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Case Study: Choice of Topic and General Information

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If you find yourself on this page, then most likely you are a student who was given the task to write your case study. If choosing a topic for a case study was a real challenge for you, you have come to the right place. After reading our article, you will figure out all the intricacies of this issue: how to decide on the subject of research, where to get inspiration and how to develop your research around the chosen topic.

What are the topics and where to get it?

When you are given the task of writing a case study, the first and most difficult step you need to take is to properly analyze the situation that will form the basis of your research.

The research topic for the case study

A specific case, which you will analyze in depth, and will be the topic of case study. The research topic should be highly specialized, fresh and one that will offer something new. Topics can be obtained in several ways.

The first, and, in our opinion, the most difficult - is an independent choice. When there is a wide choice, it can be difficult to focus on one thing. But instead you have the freedom to act and the opportunity to choose your own strategy. In addition, you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the educational issue in the discipline you are studying.

The second way - the topic is assigned by your professor. You have a clear task, so you can get started right away.

And the third case - you get a list of topics from which you need to choose one. The one that interested you the most.

Let's talk in more detail about each of these cases of getting a topic.

You choose the topic

Focus on your own ideas. When choosing a topic yourself, the main thing is not to get confused. Think about what you have been interested in lately. Take a pen and a sheet of paper and write down your thoughts and ideas. Now choose the one that can be transformed into a case study topic. The problem should be selected according to the following principles: "What can I learn new?" and "What solutions can I suggest?". Do not consider the case study as an unbearable burden, but rather as an exciting adventure that will give you new knowledge.

How to find an interesting topic?

No idea comes to mind? You need to develop your strategy of action.

  1. See a list of questions in the training courses. There are definitely some impressive ideas for future research. Be interested not in what you have already learned, but in what you have not yet dealt with. Read textbooks and magazines in your discipline. You just need to find a clue that will encourage the development of your idea.
  2. Talk to your teacher. Sometimes a fascinating conversation with a professional in the field can set you up for the right job and come up with an idea for your research. By the way, he can help you both determine the topic and case study assistance.
  3. Remember your past victories. You have certainly written many essays and touched on noteworthy issues. Think about which of the essays you would like to develop, study in more depth, and turn into a full-fledged case study.
  4. If none of the suggested strategies helped you, you should turn to online resources. Monitor the most authoritative online media, find out what is the most discussed and topical at the moment. Choose a topic close to you and expand it to the size of the study. You can also contact the assignment writing service.

Resources for Identifying a Research Problem

There are four types of sources to help you identify a research problem.

  • Sources of criticism. You reveal the author's position with which you disagree. You build your strategy based on counterarguments.
  • Sources of fresh ideas. Case studies are designed to generate your own views, however, sometimes you can draw inspiration from other authors. The main thing is not to forget to refer to other people's sources.
  • Historical sources. Sometimes you will need to show the development of the issue in its historical context. This can be useful for comparing historical events, identifying behavioral patterns, analyzing places, and key events.
  • Sources of related disciplines. If your topic is directly related to politics, it will be useful to look at it from a different angle, given other fields. For example, politics is related to sociology and history, and medicine can be studied in terms of philosophy or psychology. The purpose of the accompanying literature is to find different approaches to the problem you are considering.

5 points to help you decide on a topic

When choosing a theme, you should consider several important points. They will greatly facilitate your task and help you choose a valuable subject for research.

Look for unusual situations, events, and people that require study

Descriptions of typical cases may not always provide new information. This is why it is better to choose exceptional circumstances for a case study. Atypical cases are a good source and basis for case studies.

Reveal your question from a previously unexplored side

Case studies are designed to find fresh solutions to old problems or look in a new way at previously studied issues. One way or another, your work must have practical significance.

Your task is to analyze the situation - case, evaluate the proposed algorithms, and select the best in the problem's context.

