12 min
If you have made up your mind and you know opening a bakery is the road you are willing to take, the next step requires you to write everything down in order. This speeds up the development and progression of your project and provides you with a sense of direction as well. Before you put your shoulder to the wheel, you need to have a tangible blueprint in your hand, which should be well conceptualized and thoroughly researched. According to proven research, 20 percent of new businesses tend to fail in the first couple of years.
- Definition Of a Bakery Business Plan
- Main Elements In Your Bakery Business Plan
- How To Get Started?
- Starting With an Executive Summary
- Your Mission Statement
- Short-Term And Long-Term Goals
- Description Of Your Bakery
- Brand Features
- Customer Segmentation
- Hierarchy Of The Organization
- Competitor Analysis
- Market Research
- Competitors’ Strategies
- Products Services
- Your Sales Marketing Strategy
- Dissect Your Target Audience
- Designing An Advertising Strategy
Want to know why? Because of the weak foundation that an entrepreneur lays down and is often witnessed to come crumbling down. By the foundation, you should understand that it is referred to as the groundwork you will be doing to design a business plan outline for your bakery. Ensure to prep well; this step is crucial for your bakery's long-term running and success. If you are not sure how to develop a plan that is sure to bear fruit, keep reading to ace every element.
Definition Of a Bakery Business Plan
Let us start from scratch. What is a bakery business plan, and what are you expected to include in this? It should be a tightly constructed, well defined but succinct consideration regarding all the ingredients that will go into the recipe mix of launching your very own bakery. This should consist of important details without being prolix. From the fixed and variable costs to the competitors and market’s analysis, you have to consider all the factors that will affect your bakery operations. It is the backbone of your project because it will later be utilized to garner prospective investors' interest and be able to issue loans from banks.
It will enable you to thoroughly analyze the potential and viability of the shop you are willing to start on an individual level. The plan formulation will allow you to identify all the loopholes and gaps you missed out initially and address them beforehand. Keeping injecting cash and waiting for a miracle will not help you survive in this saturated market, you need to be strategic from the first step to come out. You can also search for a restaurant business plan template to get a rough idea of writing yours.
Main Elements In Your Bakery Business Plan
Now that you are convinced that there is no shortcut to success here, it is time that you take out your diary and jot down all the headings to be covered. Keep in mind that businesses usually share similar elements in their business plans, but do not feel reluctant to customize one to your needs and requirements. For instance, you will have to include the detail of your menu and your unique selling point, which might not be the same case for somebody opening a boutique.
How To Get Started?
Are you looking for how to write a business plan? It would help if you began with this, it is not a simple task that you can get done overnight. Its significance can be determined from its ability to turn your concept and ideas into a running business, that too a profitable running one. Are you still unsure about the structuring of this document?
Starting With an Executive Summary
Although it is best to write this piece of information, it would be the first section bankers or potential investors will get to read. It forms an overarching summary of all the factors concerning your business and plays a crucial part in developing a perception in the reader's eyes. This summary can consist of somewhere between one to four pages that depend on each business's nature and demand. The objective here is to get your foot in the door. You also need to include your core competencies and your expected growth rate.
It is also essential to cover all the costs you will incur, whether associated with the equipment, land: raw materials, labor cost, or any other expected cash inflows and outflows. A few important aspects to talk about here would be your bakery location and the building space. Do not figure to mention your goals and objectives. To make it as powerful and impactful as possible, start with a strong hook, be concise, and try using bullet points where applicable and discuss your business's core strengths. You should know who your investors will be and alter your summary so that it resonates with them. For this, you should tweak this summary before approaching an investor each time.
Your Mission Statement
Its function is to compose an overview of your bakery. This should be written well enough to explain your purpose behind launching this bakery. It would help in persuading your approached financial sources that investing in your idea is the right move.
It is a clear depiction of your passion and determination, and aims. It is a powerful tool that summarizes the values of the entrepreneur and the company and highlights them in such a way that helps you in landing good deals. Do not make this very lengthy and repetitive. One liner or maybe a few lines should be enough to create the desired impact.
Short-Term And Long-Term Goals
It is good to hitch your wagon to a star if you have your goals and aims straightened out. You know you have your heart set on opening this bakery, it is time to let the reader in on it. Short-term goals refer to what you are looking forward to achieving shortly, and long-term goals mean your expected achievements in the next one or five or maybe ten years. Include both these types in this section. However, make sure they pass the “SMART” test. By smart, you should understand that your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, and reasonable. Not to forget, time-specific.
A few reasonable goals for your bakery can be to introduce three different types of cheesecakes in the first month, break-even by the end of the first annual operating year, or expand to at least two more locations in the next three years.
Description Of Your Bakery
You may be thinking, this is self-explanatory but hold on, there is more to what meets the eye. Do not start visualizing the aesthetics and the menu items you want to include in your shop. You have to address the finer details here. You can utilize your executive summary to expand points here. In general, you will have to explain why and how you plan to launch and run your bakery.
This section should include answers to questions about your target audience or a niche you are thinking of catering to. Mention the theme that you might have had in the back of your mind for years possibly. If you have any specialties or unique selling point, this is the right place to flaunt them. Furthermore, your marketing and promotional strategies should be added here, along with the legal structure of your business.
Consider it mandatory to include your budgeting plans here and your cash flow forecasts. This is often the make or break portion of the entire document; hence take your time to write it most strategically and professionally.
Brand Features
Utilize this section to specify your value propositions and what you aim to present to your customers. This can be anything like some colorful and aesthetically pleasing macarons or everybody’s favorite fresh out of the oven pizzas highlight details about your baked goods in the menu. Justify how these will set you apart and make you the next hot spot of town.
