High School Book Report Template: Selecting an Appropriate Book


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The high school curriculum naturally has such types of written assignments as book reports. This kind of school assignment has nothing in common with writing an expository essay, and its appearance among students’ tasks is not limited only by language arts or any other literature-oriented courses. Therefore, do not be surprised to meet a book report amid tasks of earth science, economics, or geography.

Usually, teachers supply their students with directions on how to accomplish the book report, and the area of effect of their help varies from choosing a book to submitting a finished report.
Whereas some teachers are helpful, others maybe not so keen to support you in book report writing, so you had better expect for an open-ended and unrestricted assignment.

As long as doing the work completely on your own is a worst-case scenario, you will never meet asperities if you face your book report or coursework being fully prepared.
Let us see what part of the preparation for writing a book report you can manage by your own strength.

How to write High School Book Report

If it happened the case that you need to choose from many books on a particular topic that your teacher has suggested, you could do that with the following steps:

  • Look at the end of the course textbook – there are often book suggestions at the end of a chapter or in a special list called "For Further Reading’ or something like "A Bibliography for Students’.
  • You can go with your friend or alone to the local public library. You can easily find the assigned topic using the catalog or can consult with the librarian regarding the necessary books or even a high school book report template. Always examine books on-site and do not be shy to ask the librarian all the concomitant questions.
  • It is expedient to search on the Internet for a library catalog. Use the catalog to find necessary books by title, author, or subject. Many online library catalogs will also indicate whether the book of your choice is available.
  • The students can use succor of special reference books, such as Best books for school reading or Top 100 best books of all time. Those books are serviceable for students at all grade levels, although they can rarely suggest anything worth your personal taste or predilection in literature.
  • Best research paper sites recommend using Five-Finger Test, which was invented at the Copper Hill Elementary School. This test implies five stages, namely:
    • Open the book approximately near its middle;
    • Read the page, holding up five fingers;
    • Put down one finger every time you see an expression or word you do not know;
    • If you put down all five fingers before finishing the page the book might be too difficult for you now;
    • If you are still holding up one or several fingers at the moment you have finished the page, there is a big chance that this book is suitable for you.

Scheduling and organizing your work with our High School Book Report Template

The stage of choosing the book is not easy. Nonetheless, you still have your main work ahead. Make sure you manage to read at least a hundred pages a day. Accomplishing a book report is somewhat similar to writing a descriptive essay: you need to keep thinking about descriptive elements of the book and jot down everything important while reading it.
After finishing the book, come back to the notes and see whether all fragments of your understanding remain invariable. In case nothing is changed, ask yourself if you comprehend the book and give an honest answer. Other questions must be answerable for you as well.

  • How does the book begin?
  • What is the register of its characters?
  • What exactly do you think about each character/element of the plot/writing device?
  • Is there something new you have learned from the book?
  • Was your judgment of the author’s writing clear and unbiased?

The written form of book report differs greatly depending on the genre or type of book as well as on the exact teacher’s requirements. Certainly, the student should perform two completely different reports for "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" and for a textbook about a physical therapy coursework help. However, the basic opening for a book report is the same for all genres and includes the book’s title, author, and subject.

The opening often plays the role of attention-grabber and, therefore, should contain basic and catchy information about the book. In the main body of your report, there must be your opinion of the entire book as well as its details. It is necessary to describe the character’s appearance, how they act and speak, where their acting takes place, and what is the chronology of the events.
For a non-fiction book, the student should state his or her understanding of the book’s main goal and evaluate whether the author has reached that goal successfully. Also, a non-fictional book report must comprise the discussion of the book’s details proved by facts, literary evidence, and examples. Always try to keep the consistency and content richness of the book report on a high level so that one may even use that report for a college research paper help.

Even if the student has not revealed his or her opinion about the book in the mid-section of the report, the conclusive part, by all means, should contain the student’s feelings and thoughts regarding the reading experience. There must be a generalization in the report – did the student like the book and what is his or her recommendation for the people who might benefit from consuming the book – of course, exclusively when such assumptions are supported by the format of a high school book report template.

In addition, if you do not know how exactly your written opinion should look like, visit some commercial sites such as barnesandnoble.com or amazon.com in order to make acquaintance with good examples of book reviews from professionals as well as from ordinary readers.

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