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Book Reports in 4th Grade

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In the 4th grade, in the lessons of literary reading, children learn to interpret fiction through various retellings and compositions. Teachers believe that this preparatory work comes in handy in the future writing essays on literary topics.

One type of essay that allows you to teach children to express their position about the work read is a book report for kids. In it, the kids can not only represent an assessment of what he has read but also more in-depth, more clearly understand the meaning of the work, its aesthetic orientation, and reflect in his speech the richness of the literary language.

It is believed that the 4th-grade book report includes the process of developing a system of reading and speech skills in primary school children. In this regard, in reading and literature lessons, kids learn under the guidance of a teacher in reading a work of art:

  • navigate the text;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • choose material from to characterize the hero;
  • find author's position;
  • make generalizations and make comparisons.

How to do 4th Grade Book Report

The analysis of a work of fiction is necessary for elementary school; it must be used in the system at different literary reading lesson stages. For you to know how to write a report, use the plan:

  1. Look at the author and title of a work of literature. Are you familiar with the author? What do you know about him? Mention is important. What about the title? Is it interesting? Maybe it creates a mood or hints at what awaits the readers? Say a few words about this.
  2. You have indicated the author and title. Now it's time to move on to the central part of the review: answer the main question: What is this literature about? What is the main idea of ​​the story? What does she teach? There is no need to retell in detail here. It is essential to formulate the main idea of ​​the work.
  3. Then we say the main thing: did you like the book or not. And be sure to disclose - why? What makes you happy with the story? What did you teach? What seemed the most interesting? Do you agree with the actions of the heroes or, perhaps, would have acted differently? This is where speech and debate for kids can be done. Suddenly you even have a piece of advice suitable for one of the characters. Write about whatever comes to mind. It's better to say too much in a 4th-grade book report than say nothing. And you can always cut it.
  4. Separately express a few words about the characters in a work of literature. Who do you consider the essential character? Who are minor characters, helpers, villains, etc.? Tell us if you like them. Maybe, someone you would like to make friends with?
  5. Let's move on to the conclusion. Conclude - what did a work of literature teach you? What became the most valuable thing for you in it? What do you understand?

4th Grade Vocabulary to use

To evaluate kids' work, teachers pay attention to what vocabulary they use. Use the table to know which words to use without entering the library:

Accomplish adaptation approached argued automatically
avoid border calculate cause circular
compare concluding confirm contrast convince
critical decrease defend demonstrate describe
detail difference disappointed effective eliminate
entirety essential estimate evidence example
except exclaimed experiment flexible fortunate
frequent furious increasing infer inform
insert maximum observe organized passage
persuade prediction prefer previous purpose
reason recognize recommend represent result
scarce select separate temporary typical

Parts of the book report

Reading well means how one should understand and think about what he read. The report is worth writing down the author's ideas and your thoughts that arise when you read. This is a prerequisite for serious work with a work of literature.

You can write down your thoughts about the books you have read in a particular "personal" notebook. This will be your reading diary. Just do not forget to write down bibliographic data (a set of information about a work of literature, arranged in a particular order). And most importantly, learn to evaluate each work of literature you read by analyzing its characters' actions.

Parts of the report:

  • Title and Author;
  • Characters;
  • Setting;
  • Plot.

Title and Author

Acquaintance with a book usually begins with an acquaintance with the author and the title. The readers react to famous names or read with curiosity about the biography of a new writer - who he is, where he came from, how he/she became a writer, what he writes about and why.

If we are talking about professional literature, it will come in handy information confirming an expert's status - practical experience, achievements, recognition, awards. Indicate why the author used this title. A good description of these two factors can increase the book's chances of success with the audience; this part should not be neglected.

It is necessary to write at the beginning of the text about the title and the author to understand the work better, tune in to its perception, and see some text details in a new way. It is impractical to report everything about the author at once. Indicate only the information that is related to which you are writing a 4th-grade book report.


