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How to Write a Book Report for 1st-grade?

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It is worth mentioning that the first thing you, as a teacher or parent, has to do is to motivate your child to read. It should be interesting for a kid to read a book and create a report about it. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to find the most creative approach you can to make the process of generating the story as much fun and challenging as possible.

Initially, you might motivate a child of the 1st grade to read the entire story. It will not take them a lot of time and effort to read because the books for kids consist of short sentences, and the writers use natural and ordinary vocabulary to create the setting and character.

Book report writing must sound exciting for a child in the 1st grade. As a parent or teacher, the main thing you should do is to help the children love reading. Therefore, you might take various methods to help them enjoy reading because the skill of reading will be essential for every kid in the future when they decide to write a book and become a well-known author. Also, such skill is important for all of the students when generating the title of the book.

3 parts of the book report

There are three main parts of every solid book report. Like any other report, the 1st grade book report must consist of the intro, main body, and conclusion. The most crucial thing composing these three parts is using the vocabulary. One of the main targets of generating book report is to teach a child to use the vocabulary correctly.

When a kid can differentiate the words and can use them appropriately, it means that he or she acquired a skill. It is all about creating a background of knowledge that a kid will utilize later on when he or she grows up.

Compare and contrast techniques might be at this step. For instance, a pupil might compare the finishing parts of the books and define the achievements the protagonists have reached. So in this way, a child learns to be critical, thus, developing critical thinking. Besides, the more a child reads, the better logical thinking he or she will have in English language arts and reading comprehension.


It is essential to begin the book report with a catchy hook. It might sound complicated for a child of such an early age to do it; however, they should, at least, try to do it. This skill is not the one a child has a gift from the moment of birth. A kid should acquire this skill during the process of learning.

At this point, a parent or teacher mustn't be too strict for their child. You should correct your child but not be too demanding since these are only the first steps your kid does in literary analysis. No way you should criticize your pupil in front of other pupils. Do it privately, leaving your comments below the book report.

One more crucial thing that must be present in the introduction is a thesis statement. In other words, it is the main idea of the entire report. A child should try to deliver the main idea of their book report in the thesis statement. It should be no longer than two sentences, writing report response for young readers.


The main body of each book report should contain a few main ideas. Present these ideas in a logical way. For example, the first idea might include a description of the setting. The other idea might provide the reader with a story of the protagonist.

It is a must to begin every paragraph with a topic sentence. Then, a pupil must develop this idea, add the facts and other important information, support the thesis statement, or the main idea of the report.

Do not try to put all the ideas into one paragraph. Divide them and start every section with a specific thought you might have about the book.

Connect the ideas smoothly. To do it, you should use transitional phrases like "To add more", "Moreover", or "However".

It might be difficult for a pupil to use such phrases at this step, but they will learn a lesson even if they fail. So in the future, they will succeed in creating fiction book by themselves. During making a plan on how to write a book report, the right choice of transitional words and phrases is a must.


Writing a conclusion for a 1st-grade book report is such a responsible thing to do. Doing it, you should restate the thesis statement. In other words, a child should show the level of comprehension of the entire story.

It must be a kind of summary. The conclusion should summarize the main thoughts from the main body. However, note that a child should not present new data in this part.

A pupil must try to make a fresh look at the report's main points and create a new perspective on the thesis statement. Therefore, a child should not incorporate further information and facts, even if they are relevant.

So you, as a parent or teacher, must teach your kid to evaluate the main thought. For instance, your child must try to present their ideas and opinions about the book's way of comprehension.

The more the pupil tries to restate the main idea and provide the reader with their perspective, the better and more perfect cognitive skills he or she will have.

How long is a book report for 1st grade?

The vast majority of the teachers agree that the book report's total length should depend on the size of the book. The bigger the book is, the more words should be in the 1st grade book report.

The length of the 1st grade book report

In general, the approximate number of words in an ordinary book report must be 250-350 words. It is not either too long or too short. This amount of words is enough for pupils of the 1st grade. So they will not be too bored and tired of writing the report.

Teachers and parents must motivate their kids to read from a very early age. So do not overload your pupils to write too much of the words. Try to keep the balance and make the assignment possible to complete.

It is perfect for taking into account the fact that this 1st grade book report is, in most cases, the first significant academic task for your child. So try to encourage your pupil not overloading him or her.

Remain understanding, checking the library 1st grade book report. You should be kind and reasonable when you correct the mistakes.

What is the winning way to present the 1st-grade book report?

Creative writing ideas for high school are abundant. Let’s have a look at the most motivating ones to cope with the book report worksheets:

Creative writing ideas for the book report

Fictional yearbook entries
Ground it on the characters or the setting on a particular book. Ask your pupils what characters look best and why.

Peekaboo report
Utilize the cardboard lap books. Use the info about setting, resolution, etc.

Mint tin report
Generate the 1st grade book report, utilizing mint tins illustrations. Utilize the templates for the card that may fit in.

Book report cake
Encourage the pupil to draw a book report in the form of the cakes.

Sandwich report
Every layer of the response should incorporate a particular component of the specific book. For instance, it might be the setting or the conflict.

