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Book Report Examples - Step by Step

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It is an exciting time to be a student. You have many opportunities to gain useful knowledge and skills, make new friends, and start your career. And even if you choose the concrete major, e.g., computer science or Spanish language, you’ll deal with various assignments necessary for the overall development. Regardless of the future profession, you need to have analytical and critical thinking skills to generate creative ideas and formulate your thoughts.

The book report is one of the popular assignments for high school, college, and university students. However, it can be challenging at least because it includes two parts: reading and writing. When we read books, we have a good time, get new insights, and generate exciting ideas. But it is essential to write them down, note thoughts, and share them with other people. That’s the core task of the book report format. And we’re going to tell you more about it, including some actionable tips from professional authors.

What is a Book Report Definition?

The definition is the thing you should start with since it is crucial to understand your next steps. It is an informative piece of content that summarizes the book and analyzes its essential aspects.

Once you receive a teacher's task, you want to understand what one does expect of you. Students write several reports during their studies, and each of them has different objectives. Understanding what a book report is is not enough if you don’t know what you should include in the paper for this particular task. For example, one professor may ask to provide an in-depth analysis, explore critical reviews, or focus on the concrete storyline just with a brief mention of other ones.

You may be a great author, but you won’t get an A-grade if your text doesn’t meet your professor's instructions. So, read them attentively before you start writing.

Structure of a Great Sample Book Report You Should Follow

Once you have understood the objectives of your assignment, it is important to structure your work. Without a direct plan of action, you can spend hours looking for inspiration. That’s why students procrastinate all the time: they do everything to avoid the writing process because they don’t know what they should start with.

Having a structure, you can organize not yourself only, but your paper as well. Read an any good book or an article, and you’ll mention that it has a particular structure. It is easy to define the introduction, the central part, the conclusion. If you read more attentively, you’ll find out other sections that build the content. Take a look at the paper written by a newbie, and you’ll see that it is unclear and full of gaps. Reading such a document takes you more time to get the point.

Below you’ll find the most traditional structure for a fiction book report. The nonfiction one will be pretty different since it has other features.

The Setting

Writing a document, you need to think about the audience who will read it. Imagine a person or a group of people that don’t know about the book. You need to provide them with the necessary information. If it goes about the book report for yourself, you can avoid some unuseful details or make graphic notes associated with something. But when you’re writing for an audience, you need to keep in mind what they know and don’t.

Start with describing the setting: the time and location of the main storyline. For example, if it is a fantastic book, you may state that the events occur in space in the distant future, on an unknown planet, in post-apocalypse, etc.

If the setting doesn’t matter too much, you can provide some necessary information. But sometimes, it becomes one of the main characters and affects the plot. In this case, you should mention it.

Main Characters

After you have described the setting, it is time to introduce the characters. There is no need to provide all of them, just the ones who had the most significant impact on plot development.

You can list the characters with a short description. Mention who is the antagonist, who is the protagonist, which relations do different personages have? Are there characters who are not people? Who are they?

Try to choose a couple of features that are typical for each character that you describe. It would also be a great idea to provide quotes from the source that support your point of view.

It would also be useful to describe how the main character has to go through until he or she reaches one’s goals. If there were some important changes on this path, show them in your report as well.


Now, when your readers are well-familiar with the setting and main personages, you can go deeper and write about the plot.

Please pay attention to the fact that you shouldn’t tell every detail of the book until your professor asks about it. You’re not retelling it to your friends, it is a report, a brief document with the primary sequence of events.

Choose several plot highlights like:

  • rising action;
  • climax;
  • conflict resolution.

There may be more stages depending on the volume and features of the particular book. However, you should focus on the most important points and explain briefly what happened.

Literary Analysis

It is time to show that you’ve listened attentively to your professor in the class. It would help if you analyzed the book to indicate some literary devices you’ve discussed. All authors use different methods to make the text brighter, more catching, more professional.

Even if it looks seamless because of the writer’s tremendous experience, you still can divide it into particular structure blocks and literary techniques.

