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Persuasive Essay Topics to Get You Started

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A persuasive essay is what the term implies: an opportunity to persuade your audience to what you think or feel. It begins with making an assertion and inviting attention to a particular angle of looking at something. Forget not that the point that you are making should be considerably debatable rather than a universal truth. For instance, the topic "earth revolves around the sun" might have qualified as an interesting persuasive topic only if you had been born during Galileo’s era (as now it has morphed into an established truth). "Impact of automation on employment" can, however, warrant an insightful debate and thereby remain a valid topic.

Things That Make a Perfect Persuasive Essay Topic

In technical terms, a student can write a persuasive essay based on any topic that satisfies the criteria unfolded as follows:

A Topic That Is Relatable

Choose a topic you can resonate with. It will help you write the essay with better examples to support your claims or arguments. When you choose such topics, you find the research work more fun. It also makes writing easier for you, as you are already quite informed on the topic.

Evidence to Support Your Ideas

Just resonating with the topic is not enough to make it a good topic for your essay. You will have to ensure that you have enough evidence to make your argument stronger. Yes, you can indeed use your opinion on this type of essay. But, to convince the reader, using strong evidence is crucial. Otherwise, you will wind up with a weak essay.

For instance, you may firmly believe that technology should be allowed in classrooms. But what would be your reasons to believe this (besides your preference)? How will you back up this belief? Do you have enough examples and facts to support your claim? When choosing an essay idea, find the balance between something you love writing about and something that proves your claim to convince the reader.

An Easy-to-Manage Topic

Choosing a complex topic may be tempting for some students, but they're likely to struggle with it. It is time-consuming to sift through different sides of a complex issue. Hence, it is better to narrow down your topic. It will help you manage the topic issue easily.

Persuasive Topics VS Argumentative Topics

The purpose is to convince the audience to look at something from your eyes, it is sometimes hard to dissect a nuance between persuasive and argumentative essays. Let’s make it simple. "Time to resort to green energy to give a securer future to our children" is a pure example of a persuasive essay topic. On the other hand, the "dangers of global warming" remains an argumentative topic. Have you noticed the difference? It lies in the tone, style, and how the idea is presented. In persuasive essays, the students take an emotional route using an informal and conversational style to persuade the readers. It might make the audience nod with tears in their eyes. Contrastingly, an argumentative essay requires an organized approach, formal choice of words, and evidence to back the thesis. It is the same as fighting a case in the court-room where emotions are weightless, and your success or failure gets down to the worth of your evidence. Remember two things:

  • The short argumentative essay topics are considered part and parcel of the persuasion Umbrella. It includes the main point, a core argument, or a thesis statement and building upon the argument with tangible examples and reasoning.
  • On the other hand, the persuasive topic explains and supports the author's point of view. It has to persuade the reader to believe the truth the essay tells. Good research work needs to be carried out. The core aim should be to convince the reader. It is all about how you put out your shreds of evidence to prove your point. Remember you have to take a stand; persuasion is not an easy task. Believe in your idea first before making the audience believe in what you think.

Topics Vary From Level to Level

There are billions of people on the planet, and all of them have different points of view. Different beliefs lead to other aspects and ideas. Therefore, there are enormous topics and points of view, prevalent in society. Persuasive essay writing is an essential part of the school and college curriculum. There are plenty of good topics for each educational level. From elementary to college-level - persuasive essays are assigned to all levels of students.

However, students must do extensive research, support their arguments with evidence, and use references for their high school and college essays.

Persuasive Essay Ideas For Children

From a very early age, the writing skills need to be polished. Persuasive essay writing helps to develop critical thinking in kids. Kids are believed to have their ideas about life and situations. They look at things from their point of view. At times, it is tough to influence kids, they have their valid points to convince parents and adults on what they think is right.

Therefore, the topics vary according to the understanding of kids. For instance, they might get an assignment to write a persuasive essay on "I should be allowed to stay up late at night".

Here is a list of some interesting essay topics for kids.

  1. The lunch and dinner menu should only be sweets.
  2. I can stay home all alone.
  3. I want to be a superhero.
  4. I do not want to share my toys with other kids.
  5. Let me play video games all day.
  6. My favorite place to visit.
  7. Reading is actually fun.
  8. Eating healthy foods is important.
  9. How to be a good friend.
  10. History of my favorite sport.
  11. Best adventure i’ve ever had.
  12. My future career goals and dreams.
  13. The wonders of space.
  14. How do birds fly?
  15. My favorite animal and why I like it.

