How to Use AI for Writing: Is Chat GPT Appropriate for My Essays?

By: Angelina Grin

18 min



How to Use AI for Writing: Is Chat GPT Appropriate for My Essays?

Artificial intelligence, or AI in writing, is a valuable tool that offers great promise for students. Several tools, like ChatGPT, can help students navigate their term papers or essay-based questions.

AI in education has come a long way from its initial forays into writing. Initially, AI achieved some level of sophistication in the 80s and 90s, thanks to machine learning techniques, such as neural networks and support vector machines, increasing their prediction levels.

The 21st century has seen a surge in deep learning techniques, revolutionizing AI's capabilities in image and speech recognition, language translation, and decision-making tasks. Large language models (LLMs) like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) have recently showcased remarkable abilities in understanding and generating human-like text.

In this article, we look at how artificial intelligence can help a student in their field of study and how it can be used to craft papers ethically. We’ll examine what tools like ChatGPT are best suited for and what students shouldn’t be using them to do. We’ll also explore the shortcomings of these systems and how to overcome them.

How AI Help with Writing Enhances Student Performance

AI help with writing can enhance students' performance in their classes, but how exactly can it do that? It’s tempting to use AI to write everything, but students should curb their enthusiasm. There are some prize benefits using AI to write can offer.

Cutting Research Time

AI is masterful at quickly gathering relevant information, making it crucial to spend less time researching for the same results. Whether you need to analyze large datasets or search numerous documents, AI tools can do the heavy lifting.

Additionally, artificial intelligence can provide concise summaries of lengthy texts, saving you the trouble of reading entire articles or reports. By generating quick, accurate summaries, AI allows you to grasp the key points without getting lost in the details.
Integrating artificial intelligence into your research workflow can significantly reduce the time spent on data gathering and analysis, allowing you to focus on the more critical aspects of your work.

Brainstorming Topic Ideas

As someone studying a discipline, it can sometimes be challenging to pick out topic ideas that make sense for an essay or a thesis. Chat GPT, MyStylus, and other AI platforms can serve as valuable tools for for brainstorming essay topics. By providing it with a general subject or theme, you can generate many potential issues to explore.

Once you have a list of AI-generated ideas, you can work on narrowing them down to find the most suitable and specific topic for your essay. This can involve assessing each idea's relevance, feasibility, and originality.

To illustrate the process, here's an example of an interactive session with Chat GPT:
- User: I need to write an essay on environmental sustainability. Can you suggest some topics?
- Chat GPT:

  1. The role of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions.
  2. Sustainable agriculture practices and their impact on food security.
  3. The circular economy and its potential for waste reduction.
  4. Green architecture: Designing eco-friendly buildings for the future.
  5. The impact of fast fashion on the environment and sustainable alternatives.

- User: I like the idea of exploring sustainable agriculture practices. Can you help me narrow it down further?
- Chat GPT: Sure! Here are a few more specific topics related to sustainable agriculture:

  1. Vertical farming: The future of sustainable food production in urban areas?
  2. Permaculture: Designing self-sufficient and regenerative agricultural systems.
  3. The role of precision agriculture in optimizing resource use and minimizing environmental impact.

Engaging in such an interactive session allows you to effectively leverage Chat GPT's capabilities to brainstorm and refine essay topics. Other AI tools such as MyStylus can help with brainstorming topic ideas as well, as illustrated here with microeconomics topics.

mystylus ai writing tool


Grammar and spelling errors can be hard to find, even for those with English as a first language. These tools can quickly scan your text and highlight potential mistakes, saving you time and effort in editing.

Beyond basic corrections, some artificial intelligence proofreaders can also help you maintain a consistent style and tone throughout your writing. By analyzing your text, these tools can suggest changes to ensure your writing adheres to a specific style guide or tone.