Find a counter-opinion to the prevailing one

Valuable research is

Researchers often follow a simple path - finding a point of view on research that correlates with his own. However, if the question you are examining causes you to have controversial thoughts, it will only work for your benefits. In fact, valuable research is born in search of truth and thanks to different opinions. Keep this in mind when working with text. Take the opponent's position and find worthy arguments, which will allow you to create a high-quality product.

Your case study should suggest ways to prevent similar cases

A good case study sample might be the following: you are studying the case of the destruction of the family of a serviceman who has post-traumatic stress disorder. In the research process, you find a causal link between the sudden return of a soldier after the war in society without the proper help of specialists. The result was the psychological self-isolation of the military and separation from the family. Your research should help find ways to prevent the breakdown of families of servicemen suffering from PTSD.

Your topic should be valuable for future research

Your work can be a platform for future research. Suppose you are a medical college student. You have been asked by your professor to write a case study. Choosing from many topics, you became interested in a little-studied disease that affects people in a particular region. As a basis for your research, you can take the manifestations of this disease in a specific person. In your work, you will investigate the patient's medical history, describe the symptoms. In the future, this study will provide an impetus to explore the region where patients are most often identified and to find a link between geography and affection. And this, in the long run, will help find alternative ways to treat the illness.

List of Case Study Topics Examples

We have already found that case studies can be created in any scientific field. This generates a wide range of subjects to study. The importance of case studies is difficult to overestimate. Without them, the development of many scientific fields would be impossible.

In today's world, technology is evolving too fast, and this requires constant analysis and study by young scientists. All the latest gadgets are the result of case studies. They facilitate the exchange of information and accelerate the development of technology.

Next, we will talk about the importance of conducting investigations in various disciplines.

If, after our tips, you still haven't been able to decide on the subject of your own research, you can get an idea from our list of topics.

Environmental Science

Education plays an essential role in solving environmental problems. One of the most effective ways to reduce and prevent the impact of industrial production on the environment is the introduction of environmental management systems. One of the methods of developing environmental competence among managers is Case Studies. The goal of eco-management education, defined from the standpoint of a practice-oriented learning model, is to develop skills and abilities to solve specific problems in the field of environmental management. We offer the following topics:

  1. Heavy metals in school grounds.
  2. Study of the effect of road transport emissions on the linear growth of pine.
  3. Study of the ecological environment of the dwelling.
  4. Impact of emissions from road transport on the vegetation.
  5. Assessment of the resistance of tree and shrub plants in green spaces of a residential area.
  6. Study of algae in aquarium conditions.
  7. Grooming and hierarchical position in rats.
  8. Impact of climate change on coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef.
  9. Effects of microplastics on marine life in the Atlantic Ocean.
  10. Use of clean energy in reducing carbon emissions in New York City.
  11. Water scarcity and the impact on agriculture in California.
  12. Remediation of contaminated land through phytoremediation techniques in industrial areas of India.
  13. Waste management practices in reducing landfill waste in Sweden.
  14. Impact of deforestation on biodiversity in the Amazon Rainforest.
  15. Renewable energy programs and their impact on rural communities in Kenya.

Applied Physics

Physics has always been the core of human development. All discoveries and inventions of humanity are based on the laws of physics. A case study in applied physics is a powerful tool for achieving practical goals. You can choose one of these topics for analysis:

  1. Stellar flares, stellar coronal activity, and stellar wind.
  2. Nanophotonics and quantum optics of nanostructures.
  3. Ultrafast processes and laser-plasma.
  4. Features of the emission of lightning discharge radiation into the ionosphere near the equator.
  5. Influence of weightlessness on the vital activity of organisms.
  6. Hadron Collider: a myth about the origin of the Universe.
  7. In pursuit of the Carnot cycle.
  8. Wind as an example of convection in nature.
  9. Design, development and performance of self-driving cars using computer vision and motion sensing technologies.
  10. The physics of sound and its applications in noise-canceling technology for aviation and music production.
  11. The physics of ballistics and the science behind bulletproof vests and armor.
  12. Use of graphene in developing efficient and high-performance batteries for electric vehicles.
  13. Understanding the physics of magnetic levitation and its applications in transportation technologies.
  14. Development of superconducting magnets for use in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technologies.
  15. Understanding the behavior of fluids under extreme temperature and pressure conditions and its applications in deep sea drilling technologies.