When writing a review, a lot of attention goes to the characters. To conveniently write about heroes, you should distinguish them:

  • the main ones, who are in the center of the plot, and are directly connected with all levels of the content;
  • secondary ones, also actively participating in the plot, but which receive less authoritative attention; in several cases, they have a function to help uncover images of the main heroes;
  • episodic ones, appearing in one or two episodes of the plot, do not have an actual character and are not at the heart of the author's attention. Their primary function is to give a plot action at the right moment or delineate these or other primary and secondary features.

When characterizing the hero of a literary work, a plan will help you:

  1. Determination of the hero's place among other characters.
  2. The degree of participation and its role in the conflict (episode).
  3. External appearance, as given by the author and in the perception of other characters.
  4. Description of household items, dwelling, clothing, living conditions, as a means of self-expression of the hero.
  5. Personality evolution in the process of plot development.
  6. Actions and motives of behavior in which the hero manifests himself most vividly.
  7. Comparison with other characters or another author's literary hero.
  8. Your attitude towards the character and this type of person in life.


The setting is where and when the story takes place. Although many literary works contain more than one passage, you must describe one or two of the most important passages in the book report. It doesn't matter if you study in college, school, university - this is the same rule for everyone. If the period is essential to the story, include it. For example, a story can take place during a civil war or the Middle Ages. Then describe only the most important moment, and not the entire period.


Two things make the report fascinating - the character of the protagonist and the plot. The term "plot" can be understood as a set of actions and situations depicting a specific event. The plot is divided into two types:

The internal plot is what happens in the head and heart of the protagonist. The path of development of his personality. After all, you already know that a hero is a set of traits. His nature changed in the course of the work. These changes are the inner plot.

The external plot is what happens around the main character and with his direct participation. These are all the actions that take place in your story. Actions that affect the world, the people you talk about. More often than not, these two types coexist peacefully and support each other.

Creative Ways Kids Can Respond to Book

Why is creative writing important? Creativity is the process of making something new with passion, with a soul. Any business can be done creatively. For example, you are making a report using improvised items. Such a thing will be dear to its author, and other people will value it higher than the standard one. The teacher will conclude that you are a kid who is passionate about your work.

Creative ideas help understanding art. To create, you need to believe in your imagination, the ability to find unusual ideas, to look at things from a different angle. To do this, you need to find inspiration for work. What does inspiration look like? You need to find the motivation to take action. Motivation is like a building. It has a specific structure and parts that can be disassembled and used.

There is an exercise for getting in the mood for creative work. First, one of the five senses must be used to awaken inspiration. It all starts with an aesthetic experience: first, take a walk in the fresh air and think about book report ideas. Allow yourself to experience and feel how emotions multiply and burst. Finally, find the motivation to create. Chat with like-minded people, think about how your idea can be realized. Below are some ideas for the report.

Cereal Box Book Report

Kids can get creative with the report and make it with a cereal box, and paste illustrations about the place and heroes. Use the instructions to make a creative box.

  1. The front part of the box: take a blank white sheet of paper and glue the front part so that no illustrations are visible; you can use a colored one if you see fit. This will be your cover, on which you need to write a title and paste illustrations.
  2. Right side: it contains the ingredients that go into the flakes. You can use this idea and write a list of the characters that. The list can be called Ingredients, but there will be descriptions of the heroes.
  3. Left side: in this part, you can write a summary. Better write short theses that will draw attention to the readers, and they will want to see what happens next.
  4. Back of the box: Making a game might be a perfect idea. For example, draw a puzzle, hide the letters you need to make a word, create a maze, get to the hero, or draw a character by point.
  5. Top of the box: here, write the title and its author, how many pages it contains, and what rating you would give if you were a critic. Do not forget to indicate the name of who worked on the project.
  6. Reading prize: in the box, you can always find a bonus. You can also put an award on the inside of the box, which symbolizes a work of literature.

Diorama of a Book Scene

Create a report using a cardboard box. For example, if you have a box with a shoe or a cookie box, this is an ideal item to create a scene from. To have a lot of room to create a plot, you need to use large boxes. To create a scene, you need to use inexpensive items: cardboard, glue, toys, fabric, wire, plasticine, scissors, etc.

