Informative Speech Topics to Succeed

By: Angelina Grin

40 min



Informative Speech Topics to Succeed

Any speech needs to be planned. Its content and techniques should be strategically designed so that they lead to the goal. Interest, which information speech should awaken, arises from the desire to know. Clarity of speech helps to satisfy this desire. An informative speech must meet the following requirements:

  • in the subject should be nothing controversial;
  • it should arouse curiosity;
  • it must satisfy the needs of the listener;
  • the message must be relevant;

Brilliant speakers at all times have been worth their weight in gold. But now you need to learn not only to express your thoughts in a meaningful and logical way but also to instill information skills during communication and presentations. Why? Students need the skills to create an informative speech to convey their knowledge, ideas, and thoughts to both intimate and large audiences. And also, it brings information to the audience in an engaging, understandable, witty manner. Information speech gives a new understanding of the subject and draws attention to it. We offer you tools that will teach you how to write a speech.

Informative Speaking - Introduction Into Subject

In the author's work, writer's block is when you sit in front of a paper and cannot write anything. Most likely, you have repeatedly had situations when you could not find inspiration to write an article. Perhaps it even got to the point that you could not choose a topic until the last minute. Of course, there are several ways to write an informative essay, but most of all, we want to pay attention to the introductory part. It depends on the introduction that people will generally listen to you further.

The introduction should interest the audience; that's understandable. Many people use a question or quote. Yes, it's a win-win, but over time you begin to understand that this is a bit corny. Learning another beginning will never seem natural. When we hear a speech that starts with "Which one of you ...?", "Have you ever ...?" or "Mark Twain said ..." then we no longer want to listen.

The best way is to impromptu the first sentence, say something that comes to mind as you walk onto the stage. For example: "It's strange, why are the walls always white/yellow/gray in conference rooms? Have you paid attention to this?" Yes, it is rhetorical, perhaps funny, not related to the topic, strange, and attracts attention. Therefore, always start writing the speech from the introduction and then post useful information.

What is an Informative Speech?

Information speech is speech that forms in listeners new knowledge about objects and phenomena of the world. In Aristotle's classification, there is no such speech since he interpreted rhetoric "as the ability to find possible ways of persuading about each given subject." Today, informative speech should be recognized as one of the most common in human communication.

Many researchers define this speech as the transfer or the exchange of information. We will not limit communication only to the transfer of data. But it must be remembered that informative speech is prevalent and has the largest number of genres.

In an informative speech, the logic laws effectively present the material and its perception and processing. So, in an informative speech, a statement on a narrow and specific topic is always much richer than on a broad and general topic. New information is memorized better.

Learning Objectives

The purpose of an informative speech is to enrich the audience with new knowledge, arouse curiosity. Description, narration, reasoning are ways to create speaking out. The informative speech should awaken attention to the problem raised, modern material with examples and illustrations should be selected. In the practice of a university or college, students' informative speeches are often used at a seminar when defending an essay, term paper, and thesis.

One of the most common types of public speaking is a scientific report, where you need to report on the formulation of a problem, in its results, in the research. It contains new information, primarily determined by the presence of the author's point of view. With him, a student speaks at a seminar or, for example, at a scientific conference. It is prepared in the same way as other oral speeches; it is also imperative to read the text aloud before the speech and draw up a plan.

The main thing in any information speech is to be able to convey your knowledge and share information with the audience. It is essential to use different ways of presenting the material. It is necessary to repeat the main provisions several times, give a vivid example, write numbers, dates on the board during the speech, illustrate your speech with drawings, diagrams, etc.

Types of Informative Speeches

It is necessary to distinguish between the different types of this speech. This way, you can better prepare for the performance and understand how to organize the event interestingly. Of course, the topic influences the choice of the type of speech. Thus, the following basic types can be divided: description, definition, explanation, demonstration. Let's take a look at each class separately.

