Student Time Management Tips: Effective Advice from Experts

By: Tasha Kolesnikova

21 min



Student Time Management Tips: Effective Advice from Experts

As a student, it can often feel hectic, like there are simply not enough hours in the day. Between exams, classes, homework, part-time jobs, family obligations, and maintaining a social life, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. That's where time management comes in.

Time management is the process of planning and organizing your time in a way that allows you to be more productive, accomplish more, and reduce stress.

Student planning skills are necessary to scale through school as smoothly as possible, especially for adult students with families.

In this guide, we'll explore some useful tips that will teach you how to manage time as a student and help you make the most of your busy schedule while still having time for everything you want.

Importance Of Time Management Skills For Students

Importance of time management skills for students

Scheduling is a vital skill for old and young students to master and its benefits are simple. You can make the most of your time, form good study habits and even have more time for extracurricular activities or a social life. Here are some of the top reasons highlighting the importance of scheduling for learners:

Better Academic performance

With good planning skills, you can prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important ones first. This helps you avoid procrastination and stay on track with your coursework.

Additionally, planning strategies can help you stay on top of your assignments by taking online learning classes during free time. This allows you to better understand and submit your work on time and avoid late penalties or lower grades.

Stress And Anxiety Reduction

When students have too much to do and not enough time, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and not stay focused.

Firstly, time management skills in college will help you to stay organized. When students organize their tasks and create a schedule or to-do list, they are less likely to feel overwhelmed.

Avoiding procrastination in school is another benefit of learning how to better manage one's precious hours. Procrastination is common among students; they put off chores until the last minute, which can lead to stress and anxiety. With good scheduling techniques, you can plan your tasks in advance and allocate time for each one.

This can help avoid the stress and anxiety that comes with leaving things until the last minute. And also help you in getting things done on time. Hence, it is important to learn how to manage your time as a student.

Enhanced Productivity

When learners have a lot of schoolwork, it can be challenging to accomplish everything they need to do in a timely and efficient manner. This is where scheduling comes in.

Student productivity can be greatly boosted through the use of time-management techniques. By prioritizing tasks, avoiding procrastination, and managing time efficiently, learners can accomplish more in less time. Reading articles on scheduling is a great first step in becoming more productive.

Transferable Skills

Scheduling is a transferable skill that is essential for success in many areas of life beyond academics. College student time management can prepare individuals for success in their personal and professional lives. The ability to prioritize tasks, manage time efficiently, and avoid procrastination are valuable skills that can be applied in any context, from managing personal commitments to balancing studying and work. Good scheduling skills can help learners to improve their productivity, reduce stress levels, and achieve their goals in various aspects of life, making it a highly important transferable skill.

Increased Energy

Scheduling can increase energy levels for learners by reducing stress and promoting a healthy lifestyle. When students manage their schedule efficiently, they can avoid the stress and anxiety that can come from feeling overwhelmed or unprepared.

This can help with reducing fatigue and increasing overall energy levels. Additionally, learners who prioritize sleep and exercise as part of their scheduling plan can improve their physical and mental health, which can also boost energy levels.

These are just a few of the reasons why scheduling is so important for learners.

How To Diagnose Your Student Time Management Skills

If you want to diagnose your skills, you can use the questions provided below. Begin by answering each question as honestly as possible and choose the column that best describes your behavior. These questions are designed to provide insight into areas where you may need to make improvements.

For each statement, you can choose the column that best represents your behavior, ranging from "Rarely or never" to "Almost always or always".

Statement Rarely or never Occasionally Sometimes Often Almost always or always
I set aside specific times for studying, homework, and assignments
I use a planner or digital tool to keep track of my schedule and deadlines
I avoid procrastination and start working on tasks as soon as possible
I prioritize self-care activities like exercise, sleep, and relaxation
I am able to estimate how much time a task will take me to complete accurately
I break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones
I am comfortable saying "no" to social activities that interfere with my academic responsibilities
I regularly evaluate my progress and adjust my schedule and study strategies accordingly

Best Time Management Strategies For Students

Time management strategies for students

School scheduling and student time management plans are crucial for success and personal wellbeing of busy students. It's not easy to stay on top of everything when you have so much on your to-do list.