In nursing, the case study is especially important as nursing dissertation writing! In the context of medicine, it implies an in-depth analysis of a specific case of one patient. Nurses encounter such cases during daily practice. This method makes it possible to apply theoretical skills in a real situation, draw specific conclusions and formulate recommendations.

The main task of a nursing case study is to choose a patient and investigate his medical history. Based on the collected material, you make a research plan, and the final stage is the best practice. List of topics:

  1. Why you need to temper your body.
  2. Chewing gum: for or against.
  3. Study of glucose content in various juices.
  4. Proper nutrition as the basis for a healthy life for the young generation.
  5. Impact of stress on human health and longevity.
  6. Headaches: causes, methods of treatment.
  7. The dietary sugar substitute aspartame is a toxic substance.
  8. A donation as one of the ways to save people.
  9. The impact of cultural competence on patient outcomes in diverse healthcare settings.
  10. Self-care management for patients with chronic diseases.
  11. Developing and implementing effective pain management strategies for post-operative patients.
  12. Addressing the stigma surrounding mental illness.
  13. Improving patient outcomes through interprofessional collaboration in acute care settings.
  14. Palliative care for patients with end-stage heart failure - nursing considerations and challenges.
  15. The use of nursing informatics in improving patient care outcomes and nurse workflow management.


A case study in psychology is one of the approaches to descriptive research of an individual. In this case, an in-depth analysis of specific features or phenomena, on the basis of which a comparative analysis is carried out and conclusions are drawn.

The focus of the case study in psychology is human. Freud set the most famous precedent case study in psychology in the early 1900s. His intense introspection, combined with the case studies of several individuals, led to an open-minded subconscious life that suppresses but controls behavior.

A variety of methods can be used, including face-to-face interviews, direct observation, psychometric tests, and archival records. In psychology, case studies are most commonly used in clinical research to describe rare events and conditions that conflict with well-established principles in psychology.

The study subject in the case herd can be both socio-psychological characteristics of the individual, which is of independent interest as a "clinical" case, and complex social units, consisting of many variables.

Possible research topics:

  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder in the military.
  2. Fear of confined space: causes and consequences.
  3. The inferiority complex: how to overcome.
  4. Personal complexes as a driver of progress.
  5. Sexual harassment of minors.
  6. Drug use during pregnancy.
  7. Schizophrenia in various manifestations.
  8. Effectiveness of group therapy in treating social anxiety disorder.
  9. Exploring the significance of sleep on alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  10. The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapies in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
  11. Role of social support in improving coping mechanisms for individuals with chronic illnesses.
  12. The influence of parenting styles on adolescent personality development.
  13. Effects of psychotherapy on improving symptoms of depression.
  14. Examining the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on stress reduction and resilience for healthcare professionals.
  15. The psychological reasons behind conspiracy theories.


Management is a science that deals with the proper allocation of resources to achieve goals. Its task is the most rational use of available resources. The concept of management is vast. This is due to the fact that the subject studies a huge number of issues - the basics of enterprise management, strategic and tactical planning, staff motivation, market analysis, and dozens of others. It is very easy to get lost in such a variety of areas for research. You can choose from:

  1. Analysis of the human resources of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its use.
  2. Analysis of compliance with the goals and objectives of the organization and its staff.
  3. Methods of building personnel management systems.
  4. Organization of innovative changes in the personnel management system
  5. Recruitment technologies and their efficiency
  6. Anti-crisis personnel management.
  7. Analysis of the necessary qualities of a modern leader (on a specific example).
  8. The essence of management decisions and stages of its adoption.
  9. The impact factors of the business environment in the activities of a particular company.
  10. Stages of development strategy.
  11. The effects of organizational culture on employee satisfaction.
  12. Analyzing leadership styles and their impact on team performance.
  13. Strategic resource allocation and its effect on profitability.
  14. The role of ethical leadership in promoting corporate social responsibility.
  15. The implementation of performance management system and its effects on motivation and job satisfaction.


