How to Write an Argumentative Thesis to Impress the Reader

By: Tasha Kolesnikova

19 min



How to Write an Argumentative Thesis to Impress the Reader

Unfortunately, schools do not teach such a practical matter on how to make a thesis statement. For example, a supervisor puzzles you with a task: write a thesis for an essay. Or for student research. But the teacher does not specify how to write the assumption. As if you should know about it without their advice. Well, then we will explain how to write a convincing thesis:

  • Decide what type your thesis will be and choose the appropriate structure.
  • Be clear about what will be the main result or conclusion of your work.
  • Pick a working title for your thesis.
  • Make a structure for your thesis. Think about what each section is about and write its main idea in one sentence opposite each section. Usually, one section in the text of the thesis corresponds to one paragraph. Thus, you have received a detailed outline of your thesis - the main content for each paragraph.
  • Read carefully what has been written and check if these sections and paragraphs are sufficient to fully cover the topic. If not enough, add it. If necessary, change the order of the paragraphs, clarify the wording. You may want to adjust the title of the work.
  • Carefully read the requirements for the thesis, paying attention to their volume. Express it in the number of lines in the appropriate font and distribute this amount among the individual sections and paragraphs, so you have a detailed outline of your thesis. You can proceed to write to them.
  • Take turns, starting with the first paragraph, express your thoughts, trying to keep within the volume allotted for them. After writing the first paragraph, move on to the second, etc.

What Does The Thesis Statement Mean?

The thesis of a report, article, essay, or other voluminous material is a set of separate provisions logically related to each other. Moreover, it is often assumed that their proof takes place in the text of the central part.

Can a thesis statement be a question? The primary purpose of writing any thesis is to summarize the available material, to give its essence in short formulations, to reveal the content of a relatively large publication. Deeply understand the issue, analyze it, and create an opportunity to oppose your thoughts to the thoughts of others. The main difference between the assumptions and other scientific texts is the small volume in which it is necessary to resent all the article's main ideas. By the quality thesis, readers will judge the whole work and decide about the need to get acquainted with the material in full.

A poorly written assumption can scare away the reader from exciting work. Conversely, a well-written thesis text also draws attention to the scientific material. Of course, the thesis's quality is primarily determined by the real scientific content of the work.

Basic Signs of Argumentative Thesis Statements

Argumentative thesis statements is an exact, understandable position at the beginning of a text that has the following characteristics:

  • on the one hand, the author of his statement can quickly and convincingly write why he thinks so (because he/she is sure of its truth, correctness);
  • on the other hand, the reader can easily isolate and recognize a thesis, which the author wants to prove in the future.

Thus, in a good thesis, the author of his statement should more clearly determine his view of the problem, clearly and unambiguously (without concealment, without intrigue), formulate his idea. In other words, a reasonable assumption is an understandable answer to the question, what is the problem posed in the condition.

The most important thing is that the assumption responds to the topic raised in the text and answers it. For example, your task is to provide arguments on the topic “Has the book's value been preserved in our information society?”. Suppose the author of his statement focuses on information technology or the information society. In that case, his text will be assessed at 0 points as such, which does not correspond to the topic.


There is a debatable thesis depending on the style of the presentation. An argumentative text should have an assertion with which most people can argue or disagree. Such statements can be facts of history, architecture, films. Our debatable thesis example:

What is the attraction of the new book by Yitzhak Adizes? In my opinion, it is convenient. It can be very effectively used for self-education and self-development of specific management techniques. The book makes you think that we often rob ourselves, instinctively striving to communicate and work with people like us: it's easier that way. Those who are very different from us seem strange and even annoying to us. But it is they who can diversify our lives, do what we are not capable of, or do not like to do. Developing sympathy for people who are unlike us is an essential task of personal growth.

Simultaneously, the Adizes model and the book's recommendations can serve as an excellent basis for developing training designed for managers of all levels. This last assumption may seem controversial since the book's title is about developing leaders, not managers in general. However, I firmly believe that modern organizations need leaders at all levels of management. The leader-manager dichotomy is a thing of the past: today, an effective manager must always be a leader. At the same time, they do not turn into leaders, being at the top of the organizational hierarchy; they become consistently developing leadership qualities and increasing leadership scale. Therefore, the sooner a person thinks about their preferences and leadership regarding style, the more likely they are to become a good manager faster.


