Classification Essay With Ease: The Secret Weapon to Write an A-Level Paper

By: Henrique Bertulino

8 min



Classification Essay With Ease: The Secret Weapon to Write an A-Level Paper

It is not surprising that when your professor asks you to write a classification essay, you feel just frustrated. There are so many essay types that you should deal with! Don't worry: you're not alone in this. We want to show how you can write a classification paper and impress your peers with fewer hurdles.

What Is a Classification Essay: Start With the Definition

This type of paper can also be called a division essay. From the name, you can get that your task is to classify something, to divide. This word is usually associated with some math problems, but it goes about objects, ideas, and concepts. For example, you can write about college majors that creative students should consider. Or you can compare different nationalities by classifying the features of their own. There is a list of some ideas that you can use for your essay writing.

Classification Essay Topics For Your Inspiration

  • Top-10 jobs that creative students should consider.
  • Politics and politicians in different countries.
  • Types of art, and their features.
  • Does your favorite music genre define you?
  • Singles and team sports.
  • Why do some people believe in horoscopes, while others do not?
  • What animal suits you?
  • Are all video games dangerous?
  • The best tips for the first date.
  • Social media promotion tips to help students own their personal brand.
  • Euthanasia critics and supporters.
  • Why are there many religions?
  • How do different people react in stressful situations?

Rely on the Brainstorming to Wake up Your Creativity

To come up with a hooking essay topic, try the brainstorming technique. This method is based on the brain's emergency effects when it has no other choice but to provide you with interesting ideas. There are many strategies that can boost your creativity, and we want to provide you with the best brainstorming techniques:

  • Brainwriting. Get rid of all distractors, set a timer, and write down all ideas that come to your mind. Don't evaluate them right now; just make your list as long as possible so that you have dozens of ideas to choose from.
  • Teamworking. Suggest your fellow students work on the essay together. Collective thinking can be very useful since you'll come up with more interesting thoughts to use.
  • Starbursting. If you already have an idea and want to check it, put it at the center of a star diagram. Your next step is to label each star's point with a W-question: Who? When? Where? When? Why? If you lack information, process with the next one.
  • Associations. This method is also good if you have an idea and want to develop it. Write it down, and then try to come up with as many associations as possible at a limited time. Your first ideas may be poor, but the deeper you delve, the more interesting diamonds you find.

5 Types of Classification Essay

Now, when you have the topic, you should understand how you will actually classify your objects. There are 5 primary types that you can use to convey your thoughts:

  1. Degree classification. You have to break the topic down from lower to higher. It means you judge the value, e.g., significant or useless, cheap or expensive, good, best, or bad, etc.
  2. Parts classification. Break down the essay topic into smart components. You can provide information about parts of a smartphone or features of Tesla.
  3. Types classification. In this case, you have to define the primary kinds of the subject. For example, if you want to write about cars, you should include information about sedans, coupes, sports cars, hatchbacks, and so on.
  4. Characteristics classification. Focus on features of the subject you want to write about. Speaking about Tesla, you can write about autopilot, over-the-air updates, advanced parking sensors.
  5. Chronology. Define several periods of time (past, present, future, the 1980s, 2010s et, ancient age, etc.) and write about your topic within this framework.

Do Your Research and Organize the Information

To write a good classification essay, you need to find enough data. It can be some interesting info on your topic (statistics, historical fact, analyzes, predictions, etc.), quotes from knowledgeable people, research and studies, arguments, etc.

There are several sources where you can find data for your academic paper:

  • Textbooks. Check instructions from your professor since one may provide you with a specific list.
  • Articles. If you can't find the necessary issues of magazines online, visit the nearest library. You can also check its website because there can be paid access.
  • Try some popular student databases or ask your professor directly whether one can recommend you the best option.
  • Focus groups. Depending on your task, Internet research may not be enough. For example, when you're studying psychiatry, and you want to write about symptoms of a specific disease. So, you can gather people for detailed observation and conversation.

It would be a good decision if you organize the information as soon as you find it. For example, you can divide it into different categories you're writing about. Or you can create the mind map with your topic in the middle and ideas organized in the tree-diagrams, charts, tables, etc.

Make the Writing Process Work For You

Usually, when you have enough information and organize it well, writing a good classification essay is not that complicated. You just need to introduce this material in an interesting manner so that readers are not bored with the very first sentence. However, most college students feel difficulties at this stage and procrastinate until the last minute. It is because they don't pay enough time and attention to the prewriting stage. Particularly, you need to adhere to a clear structure.

Hooking Introduction that Attracts Attention

Regardless of the type of assignment, most college papers should be focused on their readers. So, writing a text, you have to think about your target audience, for example, a professor. What does he or she expect to read?

In the introductory paragraph, you don't have to introduce any really valuable information. Your task is to warm up the readers, to get them prepared. Start the paragraph with a topic sentence to explain what you're writing about. Then you can add more details. For example, write about Tesla's features and some impressive statistics. You can also use a rhetoric question or a joke as a hook.

Informative and Logical Body Paragraphs

Actually, this type of paper makes it easy to organize your main body. You define the useful categories at the very beginning with your topic. So, when you're writing about Tesla's features, you can devote the first body paragraph to its autopilot, the second one to the parking system, the third one to two-factor authentication, and so on.

Each paragraph should consist of a thesis statement, some evidence, and a number of examples. All of them also need a small conclusion summarizing the main points of the paragraph.

The Conclusion that Leaves No Questions

Finally, you need to come up with a paragraph that summarizes the entire paper and provides readers with some conclusions. There are some ideas that will help you:

  • Answer the "So what?" question. How can your paper contribute?
  • Provide your audience with some food for thought, e.g., the rhetoric question how our world will look like when roads are full of Teslas only?
  • Suggest some new ideas, e.g., features that could make this car even better.

Your conclusion should show that you can analyze the information, understand cause and effects, make some predictions based on the available data.

Don't Forget to Proofread the Document

Don't expect your first draft to be perfect. Moreover, it definitely wouldn't be. The classification essay is not a piece of cake, and you need to take a pause and get back to your text with a fresh view. It will help you to:

  • Ensure you have organized the information in a clear manner.
  • Notice and edit some details, e.g., if you've forgotten about the transition sentences between the content blocks, you can make your readers feel confused.
  • Get rid of typos, mistakes, and other flaws.
  • Format the document in accordance with your professor's requirements.

Remember that practice makes better. Following our tips and analyzing what challenges do you face and why you'll definitely master the subtle art of classification writing!

Check out our other web pages for more essay help and essay editing. Alternatively, you may wish to use our proofreading services for polishing and perfecting your essay to give you that extra grade boost!

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Henrique Bertulino

Head of Customer Success

I'm a medical doctor and brand manager. The process of getting into Med school and studying at it made me learn and apply many strategies to keep my productivity high while spending less time and effort. As a working student, I had to figure out how to study smarter, not harder. During this period, my interest in neurology and psychiatry, as well as my aspiration to help others, intensified. At Studybay, I use my knowledge, skills, and experience to develop helpful solutions for students and make their study paths more productive and fun.

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