Fortunately, there are several time management techniques for college students that you can use to prioritize tasks, avoid procrastination, and manage your schedule more effectively. Here are eight strategies and tips, along with some useful resources:

  • Use a planner or calendar app: A planner or calendar app can help learners to keep track of deadlines, appointments, and tasks. Some useful apps include Google Calendar,, and Trello.
  • Create a to-do list: This is one of the major time management tips for college students. A to-do list can help learners to stay organized and focused. Most methods for studying involve to-do lists, and there are several apps and tools that can be used to create a to-do list, including Todoist, Microsoft To Do, and Evernote.
  • Break tasks down into smaller chunks: Breaking tasks down into smaller, manageable chunks can make them feel less overwhelming. This can help students to stay motivated and focused. The Pomodoro Technique is a popular scheduling method that involves breaking work into 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between.
  • Prioritize tasks: The key to effective planning and organization in school is learning to set priorities. Prioritizing tasks can help learners to focus on the most important work first. The Eisenhower Matrix is a popular tool for prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance.
  • Avoid multitasking: If you want to get the most out of your college experience, one of the finest pieces of advice you can follow is to avoid multitasking at all costs. Instead, you need to master the art of organizing yourself in the classroom if you want to achieve your full academic potential. You can delegate some of your assignments to Studybay experts.
  • Set goals: Every effective time management tip for working students and regular students would say set goals. Students can improve their task management skills by setting concrete, attainable objectives. The SMART goal-setting framework is a useful tool for setting goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • Manage distractions: Managing distractions is one of the top ways to manage time for students. Distractions make it difficult for students to stay on task. However, there are several apps and tools that can be used to manage distractions, including Freedom, Forest, and Focus@Will.
  • Take breaks: Taking regular breaks is another part of the key strategies for time management for students as this can help learners to recharge and improve their productivity. The 50/10 rule involves working for 50 minutes and taking a 10-minute break. Some useful apps for taking breaks include Stretchly and Time Out.

More examples of scheduling include prioritizing sleep, time blocking, using your commute time, setting deadlines for yourself and using scheduling tools.

These are just a few time management goals for students. By using tools and strategies such as planners, to-do lists, and goal setting frameworks, students can prioritize tasks, avoid distractions, and manage their schedule more effectively. These scheduling strategies can help students improve their productivity, reduce stress levels, and achieve their goals.

Tools For Time Management In School

College students must be provided with time management education in order to learn efficient methods for handling their schedule. It is also important for academic success and personal wellbeing for students. Considering that efficient scheduling is essential for learners to keep up with the rapid pace of academic life.

If you want to learn how to manage time better in college, here are five tools to help you:

Name of Product


Price Structure


Google Calendar

4.7/5 on the App Store


Google Calendar is one of the best scheduling resources for students. If you are managing your study time it can help you plan ahead, create schedules, set reminders, and sync with other devices. It allows users to create multiple calendars, share them with others, and schedule events with ease.


4.6/5 on the App Store

Free with paid plans

Trello, an app designed for managing projects, is used by students to better organize the hours they spend studying. It helps learners to organize tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with others. It uses a visual board system to track progress and allows users to create checklists, attach files, and communicate with team members.


4.7/5 on the App Store

Free with paid plans

Todoist is a to-do list app that helps students to manage tasks and projects. As we previously said, effective planning for university students is not complete without a to-do list as It allows students to create recurring tasks, set reminders, create templates, and track progress. It also integrates with other apps, such as Google Calendar and Slack.


4.8/5 on the App Store

Free with a paid plan of $1.99

Forest is a productivity app that helps students to stay focused and avoid distractions. It is one of the main scheduling methods. It uses a gamified system that rewards users for staying focused by growing a virtual tree. If the user leaves the app, the tree dies, providing motivation to stay on task.


4.5/5 on the App Store

$6.99/month or $29.04/year

Freedom is a website and app blocker that helps students to manage distractions and stay focused. It also keeps track of usage reports to help users understand their digital habits.

The aforementioned resources can all be used to create an effective timetable for learners.

Benefits Of School Time Management

Benefits of school time management

Effective scheduling is often cited as a key factor in a student's overall success in both the classroom and beyond. With good scheduling skills, students can prioritize their tasks, stay organized, and achieve their goals. In this part, we will highlight how time management helps students.