In this case, an argumentative thesis is a position where it is necessary to express the writer's point of view. The questions posed, not clear statements, quotations from unknown sources do not refer to an argumentative thesis. Why? Because the given item does not support the author's point of view.

Let's consider an example:

  • Federal immigration law is one of the most challenging issues because people's opinions differ according to this law.

This example of the thesis is not controversial since it does not confirm the author's position.

  • Federal immigration law necessarily requires a revision since it carries too many boundaries on the state and local police in the opinion of people.

In this example, the thesis's argumentation is clearly expressed since the author immediately explains why it is worth changing the law.


This kind of argumentative thesis means that it is necessary to express a logical and structured statement. If you think you can use an outrageous statement or statement that doesn't make sense, you are wrong. These statements are not an argumentative thesis.

Study the example:

  • The city council steals, and they need to be imprisoned for what they did.

This statement is not an argumentative thesis because you have no evidence to make such an assumption.

  • The city council's powers should be limited to a specific period because a group or party cannot control the city for an extended period; this leads to degradation; new views are needed.

This statement is well-reasoned because it is permissible to introduce limited terms for the city council.


The thesis consists of three proofs. Even in cases where the assumption proved evident, it is usually confirmed (this is especially true in mathematics). For example, this is the case because the circle's diameter is divided into two equal parts. What conceive in this position seems obvious. However, despite the apparent evidence of state, this proposition is proved in geometry.

This example is not an exception but an illustration of a general rule. Science seeks to prove, whenever possible, everything that can only prove, regardless of whether it is obvious or non-obvious.

Elucidation of the truth or falsity of an assumption is the goal of any proof. The proposal by which the validity of a thesis ascertains is called proof. The proof by which the falsehood of the thesis clarified is called refutation. To refute an assumption means to prove that it is false; that is, it does not correspond to reality.


An argumentative thesis should cover a narrow topic and aim only at a specific problem. If you focus on a particular task, provide evidence and convincing examples, the reader will immediately become interested. Please do not give a broad general statement because it does not carry any message; it is boring to read about it.

Let's consider an example:

  • The federal government urgently needs to change the U.S. tax code. And this is where you make mistakes most often when you tackle the laws.

This statement is not a persuasive, argumentative thesis since it is not indicated which part of the law, which clause of the code, which section of the code. Therefore, you need to describe in the future what exactly you consider unacceptable in the law, and the assumption must have this information; if you have not indicated it, your statement will be wrong.

  • The federal government must amend the U.S. tax code regarding the abolition of personal property tax since it is too high for the entrepreneur.

This statement sounds convincing since it indicates what needs to be changed, and there is a right to appeal the tax percentage if hard evidence is given.

Main Components Of The Argumentative Thesis Statement

The thesis is a consequence of well-done research. It is unlikely to write a good thesis carelessly, of low quality, and not meeting the established requirements. You have to work hard on a good thesis. A reasoned assumption statement should contain the following three components:

  • Does not use inappropriate phrases;
  • Avoids vague language;
  • Gives clear direction for the paper.

Since the thesis's task is to inform the reader about the author's view of the problem that was violated in the task, any language means will be appropriate for the formulation. They will show that everything said is an individual, original view of the author, position, and an idea regarding the related problem.

Linguistic tools that help the author guide the reader through their text, although they do not carry important semantic information about the topic, are sometimes called metatextual means. Convenient metatextual means for informing readers about the assumption are presented below:

1. I think that

I believe that a future professional's choice should be made taking into account two factors: firstly, on whether a person likes a suitable occupation, and secondly, on whether this work can provide a normal life.

2. I am deeply convinced that ...

I am deeply convinced that a person should choose a future profession, taking into account their talents and passions, and not on whether this work can give significant income in the future.

3. I, as well as many of my friends, believe that

As well as many of my friends, I believe that when choosing what to do in the future in life, one should consider the financial side of the issue. In other words, it seems to me that in the future, the job will be the best, thanks to which I will be able to provide for myself, my parents, and my future family.

4. It's hard to disagree with the fact that

It isn't easy to disagree that a profession's choice is one of the main decisions in life that a person should take, taking into account, first of all, the prospects for his self-realization.

5. It will be quite fair to say that

It will be quite fair to say that only the profession that, as they say, to one's liking, can become a favorite hobby and the basis for success in the future.

