Crafting a Case Study Analysis With Fewer Hurdles

By: Angelina Grin

13 min



Crafting a Case Study Analysis With Fewer Hurdles

A case study analysis is one of the most common assignments in colleges and universities, especially for students with a business major. Of course, it is not pretty easy since students should demonstrate their knowledge, research skills, ability to think critically and analyze the information. They need to spend a lot of time dealing with all stages of this task.

And it is not what you think about when it comes to student life. Young people like parties, travel, spending time with their friends. Some of them need to work to pay loans or to support families. It is not so easy when you have various tasks with strict deadlines.

If you feel that you don’t know how to write a case study assignment with a bang, you can read our ultimate guide with actionable tips. We’ve asked professional authors to share their experiences. Follow these recommendations to impress your professor and get an A-grade with a guarantee.

Definition of a Case Study Analysis?

The thing you should start with is the definition. What is a case study? It is a self-contained story about a real situation where some company has overcome its problems using particular strategies. And when it goes about the analysis, you need to explore this story, find out the causes of the problem, come up with possible decisions, and explain the final one.

Just like any story, a good case study analysis has an introduction, a middle, and an end, as well as characters a company overcoming a challenge. Depending on the task’s requirements, it may be not a company, but a single person. The main thing is a case, a situation that needs analysis to make some useful conclusions.

A case study analysis is a typical task in business, management, marketing courses. It helps to forget about boring textbooks and focus on real-life scenarios. This assignment is necessary to divide the theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It has some other objectives as well.

What Are The Purposes of The Case Study Analysis Assignment?

The case study analysis assignment aims to show students how they should approach a situation, find out the reasons and consequences of the challenge, and develop the best possible solution. Dealing with this task, you will:

  • Analyze real-life cases, which are generally situations that have been faced by real companies or people;
  • Decide what your final go is, what is the desirable outcome;
  • Identify issues that will affect the situation;
  • Determine possible solutions to the problems you’ve identified;
  • Develop a plan of action.

Of course, these purposes are primary, but your professor may have one’s expectations. That’s why you need to read the requirements carefully. Depending on the particular case, instructions may differ. Please read them before starting as well as our tips on how to write a case study. We want to provide you with the primary information about the case study and additional ideas on making your writing better.

Different Types of Case Study Analysis

There are several types of this assignment you may face. Explore each of them to get the full understanding.


This type of assignment assumes that you describe the case and explain a particular situation, event, or phenomenon to readers. You need to conduct thorough research, find the information that isn’t available for the broad audience, and present it appropriately. The main task is to provide readers with a complete description: brief but descriptive.


Writing an exploratory case study analysis, you need to define the main question and explain it to readers. What was the challenge? Why is it important? Think of your audience since your paper’s content will depend on its awareness. For example, if you’re writing for business professionals, you need to provide details that will be interesting for them. And if your audience consists of newbies, it is crucial to explain essential aspects. It is important to choose the appropriate language, tone, writing style.


Dealing with this type of paper, you do not need to conduct your research. The main task is to summarize the data gathered from other sources. This information may be published in different periods, written by various authors, and have different purposes. Generalizing past investigations, you can come up with your conclusions.


This case study type is useful when you need to determine the causes and consequences. It would help if you approached the case with a critical view, find some interesting details. It is essential to look deeper and cover the topic from different angles.

Knowing the types of case study method, you’ll better understand the purposes of the particular assignment. If you want to get a good grade, it is more important to follow instructions than to be a talented author. However, in any case, you should develop your writing skills. Remember that the practice makes better.

What Should You Know About the Case Study Analysis Writing?

Handling this task may seem complicated, but everything becomes better if you have a direct plan to follow. Of course, if you have nothing to put on the sheet, you can sit for hours waiting for inspiration. That’s why the prewriting stage is no less important. You should conduct research, find enough information, and analyze it.

Read About the Case to Examine It

Firstly, you have to gather as much data as possible. Depending on your assignment, you may find it on the Internet or visit the office and speak with the real participants of this case. It would help if you had everything that may come in handy: quotes, figures, statistics, forecasts. It was a load case, find articles in newspapers, reviews.

