How To Write An Article Review Template - Best Ideas

By: Angelina Grin

16 min



How To Write An Article Review Template - Best Ideas

An article review is a versatile tool that makes it much easier to deliver important news to your audience. As well this is the idea to acquaint with novelties in the literary world.

To understand for what purpose and for what audience the text writes, mentally put yourself in the reader's shoes. Then it becomes clear that the reader wants to receive systematized and maximally detailed information about a relevant scientific article or journal.

The purpose of the article review is to unobtrusively and clearly and concisely present all vital information, using comparative analysis, statistical data, and other information. In a word, everything that gives information for thought and pushes to make a decision.

The written article review consists of giving a general assessment of its semantic load, meaningfulness, and information content. Thanks to the report, you can learn about the creator's professionalism and evaluate his manner of presenting information and writing.

Article Review - What is It?

To you write a writing analysis, it is necessary to discard all subjective judgments about the document. It would help if you were guided only by specific criteria.

In the beginning, the document read to evaluate it based on the degree of correspondence of the writing. It also looks at the logic of the presented material, semantic load, relevant information, and the degree of disclosure of the set theme.

The language of the writing and stylistic features are essential in the analysis. The work should be a single whole within the meaning. The headings of writing attract attention, and the essence of the text itself does not correspond to the theme at all. In this regard, the critique deals with this issue in detail.

Each of the problems posed should describe in stages. Accordingly, at the end of the work, you need to draw brief conclusions on each mini-topic.

Types of Article Reviews

Types of Article reviews:

  1. Bibliographic critique - the thing of the review is the formal characteristics of the primary sources of information. For example, authors, aspects of the types of writing, the volume of stuffs, the presence of non-textual elements, the language of stuffs for example, for a scientific writing.
  2. Abstract critiques is the evaluation and analysis of information.
  3. Analytical critiques - the subject of the exploration is the essence of writing, but in contrast to abstract reports, a comprehensive analysis of the information given, for example, for a journal.
  4. Monographic critiques are mostly the same analytical critiques, but in addition to analyzing information, they provide a forecast of the development of the knowledge industry, for example, for research.

Journal Article Review

All data provided in the journal text must be accurate and reliable. A creative analysis of a document, which everyone will pay attention to, will come out if you analyze its artistic, linguistic qualities. You will have to focus on the means of expressiveness used in the document, such as comparisons, metaphors, epithets, and more.

The journals that have just been published and entered the library are of interest to many readers. In public libraries, critiques of new magazines are predominantly universal in essence and informational in purpose.

These critiques were carried out promptly and systematically. The report includes a relatively large number of printed texts, and the primary attention in the story paid to the novelty of the information in the magazines.

Research Article Review

The main document requires careful reading. It is necessary to focus on how scientific theory presents itself. As a rule, at the beginning of the material, the creator gives a couple of logical expressions about facts. Then he discusses them, putting forward further arguments, starting from the results of his experiments, research, and observations.

In doing so, keep in touch with the original scientific publication. And also indicate the information that the author of the article carries to the readers. All data provided in the paper must be accurate and reliable.

The analysis of this aspect is based on the objectivity of the collection of information for documents. If the truth of the data revealed as a result of the research is proven, this can become the basis for the conclusions' scientific validity. The goal of the editor is to clarify how the creator of the document registered the events.

Science Article Review

An article review of a scientific document is an objective assessment of a written document according to several parameters — its base on the practical significance of the research conducted by the creator. Studying works on different themes is an opportunity to improve the editor's knowledge base in several areas.

The main difficulty lies in working with papers of scientists with little experience. When analyzing the specified part of the document, the editor compiles the stuff in the mode of answers to the following questions:

  • Does the information presented provide new knowledge to the reader?
  • Where is it more rational to apply research results? What will change then?

In the conclusion of the work done, the objectivity of the creator's findings with the information presented in the scientific document determines. Subjective judgment is a significant barrier to producing high-quality analyzes.

Tips on Formatting

For a clear understanding of the document's essence, it is repeatedly re-read, and formatting is done. Then pay attention to the logic of constructing structural elements, information essence, completeness of the theme.

Analysis of the document begins with a brief description of the source data. The first point is the correspondence of the name to the essence of the document.

The next step is to work out the level of the information essence of the document. The presence in the document of the necessary scientific facts confirming the paper carried out by the creator increases the quality of the document, the level of its information essence.

The creator's observance of the logic of the interconnection of structural elements simplifies the analysis of the presented document. Jumping from theme to theme, the absence of a step-by-step presentation of the problem under study are gross mistakes.

Using the APA Format

Documents are intended for magazines, newspapers, websites. The APA format uses the "author-date" quotation method. This means that the creator's name and the year of the source's paper should appear in the document, and full information about the source should appear in the list of references used.