Descriptive speech Defining speech
Explanatory speeches Demonstrative Speech

Speeches to Describe

Descriptive speech is a coherent speech that refers to monologue speech. This type has its construction features: completeness, thematic unity, the subordination of statements to the main idea by construction according to a particular logical scheme, coherence between separate parts and between sentences, and it can also have a value judgment or conclusion about the described subject, phenomenon.

This type is suitable for people who are archaeologists. Using this method, every archaeologist can describe how he excavated, what he found, where he went. And also tell people how the discovery influenced the history of the world. This story will be fascinating to watch. After all, each phrase can be illustrated, and the viewer will mentally visit the place of events. Even the audience who first gets acquainted with archaeological excavations will understand the speaker better because an illustrative example describes the event.

If you are going to use descriptive speech, then here is a list of questions that must be answered before drawing up a speech plan:

  1. If I describe information using this type, will it be available to all listeners or only for those who understand the topic?
  2. Will my story be bright with this type?
  3. Can this type of speech reveal the thesis that I have already made?
  4. With the help of descriptive speech, I will intrigue the audience?

Speeches to Define

With this type's help, the speaker can reveal in detail the idea for which he gathered the audience. Speech to define is perfect for mathematicians, chemists, biologists, linguists who want to convey information about a subject and determine its meaning.

It is worth carefully approaching defining speech topics since this type's primary goal is to convey any definition. You can choose issues related to humanity's origin, natural laws, the origin of scientific theories, etc.

If you are a scientist in mathematics, then a topic that describes the theorem to which most questions arise is perfect for you. With the help of diagrams, figures, you can demonstrate your knowledge. This is a great way to get the message across to your audience in simple language and get positive feedback.

If you choose this type, then answer the following questions:

  1. When defining a phenomenon/object, will I convey information in an understandable language to the audience?
  2. With the help of this type, can I reveal the key points of the topic? Or have I overestimated my capabilities?
  3. Will my speech look abstract?
  4. Will I have enough examples to give a specific definition?

Speeches to Explain

This type is perfect for a speaker who has chosen a complex, abstract, or incomprehensible topic. The speaker will have the task of explaining everything on the topic in a scientific language. Most often, this method is used by scientists who want to describe a process or experiment.

This type reveals the topic more than others, so aka allows the reader to see something more. For example, are you interested in the science of philosophy? With the help of philosophy, you can reveal and convey the topic to the viewer, and he, having listened to you and motivates himself to act. If you are interested in the science of law, please tell people about what laws exist in the United States. But choose not those laws that everyone knows, but those about which they say little.

If your profession is a teacher, then speeches to explain are related to you. Indeed, throughout the entire work, you always need to convey information to the students. Explain to the students about the information hard, as you need to use such a language to understand.

To understand whether you should use this type, answer the following questions:

  1. Can I explain all the components of the theme in a scientific but accessible language?
  2. Will I be able to convey information effectively, or may there be questions in the audience?
  3. Will I be able to reveal the meaning of the topic and explain why it is so important today?

Speeches to Demonstrate

This type of speech aims to demonstrate an opening, project, presentation, etc. The public most loves this type because, in this case, the speaker teaches something, not in words but actions.

Most often, the audience perceives demonstration speeches as a lesson in which they tell how to do a process according to instructions. A lot of effort is required from the speaker since it is challenging to create step-by-step instructions that all viewers can follow. For example, you can talk about how to create a smartphone app. The process is complicated, but your audience will have a great desire to follow your advice and achieve the same results. If your goal is to help the audience realize themselves in some process, this performance type is perfect.

To decide whether you want to use this type, then answer the questions:

  1. Can the topic I want to be demonstrated, or is it possible to explain the theory?
  2. Do I have enough time to show each step of the process?
  3. Is there sufficient information to demonstrate the process?
  4. Are there any materials you need to use in your performance?