However, it's essential to recognize AI proofreading's limitations. While artificial intelligence can catch many errors, it may struggle with context-dependent issues or more nuanced aspects of writing. Human judgment is still essential for a thorough and accurate review. People are still necessary to add humanity to a text.

proofreading and writing ai

Checking for Plagiarism

When using AI to help you write, there’s a high chance that an AI engine will simply copy something from an existing paper. Luckily, some engines have built-in checks for plagiarism. AI plagiarism checkers work by comparing your text against a vast database of online content. These tools use advanced algorithms to detect similarities between your writing and existing sources, helping you identify potential instances of plagiarism.

If you find that parts of your writing are too similar to other sources, artificial intelligence can also help you rephrase the content to avoid plagiarism. You can generate alternative versions of the text using AI-powered paraphrasing tools while maintaining the original meaning. This can be particularly useful when you need to reference information from other sources but want to ensure your writing remains original.

AI help with writing

Overcoming Writer’s Block

Every writer encounters a situation where they don’t know where to go, commonly called writer’s block. Sometimes, this results in stalled work, but AI tools can nudge students in the right direction. When students feel stuck or unsure about how to begin or continue their writing, artificial intelligence can offer ideas and inspiration to help them move forward.

For example, students can input a topic or a few key phrases into an AI writing tool, and the tool will generate several potential opening sentences or even entire paragraphs. This can help students jumpstart their writing process and provide a foundation for them to build upon.

Current AI Tools: Overview of Popular AI Writing Tools

As a student, what AI writing tools are available for use in academic work? When considering AI to help you write, you should ask what exactly they offer to a student. Which one is best to use an academic-level prompt with? Let’s explore a few viable candidates.


  • AI-powered writing assistant that checks for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • Provides suggestions for improving sentence structure, word choice, and style
  • Offers a plagiarism detector to ensure original content
  • Integrates with various platforms, including MS Word, Google Docs, and web browsers


  • AI-based paraphrasing tool that helps users rewrite sentences and paragraphs
  • Offers multiple paraphrasing modes, such as Standard, Fluency, and Creative
  • Provides a summarizer feature to create concise versions of long texts
  • Includes a grammar checker and citation generator

ai tools for writing


  • AI-powered writing tool that provides real-time feedback on grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • Offers suggestions for improving academic writing style and vocabulary
  • Integrates with popular platforms like MS Word, Overleaf, and Google Docs
  • Provides a feature to compare writing with published academic works


  • Finds quality sources, using open sources and proper citation formats based on the paper type.Offers suggestions for improving academic writing style and vocabulary
  • Produces natural writing that passes AI detectors, ensuring seamless integration into any work.
  • Guides you through every step, transforming your answers into polished writing that matches your style. Can help with any academic paper.

writing with ai

Trinka AI

  • AI-based writing assistant specifically designed for academic and technical writing
  • Offers grammar, spelling, and punctuation corrections tailored to academic style guides
  • Provides suggestions for improving clarity, conciseness, and coherence
  • Includes a built-in dictionary and thesaurus for academic terminology


  • AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text
  • Trained on a vast corpus of online data, allowing it to engage in conversational interactions and provide information on a wide range of topics
  • Can assist with various writing tasks, such as brainstorming ideas, generating outlines, and producing draft content
  • Offers creative writing support by providing plot suggestions, character descriptions, and dialogue examples
  • Helps with research by summarizing information from multiple sources and answering questions on specific topics

These tools, individually or together, offer support for writing, research, editing, and proofreading written work before submitting them to a college or university. They can be helpful tools for any student trying to learn how to use AI to write their essays, reports, or assignments.

Potential Pitfalls of Using AI to Write Essays and How to Avoid Them

Once students learn how to write with AI, they try to use it everywhere. Artificial intelligence is not a "silver bullet" that solves all a class's problems with a particular topic. Artificial intelligence for writing has been known to hallucinate vividly and lie convincingly, requiring a lot of its work to be checked after it’s been presented.

The Risks of Over-reliance on Artificial Intelligence

While AI writing tools can be incredibly helpful, it's crucial to be aware of the potential pitfalls. One of the biggest risks is becoming overly dependent on asking artificial intelligence for help with writing.