Current events comparison
Encourage your pupils to pick up 3-5 currently events in the articles about the certain characters they may look for.

Book alphabet
Pick up 15-20 books. Choose the word from a book, representing all letters.

Favorite books for 1st graders:

In the 1st grade, students know the letters and how these letters sound. It is crucial to motivate them to read the books because they will practice to spell the words and decode them. The more children learn at this age, the better learners they will be later on.

So the preparation of the child into a learner starts at this very step of studying. The kid should practice reading the words out loud so that later on, they will be able to glance over the book fast and grab the information they need quickly.

It might take a lot of effort for you as a teacher to motivate a student to read. Being creative will make this process much more comfortable. If you choose the proper books for you lesson plan that are interesting enough, the student will be more inspired to read by themselves.

Also, you might encourage your super-stubborn student to read by giving them little presents. It will melt the heart of the ultra skeptical and lazy students, for sure.

15 Must-Read Books For First Graders

Check out our list of the best books for the 1st grade students and have fun. You must read them, for sure:

  • Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel.
  • Margaret and Margarita: Margarita y Margaret by Lynn Reiser.
  • The Boy Who Loved Words by Roni Schotter.
  • Henry and Mudge by Cynthia Rylant.
  • There Is a Bird on Your Head! By Mo Willems.
  • Max’s Words by Kate Banks.
  • Carlo and the Really Nice Librarian by Jessica Spanyol.
  • Widget by Lyn Rossiter McFarland.
  • Big Bug Surprise by Julia Gran.
  • Is a Worry Worrying You? by Ferida Wolff and Harriet May Savitz.
  • Ivy & Bean by Annie Barrows.
  • The New Girl … and Me by Jacqui Robbins.
  • You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You: Very Short Fairy Tales to Read Together by Mary Ann Hoberman.
  • The Empty Pot by Demi.
  • Aunt Chip & the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair by Patricia Polacco.

5 books for kids about the controversial topic:

If you are looking for success during study, you should check out one of these books of fantasy genre to develop your language. The book titles are below:

  • The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend by Dan Santat. Imaginary friends are born on the island. They wait for their turn when the special kid selects them. Finally, Beekie copes with finding the friend and earns his name.
  • Flashlight by Lizi Boyd. This is a story about a boy that camps at night time. He lives his tent at night and gets lost. The wood creatures help him on his way.
  • Sam and Dave Dig a Hole written by Mac Barnett. This book is the winner of the James H. Black and Irma Simonton Black Award for being the most excellent in the literature for kids.
  • Actual Size by Steve Jenkins. The writer shows the animals accordingly to their real size. The author illustrated the real-size pictures of the animals within the book.
  • Flora and the Flamingo by Molly Idle. This is a story about Flora and her flamingo friend who manages to dance synchronically at the end of the story.

Do not censor books based on controversial topics

Book report ideas vary one from another. Even if the topics reflected in the book are controversial, you should not ban them at all. If discussed, such issues teach students to think critically and be able to compare and contrast the information.

If you ignore controversial topics when creating a plan for reading for a year, you will miss many data. Meaning, the students will lose a significant part in learning and developing their character and behavior.

It is possible to say that when you censor some books, you limit your students, to some extent. Therefore, they will grow weak and unready for the forthcoming obstacles and challenges.

The more controversial topics you raise at your lessons and assignments, the better it will be for your students' development. Do not worry that they will understand you the wrong way. Modern kids are smart enough to grab the information as a sponge and make outstanding assumptions of the literature they view during learning subjects.

What is the difference the 1st year book report from 2nd and 3rd?

There is no significant difference between the 1st yearbook report and 2nd grade book report. These book reports are somewhat similar. The only difference is that they suppose more details and complicated information about the setting, conflict, theme, and characters.

Speaking about 3rd grade book report, it is possible to assume that it is similar to the 1st grade and 2nd-grade book reports. However, you will need to specify why you selected a specific book to write a report. Also, you should include the expectations of the book here.

All the mentioned above book reports must contain the introduction, main body, and conclusion. The higher the grade level, the more sophisticated the report should be. Therefore, a student has to demonstrate his or her knowledge of the vocabulary. Also, the teachers have to assess their writing skills and comprehension and logic when evaluating the book report when getting their education.

Tips and Tricks on school assignment writing:

  1. Read the book. Seriously! To demonstrate the knowledge of English language arts, you should report every detail about the book.
  2. Create a medium. For instance, you might create a poster of your favorite character. Or also, you might design a book jacket.
  3. Identify the data. To show the English language knowledge, you will have to be ready to answer such questions as "Who?", "Why?". "Where?" and so on.
  4. Find the interesting perspective of the story. Elaborate on the last scene of your favorite character in the book. It will show the level of your reading comprehension and literacy center.
  5. Write five thoughts about the selected aspect. Think about the thoughts that came up to when you, for instance, read a particular dialogue. Reflect your ideas, showing arts reading.
  6. Demonstrate your opinion. Show your teacher that you can critically evaluate the text and answer the questions about the book fluently.

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