Increased Motivation

The best tips for college students all say the same thing. And that is, students who learn to manage their schedules effectively are more likely to be motivated because they are able to focus their efforts and achieve their academic goals. This provides them with a clear roadmap and plan of action, which can give them enough time to stay motivated and focused.

Effective scheduling can also help students to accomplish their tasks and assignments before the due dates, which can provide them with a sense of accomplishment and pride. This feeling of achievement can motivate them to work harder and strive for even greater success.

Increased Creativity

Students are more creative when their schedule is well-organized. With good time management, students can set aside time specifically for brainstorming and idea generation. This allows them to explore different approaches and perspectives, and encourages creative thinking.

Additionally, good scheduling skills allow learners to manage their time more efficiently, which can give them greater flexibility in their schedules. This flexibility can create opportunities for students to pursue their interests and hobbies, which can help stimulate creativity.

Increased Confidence

Good effective planning skills can help students to accomplish more in less time, which can improve their productivity and lead to a greater sense of accomplishment. When learners are able to achieve more in a day, they may feel more confident in their ability to handle their workload.

Effective scheduling skills can also help reduce stress levels, which can contribute to increased confidence. When students feel more in control of their time and tasks, they are less likely to feel overwhelmed or anxious.

Better Goal Setting

Students who are good at managing their schedules will be able to assign various degrees of importance to different activities. This can help students to focus on the tasks that are most important and relevant to their goals.

Time management skills can help students to allocate their resources more effectively, which can increase their chances of achieving their goals. By scheduling specific times for working on specific tasks, students can ensure that they are dedicating enough effort to each goal.

At Studybay, we assist with time management plans for students, by doing your assignments so you don't have to.

Enhanced Discipline

Students must be persistent in their approach to effective planning in order to get the hang of scheduling studies and other activities. Having a time management schedule for college students can help you develop a sense of discipline as students learn to stick to their schedules and complete their tasks early.

With enhanced discipline, you wouldn't have to ask yourself questions like how to manage my time as a student as you will easily be able to avoid procrastination and focus on critical tasks.


In conclusion, student time management strategies in schools are crucial for learners to achieve academic success, reduce stress and anxiety, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

With the help of our guide, you should be able to learn how to effectively manage your schedule. If you crave more information on this topic, check out this really interesting video by none other than TED Ed.


What is time management for students?

Just as our tips for time management for school students implies scheduling for college and high school students refers to the process of organizing and planning how to allocate time effectively to accomplish academic tasks, such as studying, completing assignments, and preparing for exams. Bear in mind that these tips aren’t just for college students; they're also excellent for high school learners.

What are the most effective student time management tips to improve productivity and reduce stress?

Some effective tips for students include setting specific goals, prioritizing tasks, creating a schedule, minimizing distractions, taking breaks, and delegating tasks when possible. These are the most efficient time-management ideas for learners.

How do you create a perfect time management schedule for students?

University students who want to master managing their time should learn how to make a schedule. To create a schedule, students should assess their priorities, estimate how much time each task will take, allocate time blocks, include breaks, and regularly review and adjust their schedule.

What are the key principles of time management as a student?

The key principles of scheduling in school include setting goals, prioritizing tasks, creating a schedule, staying focused, avoiding procrastination, taking breaks, and seeking help when needed. All of these ensure that students' time is properly utilized.

What are some innovative time management ideas for students to stay organized and motivated throughout the academic year?

Some innovative tips on time management for college students include using technology, such as time-tracking apps and productivity tools, incorporating physical activity into their routine, practicing mindfulness, and joining study groups. These innovative ideas ensure organization and motivation.

Can you give me some advice on how to efficiently manage the number of hours I spend studying?

Study scheduling tips include creating a schedule, prioritizing tasks, taking breaks, eliminating distractions, and staying organized. You might also read captivating articles or books illustrating to learners how to better manage their precious minutes. Either one of these will assist you in developing the skills necessary to effectively manage your schedule while you are a student.

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I studied sociology and marketing at Europa-Universität Viadrina (Germany) and Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal). When I was a sophomore, back in 2018, I decided to put what I've learned into practice, so I got my first job in digital marketing. I currently work in the content marketing department at Studybay, building strong, effective, and respectful communication between the platform and our clients.

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