That’s why you may need to read this book more than just one time. It is impossible to mention all details and enjoy the story when you need to pay attention to all details and enjoy the story simultaneously.

Your Opinion

And finally, it is important to write a couple of lines about your own opinion: what do you think about this book? Do you like it? Why not? Provide a rate and explain it.

In most cases, book reports are not intended for a broad audience. Your professor will check your ability to formulate things briefly, extract the most important information, understand the author’s ideas, etc. But overall, the book report is needed for you. It is like an exercise for your brain. When you analyze each piece you read and write a short report about it, you memorize the information better, you learn to pay attention to details, explore writing from different angles, etc.

Book Report Format

And the last important thing you should know about how to write a book report is its format.

There is no one universal answer. It depends on the instructions you receive from the teacher or professor. For example, elementary school students may make reports from the milk box or a movie poster. In college or university, you can experiment with different creative formats as well. It can be a presentation, an Instagram-account, etc.

Is There a Difference Between Book Reports And Book Reviews?

It is important to understand that book reviews are not the same thing as reports.

When it comes to a report, you need to focus on the book itself, providing the primary information. This document may contain a list of several pieces, e.g., you have read during your summer holidays. Your teacher expects you to describe them briefly. You may add your personal opinion and rating, but they are not required.

But when it goes about the book reviews, your impression is the core. Your task is to evaluate the piece, understand its contribution, and make other people interested in it.

Do You Need Book Report Examples For Fiction Books?

Book report examples may be necessary when you’re sitting without any ideas in your head. You don’t know how to make your report more interesting and creative. However, don’t think that it will save you since you can’t just copy content. The original format is an excellent idea to make an impression, but it means nothing without an excellent report itself.

So, focus on samples only after you’re confident you have an outline and a list of ideas to develop in your paper. We want to offer you a list of nice options for inspiration:

Example of a Literary Fiction Book Report

The Gone Girl by Gillian Schieber Flynn was published by Crown Publishing Group in 2012. It is a thriller novel written in the mystery and crime genres.

The two main characters of The Gone Girl are Nick and Amy Dunne: the happily married couple from North Carthage, Missouri. Nick is a former journalist who has lost his job in New York. Together with his wife, a personage of the Amazing Amie a series of popular children's books, he moved back to his hometown to run a family business. This decision was crucial for their relationship. On Dunnes’ fifth wedding anniversary, Amy traditionally prepared a surprise for her husband. She disappeared. Now it is time to understand: is she alive? And was it her decision to disappear?

The Gone Girl is full of lies and deceits. There are no 100% positive characters, and it makes the book very realistic. That’s why it became pretty popular and soon joined the New York Times Best Seller List.

Example of Children's Fiction Book Report

I’ve read the book If I Never Forever Endeavor written by Holly Meade. It is about a bird who doesn’t yet understand how to fly. It isn’t even sure if it wants to try. Will it fail or succeed? Will it get lost in the world? Maybe it would be better to stay in the warm and safe nest.

I think this book is handy for children since we often feel like this bird. We have many things to try, and we are not sure whether we should do it. Some items can make us happy, but they can be disappointing as well. But this book shows that it is ok to make mistakes and to learn from your experience.

At least, the bird tried to fly, and learned that it is possible and even scary! It is my favorite part of the book since it is very inspirational. I think other children should also read this book and learn new lessons from it.

Ask For Professional Help Whenever You Need It

If you feel that you can’t come up with a decent book report, don’t worry too much. This task can be challenging since it requires a lot of skills and a lot of your time. It would help if you read the piece several times, analyze it, brainstorm ideas, formulate your ideas correctly, proofread the document, etc. It is nothing special when it comes to your personal purposes only, but you need to do your best to impress the professor and get the best grade.

In this situation, it would be a better choice to hire a professional author who has enough book report writing experience.

One will save you time and effort and provide you with a decent result precisely on time. Make your student life more comfortable and more enjoyable with professional help!

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