Abortion Essay - Examples and Tips


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An urgent problem in pregnant ethics is abortion - an artificial termination of pregnancy. By modern medical standards, misbirth is usually carried out before twenty weeks of gestation. An important debate about pregnancy is acceptability and limits.

The introductory section introduces the reader to the abortion essay's new topic and leads to the disclosure of the work's main aspects. You can describe the name of the essay's new topic, revealing the essence of the name.

The substantive section is the most important, the central part of the paper, and it reveals the topic, explains the essence of the article. Show your attitude to the issue when women go for artificial surgery. It is important not to rely on the opinion of strangers, only your observations.

In the final part, the entire work sum up conclusions drawn from the essay's disclosed topic. The last piece should be small but significant, and reliable.

Essays about abortions is a tough topic to write about

When they hear the interrupt assignment, many students ask themselves how to write an essay? The topic of abortion in our society is still a taboo. Whenever there is news in a country where lawmakers want to ban legal abortion, the tension is immediately felt.

We must be free to express thoughts about abortion. According to statistics, every third woman has done this at least once. Abortion - this word causes disgust, fear, and severe emotional feelings. Scary pictures appear before your eyes. The case study format's main feature is the free presentation of thoughts and feelings, the answer to the issues posed in a rather small amount of text.

Clear positions. First: abortion is morally permissible at any stage of development of the embryo and fetus since the fetus until birth is a part of the body. The second position says that abortion is morally permissible only in the initial stages of fetal development. In the third position, abortion is a form of killing a person, since the babies from the moment of conception are people.

Argumentative essay: what's the thing about?

How to make an essay about abortion with arguments? Abortion: for or against - everyone's choice. The woman gives the right to decide the issue of motherhood independently. But no matter what they say, you need to save the child with a chance to be born. What arguments can bring in the direction of this assumption?

The reasoning in the paper should take at least 2/3 of the total volume. The optimal number of facts for a small piece is three. The best cases are widely known historical facts or not very well known, but they can easily be found in authoritative sources - encyclopedias, reference books, scientific works.

The statistics and the events discussed will be good evidence. In the practice of school essays, the most compelling fact is a literary work, but not everything, but that episode, storyline, story of the hero, which means your history.

Argumentative essay: examples and ideas

  • Causes of war for women for childbirth rights.
  • Is interruption an act or a misdemeanor?
  • Is interruption of pregnancy as harmless as removing a tonsil or pulling out a tooth?
  • Importance of art as a way to fight depression in women after abortion.
  • Abortion is murder or an attempt to reduce the percentage of orphans.

An example of how to start an abortion essay:

All of us were born to live. We are human beings, we are equal in rights, but each of us is special. Of course, this operation is extremely unpleasant for the woman herself. Someone calls it infanticide, who tries to remain silent and not express their opinion on this matter. While others are ready to burn alive those women who make such a decision, and the doctors crucified for such actions. I want to tell you from the bottom of various life circumstances.

Abortion as a Right: Arguments For Pro-Choice

All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Society is endowed with reason and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

At her will, without her parents/husband and other persons' permission, a woman from 15 years old can interrupt up to 12 weeks of gestation. This period has chosen since the formation of the embryo begins further, and the procedure itself becomes more traumatic and dangerous.

The most common reasons for terminating a pregnancy are young age, lack of finances, work/study, or unwillingness to have another child when a couple already has children. Women, as a rule, come to interrupt alone, without a partner.

I believe that a gynecologist should not dissuade a patient from interrupt. He needs to determine the reasons for the decision, support calm and calmly talk about the possible consequences.

Pro-choice: Each woman has the right to an abortion

Abortion should not be prohibited by society. This is the option of each person, which no one should take away from. And you can't deduce from the media either. This is racist: after all, someone will be able to afford a paid procedure, but someone will not have enough funds, and the person will go for an illegal interrupt.

The country has already gone through all this: if the interrupt is banned, the number of deaths and women crippled by criminal procedures will increase tenfold. There are situations when pregnancy contraindicates.

The severe illness of a female or development in the womb with developmental defects incompatible with life is a consequence of the operation. There are occasions when a female still decides to keep the gestation, although she warns that a fetus inside her will die in childbirth or the first seconds after birth.

Arguments against abortion

When writing an expository essay, one can inject facts against the operation. For example, the threat to life for both the female and her unborn baby. Or 25-30% of maternal and 20-25% deaths of children in the last 12 weeks of intrauterine life, during childbirth. And in the first seven days after birth, there are consequences of interrupts made by a woman in the past.

There is no safe abortion! Artificial termination of gestation leads to reproductive disorders with the subsequent development of hormone-dependent diseases. The inflammatory process, starting in the uterus, is like a fire spreading into the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Adhesions form in the tubes, blocking a mature egg's path, which moves from the ovaries towards the uterus. The result is an ectopic gestation or infertility. After the first interrupt, 16% of women suffer from inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.

Many religions argue against abortion

Modern Christianity does not have a single point of view on interruptions. The Catholic Church prohibits interrupt on all occasions. The Orthodox churches, despite their general disapproval of interrupt, somewhat soften their attitude towards interrupt in exceptional circumstances, such as a threat to a female's life.

Protestant churches take very different positions on an interrupt from condemning any interrupt. Except in occasions of threats to a female's life to the recognition of interrupt as permissible in various difficult circumstances, to the attention of the female's right to choose, based on her conscience.

However, as a rule, if the Protestant churches allow interruption, they limit it to early pregnancy, except on emergency occasions. Almost all churches reject interruption as a form of birth control, separating interruption from contraception.

Legal concerns

Fundamentals of legislation establish that a female's right to terminate a gestation corresponds to the support of healthcare institutions and their specialists to carry out an artificial termination of pregnancy. This service is classified as a medical one. It is carried out within the framework of compulsory health insurance programs by doctors of institutions that have received a license to perform interrupts.

Attention is drawn to the lack of a direct logical connection between the constitutional human right to health care and medical care on the one hand. And the female's right to independently decide the question of motherhood is also not quite logically associated with the right to terminate gestation for social reasons. Most likely, these norms of legislation on the protection of citizens' health dictate by specific ideological considerations.

Legal and ethical debates

Every person is guaranteed freedom of conscience, including the right to have and act by religious and other beliefs freely. These constitutional human rights entirely ignore the legislative regulation of the activities of gynecologists.

Opponents of the central interrupt fact are consequences, such as hormonal imbalance, the development of benign and malignant tumors, somatic diseases, and inflammatory processes. The most common complication is a post-abortion syndrome - a complex of mental and moral problems and difficulties that do not disappear over the years.

In the modern world, the concept of interrupt has a frivolous meaning for the majority. To minimize this phenomenon, it is necessary to conduct educational work with young people in the form of classes on the following topics: the interrupt's moral and ethical problems.

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