For a realistic transmission of the scene, it is necessary to make 3D models out of paper. Do not forget that in addition to how your inside looks, it is also essential how the outside looks. Cover it with colored paper, use stickers, glitter to decorate this part.

The title and its author must be indicated on the front of the box. Write about the plot along the entire perimeter of the box and frame it, so it will be more convenient for the teacher to read your text. Find a place to write a list of heroes, dreams with their characteristics and descriptions of appearance. And finish the project with a story about how a work of literature impressed you, what you liked, and recommend to her classmates.

Book Report Posters

For this kind of report format, you need to find the main idea of ​​the work of the literature you read. The teacher will evaluate the project to create details and how you managed to depict the main idea on such a small poster. Have you seen posters in theaters? Your task is to do the same; there should be useful and interesting information.

You will need markers, pencils, crayons, colored paper, and a pen to create a poster.

Before choosing a work of literature, approve it with your teacher.

Unprinted or draw images for your poster. It is advisable to place all illustrated not only in the center but also along the entire perimeter. Drawings should make it clear to the readers what was going on at work. Above, write the title in large bold letters; this can be done with a felt-tip pen.

On the poster, use colored pencils for quotes and text.

Describe the characters using their personality and behavior. You can also indicate which of the heroes you liked the most and whether you wanted to play it.

You saw that some of the directors write on the films' posters to also indicate your name as the project creator.

Find a place where you can briefly describe the plot.

Make the poster colorful so classmates can watch it with interest.

Include on the poster the date you created the work of literature.

Finally, write about your impression.

Design a Book Jacket

To make an account of the work of literature, you can change the title page's design, but the content remains the same. No cover is complete without the title and the surname of its author. The cover text should be in large print. The surface can also be supplemented with other title data such as volume number, city and year of publication of literature work, and a short description. The back cover can contain an abstract to work, information about the author, and your impression.

In the overall composition on the cover, you can include visual elements - from photographs and paintings - to a logo, monogram, ornaments, emblems, symbols related to your work theme, and its content. Such inserts should have not only artistic value but also carry a semantic load.

Also, convey your message to the readers with the color of the cover. In this case, you can use several matching colors. Design in contrasting colors is typical for more dynamic works, while not too sharp combinations are suitable for calm ones. The color scheme is divided into cold and warm shades - this is an essential factor in the cover's perception, depending on the theme and the desired reaction. A color scheme can achieve both a comfortable perception and an irritation effect, which can also be productive for arousing interest, drawing attention to a literary work.

Character Diary

You can use a character diary in your report where you will analyze each one. Select 3-4, especially important external parts. It can be unusual eyes, scars, a hairstyle peculiarity, and a noteworthy detail in clothes. It is not worth prescribing more information, and more characteristics are not deposited in the human mind.

You can only characterize a hero you know well. Therefore, you first need to familiarize yourself as closely as possible with the content of English language arts for which you were assigned the task. You need to figure out the details and try to understand the implications of this piece. It is also impossible to characterize the hero in isolation from other ones: they are closely related and influence each other as the plot develops.

There is no need to look for the characterization of the hero in the subtext. The text contains the so-called natural characteristics: how the author speaks of his hero, how he describes him, and how other heroes respond about him. All this must be taken into account when describing a character. Your answer to the hero is not just your impressions and conclusions; it is what the author shows you.

Paper Bag Book Report

To create a paper bag book report, you only need a brown bag. With the help of pencils and colored pens, you can write about the content and the characters; the teacher will want to study your project.

Before the package: Draw a cover that will pique your interest. To do this, take a white sheet of paper and stick it on one side of the bag. If the paper is larger than the bag, cut to fit. On the front side, include the title and the author, draw a small picture. You can also use colored paper, that is, cut out characters or a landscape.

Back of the bag: Write a short story about a work of literature. Use colored pencils or pens. But before you write a summary, practice doing it on a draft, and then transfer your thoughts to the package. Write neatly and evenly using a ruler. Here you write about a problem or an exciting plot; you can also use characters.