In marketing, case studies can be an ideal way to increase sales. To offer the client exactly what he needs, it would be nice to read his thoughts, eh? You can do it through a case study.

Marketing cases are a detailed description of the successful implementation of business projects. Cases allow you to attract customers due to the fact that the target audience gets access to detailed information about how the company works.

Marketing cases are a tool aimed at building and increasing brand trust among the target audience. For such an effect, it is crucial to use correct data and real examples with numbers, deadlines, labor costs.

A clear explanation of the goal and the need for individual actions to solve the problem based on real examples will help a potential client evaluate the company's professionalism and productivity.

Two-thirds of marketers consider case studies to be a handy tool for generating leads and sales. The most popular use of cases is in the B2B segment. Most often, cases are used in such business industries:

  • content creation and internet marketing;
  • construction and repair;
  • consulting services;
  • business creation and promotion;
  • promotion of online services;
  • training and education, etc.

Cases are used when it is possible to clearly and structurally describe the solution to the problem, showing the starting point and adding screenshots with numbers, graphs, and diagrams, confirming that the client's goal has been achieved. In addition to text, cases are created in video format.

Marketing case studies can be directed to the following topics:

  1. Bank design concept.
  2. Setting up contextual advertising.
  3. Marketing case for website traffic growth.
  4. Review of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign (activities in various areas).
  5. Assessment of the state of the competitive environment of the market (in multiple areas).
  6. Study of the attitude of individual consumers to the firm.
  7. Research of the market of free funds of the population.
  8. Investigation of the corporate culture of the organization.
  9. Study of individual purchasing decision making.
  10. Assessment of the prospects for opening a new company in the conditions of the region.
  11. Study of consumer motivation and preferences when choosing durable goods.
  12. Search for an idea for a new product (service).
  13. Effect of influencer marketing on consumer purchase behavior in the beauty industry.
  14. Evaluating the impact of social media advertising on brand awareness.
  15. The role of customer relationship management in enhancing customer loyalty.

SMM case study topics

SMM is one of the branches of marketing, which is based on the search for a customer base through social networking platforms and Internet resources. The case study in the field of SMM can be established, for example, on the case of highly skilled use of SMM resources on the instance of a particular site, the dynamics of growth of its audience, sales, etc.

Case studies in this area are possible on different topics:

  1. Website promotion and traffic increase.
  2. Removing search engine filters.
  3. Cheating behavioral factors.
  4. Content Marketing and PR.
  5. Promotion of social networks.
  6. E-mail marketing.
  7. Viral content creation.
  8. Using online chats, call tracking systems, and other services.
  9. Video marketing.
  10. Promotion of mobile applications.
  11. Promotion of offline events.
  12. Social media marketing campaigns and brand loyalty.
  13. Effectiveness of Instagram influencer partnerships in driving sales.
  14. Role of user-generated content in boosting engagement.
  15. Impact of LinkedIn for lead generation and B2B marketing.

MBA Case study

MBA is one of the schools of management for directors, top managers, and business owners who seek to establish themselves and develop in the market. It provides the most efficient use of resources and management tools to reorganize the work and achieve significant results of companies. The subject for a case study in this area may be, for example, an individual company. You can explore its history, the reasons for the decline in its efficiency, and ways to overcome the labor crisis of the enterprise. You should not use already developed projects or smart products already on the market.

When choosing a topic, a student can proceed from his personal managerial interests and offer something that will help him personally. He may also become interested in the field of activity of his firm and company, and then his theoretical and practical conclusions will cover a much larger area.