Fun Essay Topics

Looking for essay ideas that kids can enjoy writing? Following are some topics that will encourage kids to write and discuss their opinions:

  1. I should be allowed to eat junk food daily.
  2. Kids should be allowed to write on walls.
  3. I should be allowed to eat chocolates as much as I want.
  4. I should be allowed to skip school for no reason.
  5. I should get more pocket money than my elder siblings.
  6. Why every kid should have a pet.
  7. Video games are good for you.
  8. Eating vegetables is fun.
  9. Reading is better than watching TV.
  10. Recess should be longer.
  11. Going outside is better than staying indoors.
  12. Snow days are the best.
  13. Homework should be banned.
  14. Pizza should be served every day for school lunch.
  15. Why summer vacation should last all year long.

Fun Elementary Grades Topics

Often, teachers put their pupils to the test to show their ability to convince them. Students are mature enough to launch themselves into controversial debates at elementary levels, at least ones that revolve around basic ideas. The degree to which an elementary school student can do justice to their essay predominantly depends on the topic's choice.

Let’s explore a few exciting topics suited for this level:

  1. Why going to school every day should not be compulsory.
  2. Schools should have fewer classes and more playtime
  3. Schools should not have a dress code regulation.
  4. Bringing pets to school should not be prohibited.
  5. Siblings are welcome if they mind their own business.
  6. Ice cream is the best dessert in the world.
  7. Pets make the best friends.
  8. School should be only four days a week.
  9. Kids should get an allowance for doing chores.
  10. Music is important in our lives.
  11. Recess should never be skipped.
  12. Fast food is the perfect meal.
  13. We should all learn to play a musical instrument.
  14. Clean water is important for everyone.
  15. Bedtime should be abolished.

Basic Elementary School Topics

Some other topics that you may include as under:

  1. Elementary students should be allowed cell phone usage in school.
  2. Why Students should be allowed to bring gaming consoles to school.
  3. Classrooms must have a TV facility.
  4. Kids should be allowed to vote in class elections.
  5. It's important to say please and thank you.
  6. Why vegetables are good for you.
  7. Recycling is important.
  8. It's important to wear a seatbelt.
  9. Why libraries are important.
  10. Playing outside is better than playing video games.
  11. We should be kind to others.
  12. Why you should brush your teeth.
  13. It's important to have manners at the table.
  14. Why exercise is vital for kids.
  15. Kids should get paid for doing chores.

Middle School Essay Topics

Middle school students are assessed with their research skills, as well. All in all, convincing power is the main criteria in which they are given scores. Better the persuasion, better the marks.

We have listed some persuasive essay writing topics to develop critical thinking in middle school students.

  1. Do you support harsh punishment for bullying?
  2. Is social media a blessing or a curse?
  3. Your take on gaming consoles affecting grades.
  4. More field trips, fewer theory classes for middle school.
  5. Video games are sometimes beneficial.
  6. There should be age restrictions for mobile phone usage.
  7. No writing assignments till high school or college level.
  8. Pets Vs. gadgets.
  9. I would prefer a tour of Disneyland over NASA labs.
  10. Benefits of a longer summer break for schools.
  11. Use of cell phones in school: advantages and disadvantages.
  12. Impact of dress codes and uniform policies in schools.
  13. Importance of extracurricular activities in schools.
  14. Advantages of starting school later in the morning.
  15. The need for healthier lunch options in schools.

Analytical Essay Topics For High School

High school students are given grades according to their understanding of specific topics they are asked to write an essay on. The course work involves plenty of reading and conducting an in-depth analysis of the assigned topic.

Let's have a look at some persuasive essay topics for high school students that require critical thinking:

  1. Youngsters should have the right to choose their careers.
  2. Your idea of an ideal parent-children relationship?
  3. Grade creates divide - doesn't reflect students' intellect.
  4. Academic pressures and drug abuse.
  5. The Internet and the curse of cyberbullying.
  6. Impact of bilingualism on cognitive development.
  7. Analyzing the effects of meditation on stress reduction.
  8. The role of community service in promoting civic engagement.
  9. Influence of peer pressure on adolescent behavior.
  10. Impact of parental involvement on academic achievement.
  11. Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance.
  12. Analyzing the causes and consequences of stress in teenagers.
  13. The role of art in promoting emotional well-being.
  14. The impact of mindfulness practices on mental health.
  15. Analyzing the effects of nature exposure on psychological well-being.

Current Issues Topics For High School

Here is a list of a few more topics that involve students’ opinions about current issues.