It is essential to understand the case since it is not the modeled situation when you know what to work with. Some details may be ignored in real life, and it would be perfect if you find them and prove they could affect the solution.

Choose Your Focus

Now, when you have enough information, you can read it and evaluate it. Think about what you would like to write about if you don’t have direct instructions.

You can’t write about everything at the same time. Choose the most crucial approach to focus on. It is essential to define the thing you can contribute to. For example, if there is a critical issue, but you have nothing to say about it, don’t waste your time. You should provide a unique paper with a fresh view and personal evaluation of the situation. Therefore, try to find something that you’re interested in.

Develop Possible Solutions

When you have an issue to overcome, organize the brainstorming session, and write down all ideas that come to your mind. Think of what your professor expects of you. Most likely, you should use the information that you’ve already learned in the class.

Work through these ideas to understand how fully and clear you can describe them. It is unnecessary to make all of them perfect, but you need to have at least 3 options to choose from.

Select the Best Option

With a shortlist of case solutions, it is easy to choose the one that you like more.

Now you have everything to write a paper, and you won’t spend a lot of time crafting it. The more responsible you approach the prewriting stage, the better the final result will be.

Typical Case Study Analysis Structure

Writing any paper, you should start by developing a structure. Outline the document to get a plan that you’ll follow. It will contain main sections along with your key ideas for each of them.

It is important to come up with a title, sub-titles for sections, develop a thesis statement, a research question. If you’re not an experienced writer, you can’t just follow the flow of thoughts. However, even seasoned authors have a plan. If you read any story attentively, you’ll mention that all of them have a clear structure. When you have rigid frames, it is easier to experiment with the content.


The first paragraph is of great importance. It is necessary to grab the readers’ attention and to provide them with the necessary information about the case.Crafting the introduction, you need to identify the critical issue and to summarise the thesis statement briefly. Try to use an exciting hook.

For example, if you’re writing about a successful case, you can start a paper with a description of this company's darkest times. It will help you to intrigue readers, to make them read further.


The background paragraph contains preliminary information about the issue you’re writing about. If your case is about a challenge the company faced, you need to conduct research and find out the main reasons for its inception. Depending on the task requirements, you should analyze them and come up with some new ideas.

If it is possible, provide an official company’s statement. What does the CEO think about the background of this situation? Can it be explained with external or internal factors? Once your audience finishes with this section, it should have all the necessary information to analyze the case background and develop its ideas.

Evaluation of the Case

Firstly, you need to define the main aspects of the case that you’re going to explore. Indicate these pieces in your paper, explain why they matter, and why it is important to focus on them.

It is where you can provide opinions of critics and your perspective about the reasons and consequences of the crisis. Add more details about the people who were involved.

Proposed Solution

Now it is time to involve the solution. Who, when, and how proposed it? Was it successful? Provide more information as if you’re writing for people who are in the same situation. That’s why professors develop case study topics for students, they want you to know the possible solutions that you may use in your future career. It is what is called the best practices, something that is good enough. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when you can apply a solution that has worked out.


If it goes about the unsuccessful case, provide alternative options. In any case, if you have some ideas that would work better, add them to your paper. Outline the strategy with a detailed plan of action.

Of course, you should explain them to your readers. And what is even more important is considering all obstacles. For example, some actions seem easy these days, but 50 years ago, they were impossible because people didn’t have the Internet and other modern technologies.

Adhere to The Required Case Study Analysis Format

When you’re trying to impress your professor with a paper, it is vital to get the format of your assignment right. It is not the most exciting stage of the writing process, but it is necessary according to academic standards.

When you design a case study template, consider the style that is accepted by your educational institution. It can be MLA, APA, Harward, etc. Each of them has its features. Be attentive since there are several edits, and you need to use the latest one. Ensure your professor has provided you with the detailed information, and download the official guide with all instructions.