Subjects of Informative Speeches

The most crucial aspect of any presentation is its subject matter. It is often difficult to choose the exact topic of speech since directions are extensive. Interesting topics for speech can be found in all areas of knowledge - the main thing is that what is being discussed is clear and close to the listener.

One of the most interesting topics for the presentation is art. It accompanies a person throughout the history of civilization. People displayed an awareness of themselves in making stone figurines in the outline of various architectural monuments. The experiences of a person and his multiple qualities have been imprinted in paintings and sculptures for centuries.

You can also pick up other exciting topics for public speaking:

  1. Latest news in the field of mathematics.
  2. Features of work in the field of medicine.
  3. The history of the creation of the world.
  4. What will be the culture of the future?

Tips on How to Choose the Right Informative Speech Topic

Most often, the topic of public speaking is given to the speaker. But there are times when you need to define it yourself.

The theme should be:

  • interesting, exciting, relevant;
  • corresponding to the knowledge of the speaker;
  • not too complicated;
  • not too wide, but not too narrow;
  • taking into account the specifics of the audience.

You can follow the instructions to understand how to choose the best informative speech topics:

  • find out the main interests of the listeners (health, money, life, and death);
  • define group interests (in the needlework lovers club, a new type of needlework will attract attention; when the guys are sent to the army, memories and parting words will be appropriate);
  • determine the novelty of the topic;
  • make sure that it is not banal and hackneyed (for example, "The contribution of our enterprise to the history of the city");
  • it is okay if the topic contains a conflict (For example: "Star Wars - Conflict in Hollywood");
  • think that will help the topic become more descriptive;
  • take into account the time allotted for the performance. It is essential to have time to disclose the topic thoroughly. For example, do not talk about the entire creative path if there is little time for speech, but choose one essential or interesting period in his life.

How to Pick Up Materials and Research Informative Speech Topic

To successfully conduct a presentation, it is necessary to research the topic. What is research? This means that you need to prepare an extensive list of information on the topic and find more suitable materials to uncover the speaker's ideas.

The rapid growth in the number of information resources often does not facilitate, but, on the contrary, it makes it challenging to find the information you need. You used to know that you should go to the library and study its file cabinet when you start writing a project. Search by keywords and authors allowed to form the required list of sources.

Today you can follow this strategy too, but chances are you won't find the information you need. The hand itself will reach for the gadget with the Internet. To hammer in keywords in a search engine is a good option, but you need to choose an information resource to be reliable wisely.

We offer you some recommendations on the selection of literature for a speech when you need to form a genuinely relevant and up-to-date list of references:

  • academic dictionaries;
  • textbooks (there are already proven concepts and names);
  • reviews from scientific journals;
  • monographs and articles;
  • dissertations and abstracts.

All sources, except textbooks, can and should be included in the list of related literature. Sources can be searched in catalogs of libraries, including electronic ones. Or you can use Internet resources.

Guidelines for Writing the Best Informative Speech

Legendary American TV host Larry King, in his book "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere," argues that a good speech is built on three pillars: preparation, preparation, and more preparation. We can confidently say the same about public speaking. Of course, there are people from God who perfectly feel themselves in the stage's space under the audience's gaze. But there are very few of them. Most require serious work on their psychophysical state and the creation of quality content. That is why we have created recommendations on how to make the best informative speech. Follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Find a Unique Topic

Careful preparation is essential to the success of any speaker. The first step is to choose a unique theme.

There are many interesting areas in which you can tell the audience. There is a category of questions that can be called eternal - this is God and religion, the relationship between soul and body, duty, and the right to free expression. But there is a lot of talk in them, so you should avoid such topics and look for something unique.

The speaker should prepare a speech on a given topic, present the material, establish contact with the audience, answer questions, and be ready for any unexpected event. There are ten elements to good speech:

  • objectivity;
  • clarity;
  • imagery;
  • purposefulness;
  • increased attention;
  • reiteration;
  • surprise;
  • semantic saturation;
  • brevity;
  • humor.

