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The level of academic achievement of home schoolers exceeds the average level of student achievement in classical schools of the same age (approximately 15-30%). This is evidenced by the results of independent research conducted in the United States in different years. These and other interesting facts about homeschooling are attracting the attention of a growing number of American families. This type of private school is becoming a broad field for research and essays. Check out an example of such an essay for college students and a guide to writing it.
The Effects of Homeschooling Essay Example
Traditionally, about 3% of American students study at home, but this year the figure could rise to 10%. This is due to a new reality - a global pandemic. Homeschooling was allowed in 1980 and is fully regulated by the local government of each state. Therefore, the requirements for children and parents, the system of support and testing may differ. Let's focus on the benefits of homeschooling and its disadvantages.
In some US states, to transfer a child to homeschooling, it is enough to write a statement to the principal and indicate that you have a plan. At the same time, you do not report to anyone exactly how you plan to teach. The main requirements in Texas - that you have visual aids: textbooks, that your program includes reading, writing, grammar and, of course, math. A similar procedure exists in Illinois. There is no obligation to report on the child's progress. Parents can buy a special test to check the result of their pedagogical work.
However, the USA has states with stricter requirements for homeschooling. For example, in Pennsylvania, parents are required by law to keep all records related to child's education, including information about how much time is spent on education, samples of work performed, test scores, annual assessment of the child's knowledge, and the like. To make sure that the child receives an adequate education at home, his or her knowledge is annually checked by a special commission of teachers and psychologists. Also in 3rd, 5th and 8th grades, homeschooled students have to take standardized tests with the rest of the students.
However, it is worth talking about the negative effects of homeschooling. One important argument is that not all children are able to learn on their own. After all, such training requires great maturity and responsibility of homeschooled children. And for homeschooling parents, studying at home is hard daily work. In addition, parents are not always able to properly assess their child's knowledge. Many children return to school after homeschooling and show significant knowledge gaps.
Patience with one's own child is also a great challenge for parents. Harvard University published an article investigating the problem of possible domestic violence against children, which could increase in the country due to the transition of many families to homeschooling. In addition, parents often do not realize how different modern education is from the one they studied.p
Homeschooling is definitely a good opportunity for many families. However, traditional schools have more advantages. Children often tend to repeat their parents' position instead of forming their own opinion. At school, students have the opportunity to hear different opinions on the problem and then develop their ideas about a particular issue.
What Are the Possible Homeschooling Topics and How To Reveal Them
- Theory and practice of homeschooling. Refer to the history of family education - it is closely related to the name of John Holt, the most famous specialist in this field, the author of many works on the theory and practice of homeschooling.
- Laws governing family education in the United States. Homeschooling is officially allowed throughout the country. As a rule, in order to apply a child for family education, you must contact the school education department of the district in which the child lives - the County school district, and fill out a special form - Assurance of Consent. By signing this document, the parent agrees to follow the state's schooling program. Usually, once or twice a year, parents are required to report their child's progress to the district school department. Moreover, parents have the opportunity not to wait until the end of the six months and transfer their child to homeschooling at any time. In general, laws on family education vary from state to state, and quite significantly.
- Types of homeschooling. Among the pedagogical directions, the most common are distinguished: classical education; school exemption; radical unschooling. Explore these types of children's education.
- Home education as an equivalent substitute for public school. Analyze the position of philosophers, educators, and practitioners who have studied the problem of homeschooling. Among them: the ideas of J. Holt, R. Moore, D. Moore, and D. Sayers. What they have in common is the conviction that every family wishing to independently provide their children with an education that is not inferior to the quality of a school one can quite cope with this task.
- How and why homeschooling arose. Many factors contributed to the emergence of homeschooling. These were mainly shortcomings in traditional schools. For example, one of the negative factors inherent in modern American education is the high level of peer pressure and violence in schools (many parents were frightened by incidents with the use of firearms in the high school).
- Differences in homeschooling in different states. Investigate the differences in aspects of homeschooling across states. For instance, in Oregon, family schools are quite tightly controlled: children who are schooled at home must take the standard exams for grades 3, 5, 8, and 10 on an equal basis with children from public schools. Arkansas' law also requires children to pass common achievement tests in grades 5, 7, and 10, and it is specifically stipulated that the "home" student must not be more than 2 years older than it is established for this class. In Texas, there is practically no control over family education.
General Recommendations For Writing An Essay About Homeschooling
Decide on a position. In the essay you need to take a clear position. For example, your goal may be to convince the reader of the positive effects of homeschooling, or, conversely, to focus on its negative aspects. Or you can compare the pros and cons of studying at home. Either way, you need to prove your point with arguments.
Choose arguments. Arguments are your main tool of persuasion. So approach their choice responsibly and carefully.
The arguments for the benefits of homeschooling might look like this:
- An increasing number of publications highlight the results of research that students who study in a family environment have a much lower level of problems and deviations in behavior, more stable self-esteem, they easily master higher education and are successful in adult life (among them are very rare unemployed, people who need social security).
- According to research conducted in the United States and Canada, homeschool graduates are twice as happy and satisfied with their lives as regular school graduates. Pupils in homeschooling are also more involved in extracurricular activities, voting in elections, attending church more often, and more than half of them intend to teach their own children at home.
For arguments, provide statistics, research results and surveys:
- Today, the number of supporters of home education is constantly growing. According to a survey by the Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll Study, 24% of parents in the United States believe that it is necessary to fund alternative education systems, including homeschooling.
- The level of education of homeschool parents and the total family income do not affect the academic achievements of home students. This was revealed in a study by Dr. Brian Ray, president of the non-profit National Home Education Research Institute.
Decide on tactics. Yes, tactics play an important role in the results of your essay. You can choose a calm narrative tone about the history of homeschooling, or you can be radical about the shortcomings of such an education system.
You can choose such an interesting tactic in your essay: debunking the myths about the negative impact of homeschooling. Example:
Opponents of homeschooling often use the argument of poor socialization of homeschooled students. However, there are studies that show that such children are happier and more cheerful. Richard G. Medlin (Stetson University) found that home students are more satisfied with their lives. Home students acquire social skills through their involvement in cooperation with the community and public sports. This is evidenced by research by the National Home Education Research Institute.
Follow the general rules. Do not forget about the general structure of your essay: in the introduction express your own vision of the issue of home education in the form of a thesis (while interest the reader in something extraordinary); give an argumentative base in the body; in conclusion, reassure the reader with a brief statement of the weight of your arguments. Check the text for literacy and no plagiarism.
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