If your paper doesn’t have a title page, a reference page, an abstract, or a bibliography formatted appropriately, you’ll lose your marks. It is also essential to provide correct citations if you don’t want your paper to be considered plagiarism.

Avoid These Things To Succeed With the Paper

If you want to get a good grade, it is crucial to organize your writing. Plan your schedule and ensure you have enough time for all sections. Set your intermediate deadlines to know that you control the process.

Along with some professional case study writers' tips, we want to provide you with things you should avoid.


One of this assignment's purposes is to lay a foundation for understanding issues and trends applied to similar obstacles. It is not so easy since you need to have research and analytical skills to provide evidence-based conclusions. All your words without concrete facts are just speculation. If you don’t want your paper to look biased, rely on your best friend: cold, hard data.

Some students use overgeneralization when they don’t have enough time or desire to delve deeper. It is also used to fill the space when you have a required volume and don’t know what to write about. However, it will not make your paper better, so try to avoid it.

Doubts And Contradictions

Of course, you’re just a student. You lack knowledge and professional skills that let you write an expert paper. That’s why your professor will assign you a topic that is famous enough. It will help you to find a lot of information to come up with a decent text.

However, it doesn’t mean you should show your uncertainty. Writing a case study analysis, imagine that you’re a real auditor who can look at the situation from different angles. If you have a point of view, write about it with absolute confidence. Such words as “maybe”, “most likely”, “with a high probability” are forbidden.

Ignoring Limitations

It is easy to be a hero when you evaluate the situation post factum, knowing all details. When you’re in the center of the case, you can miss some aspects or be limited by some conditions.

That’s why you shouldn’t ignore the limitations when developing your solution. Don’t offer the company to invest money in a particular field to achieve better results if the enterprise doesn’t have these funds. All your suggestions should be real and possible.

Refusing Professional Help

There may be different situations when you understand that it is not easy to come up with a decent academic paper.

For example, if you have various assignments with strict deadlines, feel sick, need to work, you can skip the task and spoil your reputation. But it is not necessary since you can hire a professional author who will write a paper for you. When submitting an order, provide your requirements, and expect the document crafted according to your expectations.

Some More Tips to Write an Outstanding Case Study Analysis

If you want to polish your paper and make it flawless, you should develop your writing skill. Don’t expect the first draft to be perfect, but try to make each new version better than the previous one. Below you’ll find some tips from our expert authors that will make your writing perfect.

Read Some Samples

If it is your first experience with such an assignment, find an excellent example of a case study to understand its structure and main principles.

However, please read papers devoted to other topics. Then you won’t unconsciously copy someone else’s ideas. Read the text, analyze its strengths and weaknesses, highlight words and phrases you may also use.

Look For Unique Approach

If you want to become a good writer, you need to develop your writing style. There are some ways to succeed with this task:

  • Read a lot. It goes not about samples only but different books, articles, and other sources.
  • Try various literary devices. You need to make the paper not just informative but enjoyable. Make your writing brighter but don’t forget about evidence and objective facts.
  • Experiment with the structure. Once you have understood the typical case study analysis structure, you can add something new, change sections, and play with the readers’ attention. Use hooks, focus on different solutions, etc.

Add Visual Data

Depending on the requirements of your professor, you can add visual data to support your words. Of course, it should be appropriate. For example, when you’re writing about economic progress, provide a chart where it is illustrated. Visual materials help you to impress readers and to explain your thoughts more clearly.

Proofread Attentively

Once you finish writing, take a rest to refresh your brain. Then you can read your first draft to find mistakes and typos, to define which sentences and paragraphs need improvement. Try to look at your paper as if you’re one of your target audience. It would also be a good idea to ask someone to read the text and provide you with feedback.

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Angelina Grin

Creative Writer and Blog Editor

Despite my relatively young age, I am a professional writer with more than 14 years of experience. I studied journalism at the university, worked for media and digital agencies, and organized several events for ed-tech companies. Yet for the last 6 years, I've worked mainly in marketing. Here, at Studybay, my objective is to make sure all our texts are clear, informative, and engaging.

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