  1. The age limit for voting should be brought down.
  2. Time management vs. laid back approach.
  3. Effective Decision making is a trait that should be attained before college.
  4. It is essential to give sex education at the school level.
  5. Impact of social media on mental health in the age of COVID-19.
  6. Ethics of AI technology: Balancing progress with privacy and accountability.
  7. Pros and cons of Universal basic income in the age of automation.
  8. Rise of populism and its implications for global politics.
  9. Striking a balance between the Second Amendment and public safety.
  10. Cybersecurity threats and the need for greater international cooperation.
  11. The growing gig economy and its impact on society.
  12. The impact of COVID-19 on education: Remote learning, learning loss, and the digital divide.
  13. Health disparities and access to care.
  14. The need for systematic change and anti-racism education.
  15. How important is college education in today's world.

Topics For College Students

When it comes to college students, they are judged on their critical thinking, strong arguments, and backing up those arguments with concrete evidence. At the college level, your ideas must flow logically. There should be coherence in your essay. Below are some good persuasive topics ideas for college students:

  1. College education should be free and compulsory.
  2. Abusing is freedom of speech.
  3. Is the death penalty inhumane?
  4. Closed-circuit TV cameras are invading privacy.
  5. University courses are outdated - the world has changed.
  6. Networking is becoming a skill in today's world.
  7. Space exploration is a waste of taxpayers’ money.
  8. Democracy is better than autocracy.
  9. Life is unpredictable; why be organized?
  10. Role of social media in shaping public discourse.
  11. Potential benefits and risks of manipulating human genes.
  12. Exploration of the economic costs of environmental degradation.
  13. Pros and cons of the spread of Western culture.
  14. Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Understanding the roots of bias and exploring strategies for combating it.
  15. Implications of technological advancements on employment opportunities and job security.

Topics In Different Fields of Study

Persuasive essays touch on almost every walk of life and every discipline under the sun. Let’s have a look at a few topics that can also be used as persuasive-speech topics.

Science Essay Topics

Here is a list of some topics to use for your science essays:

  1. Fracking should be declared as legitimate.
  2. Cloning humans - should it be done?
  3. The US should devote more funds to space exploration.
  4. Do you think extraterrestrial life exists?
  5. Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized.
  6. Is solar energy worth it?
  7. Why the development of renewable energy sources is crucial for sustainable living.
  8. Importance of space exploration in expanding our knowledge of the universe.
  9. How genetic engineering can help cure genetic diseases and improve human health.
  10. Benefits and drawbacks of using nuclear power as an energy source.
  11. Dangers of climate change and the urgent need for action to address it.
  12. Why scientific research on the effects of vaccines is important for public health.
  13. Ethics of animal testing for scientific research and medical advancement.
  14. Potential dangers and benefits of artificial intelligence and its impact on society.
  15. Role of science education in fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Topics Related to Animals

Here are some more science topics that involve discussing animals and their rights:

  1. Keeping animals at the zoo is harmful.
  2. Owning aggressive dog breeds should be banned.
  3. Should exotic animals be kept as pets?
  4. Should the government ban animals in circuses?
  5. Is scientific testing on animals justified?
  6. The use of steroids in animal feed is endangering lives.
  7. Zoos should be banned to protect the welfare of animals.
  8. People should adopt rescued animals instead of buying them from a pet shop.
  9. Endangered species should be protected at all costs, including through strict laws and regulations.
  10. Animal testing for cosmetics and other nonmedical purposes should be completely banned.
  11. Hunting for sport should be outlawed for the benefit of wildlife conservation.
  12. People should consider reducing or eliminating their consumption of meat products.
  13. Domesticated animals should be treated as family members and afforded the same care and consideration as humans.
  14. Factory farming practices are cruel and inhumane and should be banned.
  15. Use of animals in entertainment is unethical and should be made illegal.

Environmental Essay Topics

Looking for some great topics about the environment? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Nuclear power plants are significant potential hazards.
  2. Plastic packaging should be banned.
  3. Global warming alert - planet earth becoming injurious for humans.
  4. Industrial excretion is a menace.
  5. Sustainable development will remain a dream.
  6. Conservation of natural resources is a necessity.
  7. The plastic problem should be addressed on an emergency basis.
  8. Why we need to prioritize clean air for our communities.
  9. Protecting endangered species: The ethical and environmental imperative.
  10. How sustainable farming practices can mitigate climate change and feed the world.
  11. Benefits of investing in renewable energy: A pathway to a cleaner, greener future.
  12. Why we need to reduce plastic waste and promote recycling.
  13. The devastating effects of overfishing, pollution, and climate change.
  14. Role of individual actions in combating climate change.
  15. How government can lead the way in creating a healthier, more sustainable world.