If you use the APA format in your article review, you need to make bibliographic records according to the following principle:

  1. Web: Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month Date of card). Title. Retrieved from {link}
  2. Journal: Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Card Year). Card Title. Periodical name, Volume, pp.-pp.
  3. Newspaper: Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month Date of Card). Publication name. Magazine, Title, pp. Xx-xx.

Start With a Header with Citation

An article review should begin with a name, including citations from the source in question. Place the link at the top of the work. If an intention is mentioned from another text, then this is not a direct quotation of the stuff. Or if there is a link to an entire book, article. Or other assignments, only the creator and the year of the work should be indicated in the document, without page numbers.

Short quotations format according to the following principle: creator's name for the document, the name of the document, journal of the published document, volume and issue number, articles date, and page numbers for the document. If there is no creator, indicate the name and the year.

Quotes more extended than 40 words format as a separate block without quotation marks. Information about the creator, year of the card, the page should be formatted in the same way as in short quotes.

Write a Summary

Ability to accurately summarize an article is a skill that you will probably need to develop at some point during your university or college studies. This is an essential part of the learning process and a way to show the professor that you understand the materials. How to write a summary of an article, and what is it for?

The first item should consist of a summary of the stuff. Depending on the size of the item, the essence should be limited to a few items. In these not long paragraphs, you should only discuss the most important details.

These include the intention of the creator, then what the document creates for. How the research carried out, how it affects the audience, and what results in the exploration brought. The abstract is one of the abbreviated forms of scientific document submission.

In other words, this is a miniature document. Unlike abstract, which answers the question "What to write a document," a resume in a concentrated form presents the reader with an accurate statement of the results. A well-written resume allows the reader to familiarize himself with the study quickly.

Body of the Review

The creator's goal is not to turn the article reviews into a short bibliography but to objectively consider the degree of problem. You must provide a reasonable assessment of the published work of other researchers, drawing logical conclusions from the research done.

You should not give critical remarks, secondary facts, and information missing in the document, as well as repeat the name of the document and use references to sources and abbreviations. The estimated length is two to three paragraphs.

This is the most demanding creative stage, requiring knowledge of the theme, erudition, mastery of literary speech, and the ability to persuade and influence the audience. It is necessary to use a particular influence on readers - suggestion, persuasion.

Concluding the Review

The final part of the article reviews contains a summary of what has been said and whether to read the document to other people. The main goal of the evaluation is to interest the reader, push him to read magazines on this theme, or draw attention to new arrivals.

This form of the work does not fully disclose the essence of the article, but only introduces intrigue, raises many questions. The most difficult of the total, which the document critique method requires, is to conclude with the so-called "reading attitude": "when you read, try to answer the question ...".

In the end, write an overview of the main parameters, summarizing all the positive aspects described in the document. That is, make a bias on how it is useful to your information or promoted product? What knowledge will the user gain? And don't forget that completion is no more than 10% of the article review.

Citation and Revision

Quotations are often included in written texts. You understand that in this way you can give solidity to your work. The incorrect quotation may at least irritate the first reader of your work - the teacher. Perhaps, you should not test his nervous system for strength, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the approaches to the design of quotes in the ARA style.

It would help if you understood: in the document of the work itself, you write a minimum of information about the source and indicate the complete data in the list. After the statement that you quote in the document, the creator and the year of the card write in brackets. This is the most common method, although it can vary.

It happens that the creator of the magazine is not listed. Then only its name and year can be used. If a quote contains more than four dozen words, it takes out in a separate block; quotes are not put.

Using MLA Format

The MLA style is the most widely used format for documenting and citing sources in the humanities. In the MLA format, the link to the quotation's creator in the document itself is brief and precise so that the reader can easily find him in the bibliography.

The source of information indicates in parentheses in the "author-page" format. This means that only the creator's name and the page number from which the quotation take should give in the document. Full information on the source must be provided on the page "Used literature."


  1. Web: Last, First Middle Initial. "Publication name." Website name. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
  2. Newspaper: Last, First M. "Publication name." Newspaper name[City] Date, Month, Year Published: Page (s). Print.
  3. Journal: Last, First M. "Publication name." Journal name Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page (s). Database Name. Web. Date Month Year it is Accessed.

Article Review Template Ideas by Experts

It is best to analyze the material by printing it or in a document editor. So it is convenient to take notes in the margins and highlight individual sections of the document. Before starting a work, make sure that the page numbering in the original and the copy matches are necessary to refer to the text when analyzing it correctly.