Don't Use Strange Phrases

We have prepared a list of words and expressions that should not be used in the argumentative thesis statement. We are trying to protect students from the most common mistakes, so carefully study the list:

  • “I am going to show you the plot of one book.” You are not doing anything in the text; you were not there at all!
  • “This paper / In this paper is about a story about a book by my favorite writer.” And what another article can there be if the reader has already opened it?
  • “The author wanted to say this.” Everything the author wanted to say, he said. And we can only talk about what we have understood. So if there are no direct confessions of the author in the text, we have no reason to believe that we know what the author wanted to say. Besides, what he wanted to say and what he said is not always the same thing.
  • “The author managed to convey the writer portrayed well; the author described it very accurately.” Who are we to patronizingly pat an author on the shoulder? Moreover, we did not see what the writer portrayed or conveyed. How do we know whether we succeeded or failed.
  • “The author touched on the idea.” He does not touch anything! The author writes about something, speaks, reflects. You can only handle material. The problem is not "material"; it is not touched, not raised - attention is drawn to it, it can be interesting, important, etc.

Don't Write General Language

To make it easier and more pleasant for people to read your text, you must try to clearly and precisely explain yourself. But we think you agree with us that sometimes you can have vague ideas about something, speak evasively or express your thoughts vaguely. At the same time, please do not care that:

  • you may not be understood at all;
  • get it wrong;
  • only a few will understand;
  • readers will be at a loss, what did you mean?

So, in what words or phrases is there this very evasiveness and uncertainty that can confuse someone? If something happens out of the blue, take you by surprise.

One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving. The famous British singer Adele used this phrase in her song “Someone like you”. It tells the story of how a girl, without an invitation, declared in her ex-boyfriend's wedding to let him know that it's not over for her.

  • I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited.
  • But I couldn't stay away; I couldn't fight it.
  • I had hoped you'd see my face.
  • And that you'd be reminded that for me, it isn't over.

At first glance, it seems that nothing in this phrase hints at its meaning. The same out of nowhere is much more understandable. However, if you look at a similar idiom out of the clear blue sky, which means what happened as unexpectedly as a bolt from the blue, then everything falls into place. By the way, for "thunder from a clear sky," the expression "a bolt from/out the blue" is used.

Describe The Clear Purpose Of The Paper

In addition to the fact that you should not use inaccurate phrases, it is worth adding that you should also not write generalized assumptions. In other words, the ability to formulate an assumption is to clearly express an attitude or, even better, to give instructions, to say how to relate correctly, how to think correctly, and what should be done in such a situation.

If you are writing an essay where there is a discussion, your assumption should be explicit and definite. Ask yourself the question: what conclusions follow from this, what does it mean, how to treat it correctly, what to do about it?

Let's look at an example of a bad thesis:

"Today's education problems are severe."

And now compare it with an expressly stated thesis:

"Each student accepts information in different ways; accordingly, it is more difficult for someone to solve tests on the exam but more accessible for others.

Do you feel there is a big difference between them?"

If you want to write abstracts correctly, then I offer you several tasks:

  • During the week, write down situations where people talk about circumstances but cannot make conclusions. They do not formulate explicit theses.
  • As you listen to people's conversations, notice the changing topics and the presence of the assumption.
  • Indicate intentions. Begin any appeal with the indication of your intentions: I have a request, offer, demand, advice, objection, chat.
  • Don't write about your feelings unless there are reasonable instructions, and no one wants to.
  • Write an assumption when you have a version of the final decision.

Our Examples of Analytical Thesis Statements

Below we will analyze a few examples that students need to write most often. Study the introduction, central part, conclusion sample carefully, but do not copy; use them only for inspiration.

Literary Analysis

We look at the saving grace of O'Connor, in which he uses both kindness and hypocrisy. Are you wondering how this happens? Due to the characteristics of the character and events in the plot. In this example, we will consider how the author conveys this writing style with the help of characters and events.

"I studied the Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and noticed that it shows the process by which a person can redeem a life in which he has shaken the meaning, made many mistakes. Notice the transition and development in terms of character. So from a negative, hopeless, evil character, he turned for which the meaning of life appeared, and now death is what he thinks about at the last moment. Because of the woman he loves, he wants to do noble deeds. "

This example is written in the author's style; you can also write a literary analysis based on Lucy Manette from the same book. Before reading a work of art, we recommend looking through all the points you need to analyze. So you can find answers to the necessary points along the way: descriptions of heroes, their remarks, quotes, and the like.