Intriguing Music Topics

Music has a soulful influence on many people. Different aspects and points of view are prevalent here as well as any other field of study. Let's have a sneak into the list of persuasive essay topics for music.

  1. Producers enjoy dominance over other band members.
  2. Discuss the positivity that comes with music.
  3. Why is it said that hard rock music harms youth?
  4. Increase in piracy practices with the use of social media.
  5. The age of the internet as a breakthrough for new musicians.
  6. The relation between plant growth and music.
  7. Depressive music arrangements have suicidal effects on youngsters.
  8. Why do people associate rap with violence?
  9. It is hard for new musicians to enter the music industry.
  10. Should music education be mandatory in all schools?
  11. Is the censorship of music ever justified?
  12. Should musicians be allowed to express their political beliefs in their music?
  13. Is it fair for streaming services to pay artists such low royalties?
  14. Do music lyric contribute to societal issues like violence and substance abuse?
  15. Should music festivals be required to have gender and racial diversity in their lineups?

Medicine Related Essay Topics

Looking for topics in medicine? Following are some intriguing persuasive essay ideas:

  1. Using Marijuana should be allowed to cure severe pain.
  2. Processed food is one of the leading causes of cancer.
  3. Junk food and its adverse effects on our body and health.
  4. Diabetes patients should not get involved in tiring work.
  5. Why is donating blood considered good for health?
  6. Smoking is a leading cause of cancer and tumors.
  7. Traditional medical practices vs new technology.
  8. Should preventative medicine be prioritized to reduce healthcare costs?
  9. Can alternative medicine effectively treat chronic conditions?
  10. Is increased funding for medical research necessary?
  11. How do lifestyle choices impact chronic disease prevention?
  12. What is the role of mental health in overall well-being?
  13. How can patient-centered care improve health outcomes?
  14. Can telemedicine increase access to healthcare?
  15. Should there be increased transparency in the pharmaceutical industry?

Mental Health Topics

You can buy a persuasive essay that only professionals can handle:

  1. Stress and depression problems should be cured with psychology more than sleeping pills.
  2. Counseling and therapies are better than psychiatric medication.
  3. There should be a compulsory subject for mental health.
  4. Importance of early intervention and treatment for mental health disorders.
  5. Is it ethical for insurance companies to deny coverage for mental health treatment?
  6. Should governments allocate more funding towards mental health research and treatment to address the growing mental health crisis in society?
  7. Benefits of exercise and physical activity for improving mental health.
  8. Stigma surrounding mental illness and the need for more open dialogue and understanding.
  9. Link between childhood trauma and mental health disorders in adulthood.
  10. Importance of mental health screenings in schools and workplaces.
  11. Need for more accessible and affordable mental health care for marginalized communities.
  12. Should mental health days be recognized as legitimate reasons for taking time off from school or work?
  13. Is the stigma surrounding mental illness preventing people from seeking the help they need?
  14. Should access to mental health care be considered a basic human right?
  15. Is social media contributing to the rise in mental health issues among young people?

Sports Topics

Following are some great topics on sports:

  1. Are PE classes helpful for students to stay active?
  2. Why is physical activity crucial in this digital age?
  3. Is cheerleading a sport?
  4. Is body confidence necessary in sports?
  5. Are the majority of sports male dominant?
  6. Should college athletes be paid?
  7. Is it ethical to ban athletes from competing for using performance-enhancing drugs?
  8. Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  9. Are sports teams justified in using Native American mascots?
  10. Should professional athletes be required to use their platform to address social and political issues?
  11. Is it fair for transgender athletes to compete in sports categories opposite to their biological sex?
  12. Should youth sports organizations prioritize fun and participation over winning?
  13. Is it necessary for professional athletes to undergo regular drug testing?
  14. Should high schools eliminate contact sports?
  15. Is it fair for athletes to receive preferential treatment in college admissions and scholarships?

Technology Topics

Looking for topics that will invite students to think about technology-driven activities and how their lives are digitized? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Advanced technology and human relationships.
  2. Digital learning practices vs. school education.
  3. Technological advancement and medical science.
  4. Technology and its negative implications.
  5. The right age for mobile phone usage for children.
  6. How has technology benefited in genetic engineering?
  7. An increase in screen time is having adverse effects on kids’ behaviors.
  8. The internet age and globalization.
  9. Impact of technology on education: Can it really revolutionize the classroom?
  10. Can technology be used to bridge the gap between different cultures and communities?
  11. How addiction to screens is affecting our lives.
  12. Is it ethical for technology companies to collect user data without consent?
  13. Virtual reality: The future of entertainment or a dangerous escapist fantasy?
  14. Harnessing technology to save the planet: Innovations in sustainable development.
  15. Should the government restrict access to certain social media platforms to prevent cyberbullying?