When students rely too heavily on artificial intelligence to generate content, they may fail to develop their own critical thinking and writing skills. It's essential to remember that AI is a tool to assist and enhance writing, not a replacement for human effort and learning.

Quality Control Concerns

Another potential issue with AI-generated content is quality control. While AI tools have made great strides in producing coherent and grammatically correct text, they are imperfect.

Artificial intelligence may generate content that is factually inaccurate, inconsistent, or irrelevant to the topic at hand. Students must carefully review and fact-check AI-generated content to ensure its accuracy and appropriateness.

Additionally, AI that helps with writing may struggle with more nuanced aspects of language, such as maintaining a consistent tone or voice throughout a piece. Human intervention is often necessary to refine and polish AI-generated text to meet the desired quality standards.

Preserving Academic Integrity

Perhaps the most significant concern surrounding the use of AI in academic writing is maintaining academic integrity. When using AI tools, students must be cautious not to cross the line into plagiarism or misrepresentation of their work. Professors will check to ensure that they don’t.

Students must understand their institution's policies regarding the use of artificial intelligence in academic assignments. Some schools may consider the use of AI-generated content a form of academic dishonesty, while others may allow it with proper attribution and disclosure.

Students should always be transparent about their use of AI tools and ensure they are using them in a manner that aligns with their institution's guidelines. They should also be prepared to discuss and defend the role of artificial intelligence in their writing process if questioned by instructors or peers.

The Role of Human Writers, Editors, and Proofreaders

While AI is a powerful tool, human writers, editors, and proofreaders still have a place in academia. Using an AI editor for writing can help students see where the errors and issues in their prose style exist. In certain areas, the human touch and verification are invaluable and irreplaceable.

Critical Thinking and Creativity

One of the human writers' key strengths is their ability to think critically and creatively. While AI can generate content based on patterns and data, it lacks the capacity for original thought and innovation.

Human writers can develop unique ideas, craft compelling arguments, and create content that resonates with readers on a deeper level.

Contextual Understanding

Moreover, human writers excel at understanding and leveraging context. Writing is not just about stringing words together; it's about conveying meaning and nuance. Human writers can grasp the subtleties of language, cultural references, and situational context, allowing them to create relevant and impactful content.

An AI product, on the other hand, may struggle with contextual understanding. It can miss the finer points of language, such as sarcasm, irony, or humor, leading to misinterpretation or awkward phrasing. Human writers and editors can identify and address these issues, ensuring the writing is clear, cohesive, and appropriate for the intended audience.

Emotional Intelligence

Another crucial aspect of writing where humans excel is emotional intelligence. Excellent writing can evoke emotions, inspire action, and forge connections with readers.
Human writers can infuse their work with empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity, creating content that resonates emotionally.

AI-generated content, while potentially informative or grammatically correct, may lack the emotional depth and nuance that human writers bring to the table. The ability to understand and connect with human emotions sets writers apart and makes their work truly impactful.

The Role of Editors and Proofreaders

Furthermore, human editors and proofreaders are crucial in refining and polishing written content. While artificial intelligence can assist with basic grammar and spelling checks, human editors bring a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of language and style.

They can identify and correct issues related to tone, consistency, and overall effectiveness of the writing. Human editors also play a vital role in fact-checking and ensuring the accuracy of information. They can verify sources, cross-reference data, and ensure the content is reliable and trustworthy.

This human oversight is particularly important in fields such as journalism, academia, and scientific writing, where accuracy and credibility are paramount.

The Synergy of Artificial Intelligence and Human Writers

While AI has the potential to revolutionize the writing process, it is not a replacement for human writers, editors, and proofreaders. The critical thinking, creativity, contextual understanding, and emotional intelligence that humans bring to writing are invaluable.

Future of AI in Education

AI will not stop anytime soon; as iterative times drop, these AI tools will become even more sophisticated. Trying to fight against AI in writing is futile, but AI can significantly help students who want to learn a topic. Instead of working as a "shortcut," students could use AI to teach them the details of how a particular thing works.