After an introductory reading, you need to analyze the document in more detail to highlight the main theses, the main arguments on which the creator insists. During the analysis, you will have to return to them to assess how convincingly he proves his idea.

We have prepared a template for visual viewing. It includes everything from the headline to the link. Although the name and subheadings change depending on the type of document, the necessary information and structure do not change. If you are looking for a business plan template, we recommend browsing our intentions for inspiration.

Strong Title for the Review Paper

The heading should leave a mark in memory. 80% of search users will limit themselves to just viewing your name. For the name, you can separate several words that have no negative and positive connotations.

Positive words: excellent, opportunity, result, active development. Negative words: no need, don't know, complicated, never, hard to imagine. A 6-word title is considered optimal.

Users quickly scan not only document content, but also heading lists. The gaze can cover the first three and last three words - the great place for a catchy phrase and main intention.

The name of the document must correspond to its essence. It is hardly necessary to explain in more detail the need for this. Nevertheless, when the document is ready, be sure to check if the name correctly reflects the material's essence.

Cite the Article Just After the Title

Under the heading, quote one of the sentences in the document that you want to share your impressions about. This way, people will see the original version and then read your story. All readers will appreciate such a smart solution. Don't forget to look at the citation method, and it should display one format.

For example, for a book report format, you can use either the APA or MLA style. Also, keep this formatting manner in the rest of the academic paper. If you quote from the work of another creator, then the quote must be put in quotation marks and after it put a link to the source.

You can form a quote in another way, indicating the creators' names, the year of the work, and page numbers in brackets after the quote. However, do not forget to include the full reference to the work in the bibliography at the end of the work.

For example, to cite a case study, you can use Chicago, Harvard, and Oxford. What is a case study, and how to analyze it? The case study provides an opportunity to explore the problem more in-depth and find a solution. The main document should be as objective and meaningful as possible.

Write an Introduction Before the Opinions

Direct immersion in judgments and impressions can confuse the reader. You must act gradually. Writers think that it is enough to rephrase the original magazine document, which will be enough, but this is not so.

The introduction will justify the relevance and significance of the topic, the formulation of the thing of the article review, its purpose, and objectives. In the first sentence, it is necessary to reflect the information situation that has developed in the industry and society as a whole around a particular thing of article review.

Compositionally, the first sentence of the critique consists of two structural components: the beginning and the description of the study's subject. The third part of the presentation is the end-transition to the analytical part of the critique. These parts should outline the most critical, challenging, and promising questions and particular topics.

Form a Thesis

The introduction gradually moves to the central part, so the gradual transmission of thought is an essential component. At the end of the introduction paragraph, write a strong thesis.

Now you need to know what is the essence of the position of the article review. At the same time, the article review is a combination of the most exciting part of the document and a lack.

Please stick to the uniqueness of the words; it should not be like a hundred other theses. But at the same time, it must be understandable for others and readable.

Remember that the abstract is an abbreviated presentation of the report; try to formulate it briefly. A position is the main or one of the primary thoughts of the creator.

The thesis is a summary of the main points of any project or written work. It is in demand when it is necessary to formulate the main provisions of your work for the public as compactly as possible to highlight the paper's results and prospects.

Main Body: Analyses, Opinions, Views

Next, most often are the main characteristics of magazines. From this, the central part consists. Imagine your audience in your mind, try to explain the essence of the issue to them in simple language.

We pay attention to both the advantages of the proposed document and disadvantages. But at the same time, we give a reasoned assessment: according to critiques, characteristics.

Naturally, the most competent and complete information will be collected if you have studied the magazine. Of course, in this case, we will talk about a somewhat subjective personal opinion. At the same time, it is essential to be able to express this opinion tactfully and authoritatively.

The reader should not get the impression that you are forcing him to do something or discouraging him. Any reader based on your article review should add his opinion and make a decision.

Don’t Forget About the Reference Section

The writing critique of your document should end with a proper reference section. This section is needed if, in addition to your thoughts, other people's expressions were present. This means that you used quotes from authoritative people to prove and support your ideas.

Use one citation style for all documents. APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and Oxford are the primary manners of quotation. The general list of used literature and sources must include at least five names. The list consists of only those works that directly utilize the writing.

They cite a reference or a starting point for the author's concept indicated in the first sentence. You can not add to the list read, but not used in the magazine's work, the names of which are copied from library catalogs or taken from the bibliography in other magazines.

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Angelina Grin

Creative Writer and Blog Editor

Despite my relatively young age, I am a professional writer with more than 14 years of experience. I studied journalism at the university, worked for media and digital agencies, and organized several events for ed-tech companies. Yet for the last 6 years, I've worked mainly in marketing. Here, at Studybay, my objective is to make sure all our texts are clear, informative, and engaging.

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