Exciting Travel Topics

  1. Tourism and the need for growing hospitality industry.
  2. Technology and travel - a revolution in online hotel booking Apps.
  3. Positive impact on the airline industry.
  4. Role of travel bloggers in the changing tourism industry.
  5. Travel and tourism help to improve the country's image.
  6. How traveling changes one's life - discuss impacts on personality.
  7. Traveling and changing the environment - preserving natural sites.
  8. How will the world change after space travel becomes economical?
  9. Why everyone should travel abroad at least once in their lifetime.
  10. Should governments invest more money in promoting sustainable tourism and encouraging travelers to choose eco-friendly options?
  11. Importance of sustainable tourism: Protecting the environment and supporting local communities.
  12. Benefits of cultural Immersion when traveling and how it can enrich your life.
  13. Is it important for travelers to immerse themselves in local cultures and customs while visiting a foreign country?
  14. Importance of learning a new language when traveling and how it can enhance your experience.
  15. Why traveling with children is valuable for their personal and educational development.

Digital Age Topics

Below are some more technical topics that will help students ponder over critical issues in this digital age:

  1. Technological advancement has altered the way of communication.
  2. Internet aiding distances or connecting people?
  3. Role of technology in everyday life and it's pros.
  4. Technology and the future of world imagination.
  5. Technological advances in warfare, weapons, and ammunition are devastating.
  6. Usage of Gadgets and its impact on the population, specifically children.
  7. Why is technology termed as an obstacle for sustainable development?
  8. Agricultural practices have changed with new technology.
  9. Select a gadget and discuss its pros and cons.
  10. Why parents should limit their children's screen time to ensure better physical and mental health.
  11. Benefits of online learning and why it should be integrated more into traditional educational systems.
  12. Should governments regulate the use of facial recognition technology in public spaces?
  13. Importance of protecting personal data online and the pitfalls of careless sharing on social media.
  14. Drawbacks of relying too heavily on digital communication, and why face-to-face interaction is still crucial.
  15. Why governments should invest in digital infrastructure to ensure that all citizens have access to reliable and affordable internet.

School-Related Topics

Have to write an essay on school-related subjects? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Schools are responsible for students' mental and physical health.
  2. Should there be sex education in schools?
  3. Should teachers or parents be able to demand a ban on certain books?
  4. When taking admissions, should a student's race be taken into account?
  5. Should schools eliminate homework to reduce student stress?
  6. Is it necessary to teach cursive handwriting in schools?
  7. Should schools have dress codes to promote a professional learning environment?
  8. Is academic tracking in schools helpful or harmful to students?
  9. Should schools have mandatory physical education classes to combat obesity in children?
  10. Is it beneficial for schools to offer bilingual education programs?
  11. Should schools teach financial responsibility as part of the curriculum?
  12. Should standardized testing be abolished in schools?
  13. Is it necessary for schools to have metal detectors and security guards?
  14. Should schools incorporate meditation or mindfulness practices into the daily routine?
  15. Is year-round schooling a more effective way to educate students than traditional school schedules?

General Education Topics

Here are some more topic suggestions related to education in general:

  1. Should there be more practical learning than theory?
  2. Can Act and SAT measure intelligence?
  3. Is homework necessary?
  4. Should students bring their lunch from home?
  5. Sign language should be taught in school instead of a foreign language.
  6. Is the grading system causing unnecessary pressure on the students?
  7. Should the system of class ranks be discontinued?
  8. Should there be more playtime in school?
  9. The importance of stem education in the 21st century.
  10. How learning a second language can improve your cognitive and linguistic abilities.
  11. Why every student should be required to study music.
  12. Why alternative assessment methods need to be implemented in education.
  13. Why teaching sustainability and environmentalism should be prioritized in schools.
  14. How integrating students with disabilities into mainstream classrooms can benefit everyone.
  15. Why incorporating technology can enhance learning and student engagement.

Now that you are loaded with tons of persuasive essay ideas for different subjects, you can easily pick one. It will make it easier for you to get started without having to overthink about the topic. We recommend short-listing a few topics then do some basic research on them. After reading and gathering information, pick the one you are most comfortable with. Moreover, make sure you follow the persuasive essay guidelines when writing the essay.

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