. At first glance, what is challenging about this work? From an ordinary employee's perspective, it looks like this: after receiving a message from network users about certain malfunctions, the network engineer eliminates them. Such work can be characterized as reactive support.
Unfortunately, a reactive approach is often insufficient for servicing an extensive network. At some point, the number of error messages starts to increase like an avalanche, which can cause the failure of critical network services.
Since the computer network is a business-critical tool for any modern enterprise, even a five-minute network downtime can lead to significant losses. Therefore, the network engineer must exclude the possibility of such situations occurring.
Example: Organizational Behaviour
Organizational behavior manifests itself in a social, technological, and ecological environment, its activities, relationships with other organizations, and individuals. The science of organizational behavior provides a set of tools used at various levels of analysis. For example, it allows managers to analyze individuals 'behavior in an organization and understand interpersonal relations problems in two individuals' interactions.
Also, knowledge of organizational behavior is instrumental in examining the dynamics of relationships within small groups. In situations where it is necessary to coordinate two or more groups' efforts, managers are interested in emerging intergroup relationships.
Finally, organizations can be viewed and managed as holistic systems, which are formed by intra-organizational relationships.
Organizational behavior as science grew out of behaviorism - a direction in psychology that studies the experimental behavioral responses of a person's mental organization to external stimuli. I believe that every manager should study this direction for his development.
Example: Performance Management
Company performance management is a list of processes that help develop and implement a business strategy, analyze processes, track results, make informed decisions, and draw the right conclusions. These processes' main task is to control employees' work so that individual contribution helps in achieving the company's overall goals.
Individual efforts must be consistent with the organization's overall objectives: you need to link individual activity with a common business goal, establish performance metrics, and help employees understand how well they perform. For this, tools and incentives are used, such as rewards, bonus and rating systems, personal growth plans, and key indicators discussion.
Analytical tools such as time tracking, productivity analysis, and key metrics are also used to achieve this goal. I believe that the company's efficiency should be in every company because teamwork will not work without this.
Example: Real Estate Risk Management
Among the elements of the market economy, real estate occupies a special place, which acts as a means of production and an item or object of consumption. Real estate acts as the basis of personal existence for citizens. It serves as the basis for economic activity and the development of enterprises and organizations of all ownership forms.
Any enterprise bears the risks associated with its production, commercial, and other activities. Any entrepreneur is responsible for the consequences of governance decisions. The risk factor forces the entrepreneur to save financial and material resources, to pay special attention to the calculations of the effectiveness of new projects and commercial transactions.
Risk can be managed. Various measures can predict a risk event's occurrence to a certain extent and take steps to reduce the degree of risk. The classification of risk largely determines the effectiveness of the organization of risk governance.
Ultimately, all types of risks in one way or another have a financial dimension, either increasing the costs of a project or transaction, or reducing income, or leading to exceeding the planned investment timeframe, or, in the extreme case, to the loss of not only income but also the capital.
Example: Risk Management
When starting a new business or project, it is necessary to prepare for force majeure situations. Competent risk management methods will help minimize losses and not miss out on profits even in a critical situation. Therefore, competent risk governance in the financial sector is worth its weight in gold.
To manage risks, they are first identified and measured. For each organization, the set of inherent threats differs depending on the type of activity, the environment. It is necessary to identify them, analyze them, and select suitable methods of dealing with them.
A competently built risk management system will allow you to extract benefits for the enterprise from any threat and adequately cope with crises. The risk manager must select suitable hazard governance techniques and make quick, non-standard, but strategically sound decisions.
Example: Strategic Management
Strategic management is a company's series of actions to achieve long-term goals that allow a business to survive in competition and thrive in any external environment. The more unstable the conditions in this environment, the more the company needs a clear strategy.
The strategic management system includes developing the company's mission and goals and actions to achieve them. To develop an effective corporate strategy - the company's governance needs to answer three key questions: What is its current situation, and what opportunities and resources does it have? Where are you planning to move to in the future? How can we achieve these goals?
As you can see, strategic management is a powerful governance system and a priority task for the company's governance team. Learning its foundations allows the manager to develop the so-called "helicopter view" thinking. A manager who possesses strategic governance tools can actively shape its future, so he will always value it.
What Management Means: Simple And Understandable
Management is the process of managing an organization or part of it, and the people involved in this process - managers. Management is a social science that includes psychological and economic aspects, so a talented manager knows how to outwit a competitor in harsh market conditions.
The object of management's work is people, the team in a company, an authority, or a non-profit organization.
Management is an activity carried out by heads of companies, enterprises, or people among whom leadership positions are distributed.
The task of governance is to organize the well-coordinated work of the team within the company or enterprise. The internal and external elements function as efficiently as possible, minimizing time and financial costs for certain actions and processes.
Models of Management
The management model is a set of principles and governance strategies developed, taking into account national, historical, geographical, socio-cultural, and other factors. There are three main or traditional management models:
- The American model of management. Americans' national traits greatly influenced its development and formation as a disposition for success and freedom of expression, confidence in their exclusivity, exclusivity struggle for leadership, and the obsessive assertion of their superiority.
- The Japanese model of management. Typical national traits of the Japanese: restraint, modesty, refusal to stick out their own "I," diligence, diplomacy, frugality, accuracy. The formation of the Japanese governance model was influenced by their specific culture and features of economic development.
- The European model of management. Their methods and models of governance appeared and developed in Western Europe in the post-war period. The development of European management is a merit of several countries at once: Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Norway. This governance model is based on the principles of social harmony.
Five Components of Management
There are five main components of management:
- marketing is a social process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of individuals and groups by creating and offering valuable goods and services and exchanging them with other people;
- business planning - a document for the development of an enterprise, defining its further path of work;
- accounting - modern management accounting provides managers with the information necessary for making governance decisions;
- finance - a well-defined financial function is necessary for successful work in conditions of tough business competition and will allow the enterprise to achieve tangible material results;
- organization - issues of managing various flows (human, material, energy, financial).
Four Processes of Management
Management processes are divided into four types:
- planning and approach to solving situations;
- organization of team activities;
- leading and managing people for a common goal;
- controlling and evaluating team performance.
This is where our journey into the world of management ends. We have provided you with many examples and tips. Use the information in your essay, and you will get an A +.