Emerging Trends in AI Writing Tools

The future of AI in education is both exciting and rapidly evolving. As technology advances, we can expect to see new developments in AI writing tools that will reshape how students approach writing tasks.

One emerging trend is integrating artificial intelligence with other technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These immersive technologies could create interactive writing environments that allow students to collaborate, brainstorm, and visualize their ideas in new and innovative ways.

Another trend is the development of more specialized AI writing tools tailored to specific disciplines or writing styles. For example, artificial intelligence tools may be designed specifically for scientific writing, creative writing, or even grant proposals. These specialized tools could offer targeted suggestions and guidance based on each field's conventions and best practices.

Long-term Implications for Education and Writing

As AI writing tools become more sophisticated and widely adopted, they have the potential to change the landscape of education and writing significantly. One possible long-term implication is a shift in the focus of writing instruction to integrate writing with AI.

With AI handling many basic writing tasks, such as grammar and sentence structure, educators may emphasize higher-order skills like critical thinking, argumentation, and creativity. Writing instruction may become more focused on teaching students how to effectively use AI tools to enhance their writing rather than solely on the mechanics of writing itself.

Another potential implication is the democratization of writing skills. Artificial intelligence writing tools could level the playing field for students who struggle with writing, providing them with the support and guidance they need to express their ideas effectively. This could lead to a more inclusive and equitable educational environment where all students have the opportunity to develop strong writing skills.

However, the increasing use of artificial intelligence in writing also raises questions about the future of original thought and human creativity. As students become more reliant on AI-generated content, there may be concerns about the homogenization of ideas and the loss of unique perspectives. Educators and students alike will need to grapple with these questions and find ways to balance the benefits of artificial intelligence and the value of human originality.

Preparing for the Future

To stay ahead in a world where AI is increasingly integrated into education and writing, students must adapt to these advancements proactively. One key strategy is to embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning new technologies and approaches to writing.

Students should actively seek out opportunities to familiarize themselves with AI writing tools and understand their capabilities and limitations. By experimenting with these tools and incorporating them into their writing process, students can develop a more comprehensive skill set combining the best human and machine intelligence.

Additionally, students should focus on cultivating the higher-order thinking skills that will become increasingly important in the age of AI. This includes skills like critical analysis, problem-solving, and creative thinking. Students can position themselves for success in a rapidly changing educational landscape by developing these skills alongside their proficiency with AI tools.

Should Students Use AI Tools for Writing?

While many educators today might say no to this question, students would say yes. It’s crucial to remember that writing is a means of communication. Having an AI write an essay for a student is no different from having the student expound their ideas themselves. The true trouble comes when AI is used unethically in academic pursuits.

Students should stay informed about the ethical and legal considerations surrounding the use of AI in writing. As AI tools become more advanced, new guidelines and regulations may govern their use in academic and professional settings. By staying up-to-date on these developments and adhering to best practices, students can ensure that they are using AI responsibly and appropriately.
Developing a Critical Eye

Furthermore, students should approach AI-generated content with a critical eye, questioning its accuracy, relevance, and overall quality. They should cross-reference information with reliable sources and use their own knowledge and critical thinking skills to evaluate the content's merits.

By developing a discerning approach to AI-generated content, students can harness the benefits of these tools

while avoiding the pitfalls. They can use artificial intelligence to enhance their writing process and productivity without compromising the integrity or quality of their work.

Ultimately, the key to successfully using artificial intelligence in academic writing is striking a balance between leveraging its capabilities and maintaining human control and judgment. By doing so, students can reap the benefits of AI while still developing and showcasing their own writing skills and expertise.


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Angelina Grin

Creative Writer and Blog Editor

Despite my relatively young age, I am a professional writer with more than 14 years of experience. I studied journalism at the university, worked for media and digital agencies, and organized several events for ed-tech companies. Yet for the last 6 years, I've worked mainly in marketing. Here, at Studybay, my objective is to make sure all our texts are clear, informative, and engaging.

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