Inside the bag: Take a few items that will fit in the pocket. Therefore, choose subjects from the sections of the book so that they do not repeat. All items must be real, not painted. As you talk about a work of literature, take out each item that symbolizes a character or place of events. At the end of the presentation, give your description of the work, which impressions you have left.

How to create your book report template

To create your book report template, you need the purpose to take a few steps:

  • attract gaze to the text, thereby affecting other people's opinions and argue about the evaluation of artistic images;
  • show the desire to share the impression of what you read with people who are far away.

And answer seven questions:

  • What is the name of the original book, and who is its author?
  • What is the period covered by the events described in the original text?
  • What interested you most in the original book: the fate of its characters. Their actions and behavior, their way of life, or the events or descriptions of nature?
  • What feelings did this a work of literature evoke in you that you remember the most?
  • Did you like the work of literature?
  • Why exactly?

Favorite books for 4th graders

We have compiled a selection of books that develop critical thinking for students:

  1. 2030: A Day in the Life of Tomorrow’s Kids. This work of literature is by Amy Zuckerman and Jim Daly and is 32 pages long. The work of literature describes the future using characters such as a robot cleaner, a robot dog. Thanks to modern technology, the author shows the world from the end.
  2. The Cricket in Times Square. A writer by George Selden. Chester's cricket ends up in a picnic basket and is transported from its native Connecticut to downtown New York. Lonely and lost, he meets two friends, Harry, the cat and Tucker, the mouse, and the boy Mario. Although Chester is pleased with his newfound friends, he will eventually have to say goodbye and return to his home.
  3. Beezus and Ramona. Beverly Cleary posted it. Little Ramona Quimby gives a lot of trouble to her older sister Beezus. Wherever the baby is, chaos arises: it will scatter many crumbs on the carpet or spoil all purchased apples and invite a crowd of kids from kindergarten into the house. Will Beezus keep her sister from another prank? Beezus and Ramona is a classic of American children's literature.
  4. James and the Giant Peach is an excellent book for children by British writer Roald Dahl, written 50 years ago. This tale has become so popular and in-demand that an equally wonderful cartoon of the same name was even filmed based on it. The writer takes little readers straight to a magical peach, where real life is in full swing.
  5. Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. This book is written about the Japanese girl Sadako. There is nothing fictional in this book. The girl lived only twelve years and did not have time to do anything. She was born in the Japanese city of Hiroshima. A nuclear flame destroyed the city. Radiation penetrated Sadako's blood and made her bedridden. Sadako could not be saved by doctors, or cranes, which she made from colored paper.

Read the book or watch cartoons or TV serials?

You say: cartoons and books carry the same information. But what do they give our children? What are the benefits of books, and what are the benefits of cartoons?

  • First, cartoons are a passive perception of information. The child does not make any effort to process the data received and apply it in life. Abstract thinking suffers.
  • Secondly, it causes harmful health effects. Prolonged sitting in front of the TV leads to problems with vision and posture.

So, we figured out the cartoons. But what about books? Most psychologists recognize the superiority of books over cartoons.

Books develop imagination and teach to think outside the box. After all, you can always stop and ask the kid a question: how would he act in the hero's place? If a child can read, you can read in turn, and then his eyes will not get so tired.

There is nothing wrong with cartoons if they are dosed and combined with reading books. Firstly, it will add variety to the child's leisure time, and secondly, it will preserve his physical and improve mental health. Therefore, good parents will be smart about watching and choosing cartoons, limiting time, and filtering quality.

Why are cartoons always different from books?

In the book, the primary means of representation is the word. The verbal description of fairy-tale heroes' adventures, the narrative manner of presentation, and the intonational sound of speech, influencing the listener's imagination, contribute to the content's emotional-figurative perception.

The story can be heard or read. It is transmitted verbally - in the form of sounding speech or visually - as a fiction book's text.

In a cartoon, a word is only a semantic background of what is happening on the screen. Characters' speech or off-screen comments have a supporting function: they clarify and reinforce content that is already clear to the viewer. In moving pictures that imitate real action, he sees what the characters created by the animator are doing and how they act.

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