  1. Improvement of logistics processes at the enterprise.
  2. Cost management of the fuel and energy complex.
  3. Improving the marketing activities of the company using a specific example.
  4. Stress in the activities of the manager. Ways to minimize and effectively deal with stress on the example of a leader.
  5. Time management in the activities of the head.
  6. Building a new personnel motivation system.
  7. Brand promotion in the pharmaceutical market.
  8. The role of business ethics in enhancing corporate reputation.
  9. The effectiveness of project management techniques on cost control.
  10. Analyzing the importance of financial ratio analysis in business decision making.
  11. The role of marketing research in product development.
  12. The significance of corporate social responsibility in business sustainability.
  13. Measuring the effectiveness of change management strategies on organizational performance.
  14. Evaluating the relationship between human resource management and workplace diversity.
  15. The importance of strategic planning in business growth.


When developing a case in economic disciplines, various approaches are possible. You can, for example, initially select a specific type of problem and try to isolate information related to this type of problem - let's say, take the problem from the following particular area of ​​the company's activity: distribution, sales management, company value management, personnel management, etc. Another approach is not to initially single out a specific problem, but to collect information on a wide range of the issues of the company's activities: management, marketing, finance, etc.

Case studies in economics challenge time, explore the development of the business over time. They also identify real problems in today's economy and help you develop the ability to find solutions to these problems.


  1. Anatomy of financial bubbles.
  2. Financial pyramids in world history.
  3. The relationship between economics and law: the experience of world history.
  4. Integration processes in the latest world economic history.
  5. The green economy as a new type of economic development.
  6. Sustainable development as a new paradigm for economic growth in the 21st century.
  7. USA - the absolute leader of the world pharmaceutical market.
  8. Actual problems of personal financial security.
  9. Family budget and economic problems of rational use of resources.
  10. The influence of trade policies on global trade.
  11. Efficacy of fiscal and monetary measures to address inflation.
  12. Correlation between economic growth and income inequality.
  13. Impact of globalization on local industries.
  14. Economic effects of climate change on farming.
  15. Contribution of foreign direct investment to economic progress.


Case studies in education serve as a powerful methodological tool in any discipline. Any information is assimilated much better when it is presented on real examples. The teacher can create groups of students of different sizes to discuss certain issues. You can choose one specific case to discuss and find solutions to problems for all groups, and you can give each of them a unique case to compare and find analogies and alternative solutions.


  1. Teacher's Looping.
  2. How student performance depends on school choice.
  3. STEM education.
  4. How the sequence of school subjects in homework affects the quality of work.
  5. Innovative quality assurance of the educational activity of the university.
  6. The problem of systematizing the scientific terminology of pedagogy.
  7. Analyzing the influence of online learning on conventional classroom education.
  8. Efficacy of inclusive education programs for students with special needs.
  9. Significance of teacher training initiatives on student academic performance.
  10. Correlation between school funding models and student success.
  11. Effectiveness of technology incorporation in classroom instruction.
  12. Significance of parental engagement in a child's academic development.
  13. Impact of standardized testing on students' academic achievements.
  14. Value of peer tutoring in enhancing academic achievement.
  15. Impact of classroom capacity on student engagement and learning effectiveness.

Human Rights

Civil liberties and human rights are very diverse topics for research. To delve deeper into this world of jurisprudence, to understand the importance of human rights and ways to protect them, feel free to develop case studies. Consideration of specific cases of human rights violations will help students to get acquainted with this area and to hold exciting discussions on individual precedents in the courts.

You can choose a special case for a case study on one of these topics:

  1. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
  2. Right to a fair trial.
  3. Right to respect for private and family life.
  4. Prohibition of torture.
  5. Child exploitation in the criminal world.
  6. Homeless children - respect for rights.
  7. Political freedom.
  8. How has the rise of social media affected the expression of free speech?
  9. In what ways does forced labor in developing countries violate the human rights of workers?
  10. How does climate change affect the human rights of vulnerable communities?
  11. What is the role of international organizations in protecting and promoting human rights during times of conflict?
  12. How does the war on drugs in Latin America impact human rights?
  13. To what extent does police brutality breach the human rights of marginalized communities?
  14. What are the effects of gender-based violence on the human rights of women and girls?
  15. How does education play a role in safeguarding and encouraging human rights?