Analytical Essay

Everything is simple here - you need to describe a process. For example, we will look at how writing a personal statement for college goes and tells it.

"Even if your grades are not good enough, you can still go to Harvard, and not the best TOEFL and GMAT scores can lead you to Stanford. This happens often. It's all about a well-written essay that shows your ambition and reveals your talent.

According to representatives of universities and colleges' admissions committees, the essay can fully characterize the applicant. In their opinion, the essay is the most striking document of the entire package of papers provided. Through your essay, the selection committee members will see you define who you are and what is important to you in life.

Leadership is essential to Harvard because they train leaders. And if you want to go to Columbia University, you need to be interested in world problems and have an informed opinion on any issue."

Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical analysis is a close reading that uses rhetoric principles to explore the interactions between a text, author, and audience. It is also called rhetorical critic or pragmatic criticism. A rhetorical analysis can be applied to almost any text or image — in speech, in an essay, advertisement, poem, photograph, web page. Let's look at an example.

"I want to do a rhetorical analysis based on Claude McKay's English sonnet "Africa," which interestingly describes a short but very tragic life of the main heroine. The poem opens with an extended sentence of practically located paragraphs, the first of which reads: "The sun looked for your dim bed and brought out the light." Abstracting scientific and historical discourses on humanity's African origins, based on Genesis, where God creates light with one command. This shows me Africa's unlit knowledge before God's intervention and associates with the dark color of the face of Africa's descendants, the unspoken figures of which the disastrous is a repetitive subject in McKay's work. "

Our Examples of Expository Thesis Statements

There are also expository thesis statements, so we have prepared several examples.

Expository Essay

To justify your criticism, as well as not to make it too abstract or simple, to bring your point of view without insult, five essential criteria for ethical consideration create:

  • it is necessary to compose a message intended to improve social values and human life;
  • it would help if you thought about the actions and consequences;
  • it is necessary to demonstrate authoritative actions of people who should be followed;
  • it is necessary to convey that there are miracles and it is worth believing in a fairy tale;
  • it is necessary to show that each part of the text is one whole. "

In this case, the student needs to write about five criteria that make the text a real ethical, literary work.

"A student's life is based on the study, lessons, homework, and communication with classmates."

From this statement, it is necessary to show how the student's life is arranged. Describe how his day goes; what he most often has to do.

Compare And Contrast Essay

The purpose of the compare and contrast essay is to reveal a concept using the same parameters, to search for similarities and differences. See an example of an assumption for such an essay:

"The profession of a chef combines both differences and common features, but despite their common goal - cooking, they still differ in education, ability to cook, purposefulness, charm."

Anecdotal Essay

The purpose of this essay is to write a funny story from your own experience, or perhaps you have heard a story somewhere that evokes positive emotions in you. Example assumption in the anecdotal essay:

"At the first experience on sports rafting on mountain rivers and artificial rowing canals, this occupation can turn a teenager into an adult."

Here you can describe how rafting has impacted you and what impressions it has left you. There are many ideas, use funny stories - this is your main rule in an anecdotal essay.

Key Qualities of a Convincing Thesis Statement

The most effective thesis allows the reader to understand the purpose of writing the text. Think about who your reader might be and what information they require to understand your topic. There are properties of a strong thesis:

Comprehensibility is the assumption ability to convey the content in the author's head to his readers' head. The assumption is more straightforward if it clearly states what to do, why it is so, provides all the necessary clarifications, and provides illustrations.

The assumption validity can also be attributed to the property; however, one can often find a theory like "America for Americans," although without sufficient substantiation. The assumption validity is the arguments, facts, views, and circumstances showing why the author thinks.

The structure of the assumption should not belong and distract from the main idea.

Get Help From Experts If You Have Problems With Thesis Statement

The authors of Studybay have many years of experience working with the thesis, so they know how to write such a vital work element to grab the reader's attention immediately. All work is done by holders of scientific degrees from different countries, so we can mean that every student can get help. To get assistance on the task, do the following steps:

  1. Contact our manager. Refine the argumentative essay topic, and the writer will pick up the assumption himself.
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I studied sociology and marketing at Europa-Universität Viadrina (Germany) and Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal). When I was a sophomore, back in 2018, I decided to put what I've learned into practice, so I got my first job in digital marketing. I currently work in the content marketing department at Studybay, building strong, effective, and respectful communication between the platform and our clients.

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