This section also addresses issues like any novice offerings from your side, if yes, are you intending to patent these? Do you have custom-made products? Are gluten-free items available? How do you propose to bring the element of relativity with the culture? The ambiance, the suppliers, distribution network, and customer services, write about all the factors that make your products and service a brand to remember.
Customer Segmentation
A business is nothing without its customers, and you are no exception. You should have full knowledge of your potential market to succeed as a marketer and an entrepreneur. Before conducting your customer analysis, it is beneficial to know that depending on your bakery’s nature, you will have multiple types of customers. Refer to other business plan examples to acquire more guidance.
For example, your bakery segments will be public members looking for something to consume for breakfast or lunch or other local shops such as petrol pumps that might be interested in keeping items from your display in their tuck shops. Another target market can be trade customers like online food specialists or retail outlets who are willing to sell your offerings online with their cut. Another important segment you should consider in today’s time is one consisting of online influencers. This group of people receives goods in their PRs. They review these either for a sum of money or sometimes for free. This step encourages you to identify your markets.
Hierarchy Of The Organization
There is nothing to be confused about here; it merely refers to the legal structure defining your business. You might be a sole proprietor meaning the only owner, a partnership, or maybe a private company. It is important to know that any family member who is volunteering for help does not make partners. You are still the sole proprietor. This needs to be included in your documents while you submit your tax details every year. Also, add insurances, licenses, and home bakery certificates.
If you plan to expand your business to a Partnership, LLC, CC, and others, you need to undertake the required paperwork and formalities. Your financial reasons are the number one factor for any of these changes. There is no need to be overwhelmed in this case, a bakery usually does not deal in tens of thousands of dollars daily, and neither are many conveyance vehicles required. Bakeries are fun, cozy, and small and have only a few workers employed. It makes managing this legal structure very convenient.
Competitor Analysis
Knowing your competitors is just as significant as knowing your customers or any other stakeholder. The first step requires you to identify your competitors, meaning other businesses selling baked goodies similar to yours. The names include their social media handles and website links. The most time-efficient and easy method for doing so is taking help from Google. You can search by specifics and get to know details about the bakeries located near you in a matter of minutes.
Social media is another great platform for carrying out this search. Nowadays, any well-reputable company has an online presence. Next, observe the pricing strategies of each and note down the price range to help you set yours later. Conduct a SWOT analysis of your business as well as your competitors. A pro tip here is that you can convert their weaknesses to your strengths. For example, the bakery near you might not be delivered to the doorstep. You can go the extra mile to capture more markets.
Market Research
This section is the most research extensive of all. You get the opportunity to assess your expansion possibilities and viability in the existing market for baked goods. Your research findings should be comprehensive enough to help you draw sound confirmation before setting foot in the market. You can segment the market based on demographics meaning age, sex, income group, and others. Other ways to segment them are on a geographical, behavioral, and psychographic basis.
This together will include the largest age group of your business, their social status, as well as their buying pattern. You will also be made aware of the values and customs of the locals to include their preferences. This will help you figure out details relevant to your pricing and promotional structure. The 4 Ps of marketing should be well integrated to become a success, and that can only be possible once you thoroughly know everything about your potential customer. A hotel business plan sample is a great source to take inspiration from while conducting your market research.
Competitors’ Strategies
Cool, now you know your key competitors, it's time to learn their angle for reaching out to their clients. Not only will this help you with ideas of formulating your strategies, but you can also learn from their mistakes and setbacks and readjust your policies. For example, if a bakery lost the market when it raised cream rolls in a specific town, try not to repeat the mistake.
Keep an eye out for their value offerings, which will include products, services, ambiance, and others. Next, identify standard promotional tools among them like Facebook lives and Instagram lives, giveaways, etc. It would help if you were incorporating it into your promotional strategy as well. Check out their goals and compare them with yours. Are you over-ambitious or under-ambitious?
Products Services
Hopefully, this section is exciting for you and less tiresome. Your products and services are two things that will make your company’s revenue stream, hence making it crucial for you to put your heart and soul into it. Nevertheless, you will not go far with just the two; make sure to plan smartly and strategically. Start with the items on your menu. Ensure to include the preferences of your customers, as identified previously.
However, this again holds that most customers know what they want, not necessarily what they need. That is your queue to come in. While you are at it, do not miss the significance of the items that have not made it to the list. Highlight the reasons behind this. The same goes for the services. Always refer back to your research findings. Also, highlight how you differ from your competition, why should customers and investors choose your brand and not the rest?
Your Sales Marketing Strategy
Who thought you would be doing so great? Keep holding on; you are almost done. Consider this the first most significant step in turning your bakery dreams into reality. Waiting and hoping for your business's growth is pointless, breathe life into your idea and start executing. Formulate a strategy that you know is foolproof. There is nothing that should keep you waiting now. Incorporate all your research findings in this step.
Dissect Your Target Audience
If you fail to take customer insights into account before the implementation phase, you might have to go back to the drawing board. Learning the feelings and perceptions of your customers is significant for making you successful. Figure out their needs and wants to produce strategically, place, promote, and price your offerings. You can do this via surveys, interviews, and internet polls. Never forget the customer is king!
Designing An Advertising Strategy
Before generating a profit, you need to have a concrete advertising strategy in place. First, build a strong community presence. This can be done by offering an innovative product, keeping a catchy store name.
Offer competitive pricing, or maybe penetration pricing should be your way to go. You can also give out small baked items like mini doughnuts with every purchase. This will promote your business as well as make customers content. Use traditional means of advertising as well as social media promotion.