Information technology

IT is one of the fastest-growing industries. Some of the most interesting topics for case studies in the field of IT can be cognitive modeling (artificial intelligence, affective computing, decision making, and time perception) and Applied Logic (cognitive robotics, database theory, distributed computing, and machine understanding).

  1. The importance of software updates.
  2. Virtual reality as a new kind of children's entertainment.
  3. The value of data analysis of social networks.
  4. Computer modeling as a method of cognition.
  5. Information and analytical support in public administration.
  6. Geographic information systems and resources.
  7. Information and analytical support in the field of national security.
  8. Impact of artificial intelligence on employment in different industries.
  9. Ethical implications of using emerging technologies.
  10. Role of information technology in enhancing healthcare services.
  11. Impact of cloud computing on data storage and management in small and large businesses.
  12. Effects of cybercrime on internet users and businesses in different regions.
  13. Role of big data analytics in enhancing business operations and decision-making processes.
  14. Impact of blockchain technology on financial systems and transaction security.
  15. Effects of internet censorship on freedom of expression and access to information.

The research topic was provided to you

The topic was chosen for you. On the one hand, it makes your life easier. After all, you do not spend a lot of time and effort searching among the many exciting problems, just the one that is close to you. However, there is another side - now you have to write a study of precisely what you are asked. Either way, you no longer have a choice. All you have to do is follow a specific algorithm of action agreed with your professor. Each teacher has his own vision and requirements for the disclosure of a given topic.

A step-by-step guide to writing a study

Define terms and concepts.

To be a professional, you need to be correctly oriented in what you write. The topic needs to be explored in-depth, going into the smallest details. Start by defining the basic concepts that will operate in your work.

Choose literature sources.

You have two options. You can search for literature yourself or seek help from a librarian. If you choose the first option, you will have to work hard.

  • Use all possible ways to find sources.
  • Look for reference materials in the course program, in the catalog of US libraries, interdisciplinary databases.
  • Apply all tools and filters for a more accurate search.
  • To find as much information as possible, use synonyms of basic concepts. Here you will find useful the concepts and terms that you have defined in Step 1. And only after that you will be able to decide on the vector of your research finally.
  • Identify the most relevant research on your topic.
  • Use only verified sources.

Hint. Most likely, your topic was studied before you. And you will find a lot of useful information in previous studies by other scientists. You need to find the freshest works. Google Scholar will be a good helper in this. How to use it? Just paste the article's title you are interested in into the search bar, find the link to the citation, and find the number below the entry. It will indicate the number of uses of this article in other works. This method will allow you to identify the most relevant work related to your topic.

Look for controversial opinions.

Case studies are developed to find solutions to specific problems. In order to come to certain conclusions, you need to make many arguments and compare different points of view. To do this, use a variety of sources. Look for counter-views on your problem. Truth is born of controversy.

Make an outline of your work.

After defining the basic concepts and carefully selecting the necessary literature, you are ready to build your future research's skeleton. It will be the basis of your text and will identify gaps that need to be filled. There may be a need to study additional materials. Make sure that your work is logically structured and that each previous paragraph moves smoothly into the next.

Limited selection - You select a topic from the list provided

Here is a list of topics suggested by the professor. They are all selected so that you can develop any of them. Therefore it is not necessary to look at the topics that, and your opinion will be more straightforward. All of them are within your power, believe us. Our advice - choose the problem that is closest to you, which echoes in your heart. The topic should interest you, make you want to develop it, and introduce new ideas and suggest alternative solutions. If for some reason, you have chosen a topic but have not been able to work with it, you should think about another choice. Just don't procrastinate and tell the professor.

Now follow the 4 steps described in the paragraph above.

Fast facts

A case study is a challenging and even confusing topic that can cause you many additional questions. Next, we will answer the most common of them.

What is a typical case study?

Historical background

Learning by practical examples, as a way of development, has existed since ancient times. There are mentions that descriptions of specific battles and their analysis were used to instill leadership skills in Sparta boys.

However, officially, as a teaching method, the case study was first applied at Harvard Business School in 1924, when its teachers and students were faced with the fact that it was impossible to learn the practice of management and doing business using existing textbooks.

Interviews with leading business practitioners have become an alternative to textbooks. Detailed reports (descriptions of situations) written on their basis on how top managers solved a particular problem helped to find their own way of solving. This is how the case study system and the first business cases were born.

Definition of the term case study

A case study is a learning system based on the analysis, solution, and discussion of situations, both simulated and real.

The method is intended to gain knowledge in disciplines in which the truth is pluralistic, i.e., there is no unambiguous answer to this question. Several solutions can rival the degree of truth.

Case studies are now an excellent means of finding the truth in any scientific discipline: politics, management, philosophy, physics, mathematics, history, information technology and other fields of knowledge.

And in colleges, writing case studies has become a mandatory part of the curriculum.

How Long Should a Case Study Be?

There are no strict limits on the size of the case study. The more detailed you cover the topic, the better. However, the research should not be like a dissertation. You need to fully present your idea, problems, and solutions in a relatively small format. Each subsequent paragraph of work should logically continue the previous one.

Writing a case study requires concentration and resources; you need to write essentially, avoiding "water." This approach to writing a work determines a certain length of text - its size can range from about 500 to 1,500 words.

What Format Should My Case Study Be In?

The right format of the text is no less critical in the case study. Keep in mind that it depends on the requirements of a particular college. APA style papers are the most popular. You can also cite in MLA format. Keep in mind that text formatting is not an easy task; however, it should be given special attention. This is the face of your work that many teachers pay attention to.

Why Are Case Studies Important?

Case studies are considered one of the best techniques for developing analytical and critical thinking, as well as creativity.

Let's highlight three main advantages of this teaching method.

1) Practical focus. The case method allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems. This approach compensates for purely academic education and provides a broader understanding of business and processes than lectures at a university or internship in a narrow area of work.

2) Specific skills. The case method allows one to improve soft skills, which are not taught at the university but are extremely necessary for the real workflow.

3) Interactive format. The case method provides more effective assimilation of the material due to the high emotional involvement and active participation of the trainees. When teaching this method, the emphasis is placed not on the acquisition of ready-made knowledge, but its development.

What are some examples of case studies?

Solving a case means analyzing the proposed situation and finding the best solution. The doctor solves the cases every time he diagnoses the patient and prescribes treatment. The lawyer solves the case, understanding the twists and turns of the case, and offering the client the best way out. The manager solves issues at all stages of the business process: which product to launch, where to sell it, how to attract buyers, which suppliers and partners to choose.

What should a case study include?

A case study, like any other written work, consists of several essential elements. Next, we talk about a typical scheme of the case study.

  • Introduction. Present the research topic, orient the reader in further content, add a one-sentence thesis statement.
  • Background. The study requires additional facts and broad issues. Ensure this in your work.
  • Alternative. There were probably several different options for conducting your research. However, you chose the one you chose. Explain to the reader what alternatives existed and justify your choice.
  • Decision. The purpose of the case study is to find the best solution to the proposed problem. So offer a realistic solution to the question - do it professionally and reasonably.
  • Recommendations. Proposing a solution to the problem is only half the battle. Try to give a hint on how to put it into practice. Outline a clear plan, think about further actions.

Of course, this template is for guidance only. You can add, change paragraphs depending on the specifics of your study.

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All of them have successfully passed the Studybay examination and proven their competence to our team.

Our experts have graduated from the best universities in the world

Oxford Harvard Tsinghua University NUS University Dehli University Montral University Sorbonne University