The best topic for your talk is one that sits at the intersection of yours and your audience's interests. The main task is to find what lies at the intersection of these two elements. First, sit down and write down a list of topics that affect you, both professionally and personally. Five minutes will be enough for the knowledge you need - these are topics that immediately pop into your head. But, if you have enough time, then I suggest you go and dive into this topic for at least half an hour. Of course, with the phone and networks turned off. If we are talking about professional topics, everything is simple - talk about what you have more experience with and what you are good at.

Think About Precise Structure

When you're sitting in front of a blank sheet of paper or a blank monitor, and it's hard to get started, change your approach. Don't try to write the entire speech at once in a single stream. It's hard to write and hard to listen to. Think about the structure and make a plan. First, highlight three key paragraphs. The rule of three works great in public speaking. Three blocks, each dedicated to a critical thesis.

But we also recommend dividing each of these blocks into three parts. We get nine parts. Writing nine small chapters and analyzing them to the point of perfection is much easier than writing one big paragraph. Do you have an hour and a half to play? This is 90 minutes, three blocks of 30 minutes, or nine segments of 10 minutes. Write nine key messages and cover each one within 10 minutes.

Structured speech is much easier to listen to and more comfortable to reach the audience with. The structure will not let you blur into one thought throughout the text. It is easier to cross out unnecessary elements from the structured text.

Organizational Structure

The first thing you need to understand is which organizational structure is best suited for your thesis, purpose, topic. Any organizational structure can be used for broad topics. This means that if there is a lot of information on a topic divided into separate micro topics, their structure may differ and not fundamentally adhere to the organizational structure.

If you have a thesis, you need to collect as much information as possible. At the same time, you should understand that the information should support the organizational structure and supplement it logically. Think about limiting yourself in finding information, whether there are enough sources to cover the topic.

When we have described the theory, then we can start studying an example. For this, we will take housing code changes in a city. You can list all the information in chronological order, that is, year after year, describe the changes that have occurred in the town. You can also find old design templates and show the public how they influenced the town's overall concept. You can take a different theme, but you must understand that the topic you want to cover should contain a single organizational structure.

Argument Structure

When writing a speech, it should be remembered that a clear connection should be seen between the thesis and the two arguments confirming your position. The opinion is usually expressed by the so-called logical transitions - statements linking the text's known information with the new. Each idea is also accompanied by a particular structure in which there is a statement resulting from reflection.

Consider an example:

  1. Thesis. I agree with the author: one of the essential art tasks is to awaken a person to love for the country.
  2. Logical transition. It is no coincidence that American writers and poets in their works have repeatedly addressed the theme of the homeland and created unique images of our country.
  3. Argument. Steven J. Zaloga, Philip Katcher, Sarah Pekkanen - all these writers showed readers the United States from different sides, with its advantages and disadvantages, but above all - with a great love for their country.
  4. Micro conclusion. Probably, these are some of the brightest poets who, with their statements, will not leave every American indifferent.

Failure to comply with this structure often leads to logical mistakes.

Citation Structure

We want to point out that quotes are an integral part of the informative speech structure. During the story in front of the public, all your words need to be supported by arguments and refer to authoritative sources. Therefore, before speaking, be sure to check whether you have compiled a list of quotes. Be sure to rehearse before speaking.

When you find quotes relevant to the topic, then arrange them according to the citation rules. For example, you can choose APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, ASA style. If you decide to make a quote that does not comply with the above citation styles' rules, then most likely, a smart listener will notice this error and think that you should not be listened to since you missed such an important detail.

What is a Good Informative Speech Topic?

A good informative speech topic should be engaging and clear. It should appeal to the audience, match the occasion and purpose, be simple to understand and educate the audience on something new or different about a subject they are curious about.

Informative Speech Topics - List From Our Experts

Have you studied in detail the stages of writing an informative speech? Excellent! Then we are ready to provide topics that touch on various fields of science. There are many sources of information on these topics, controversial issues that will allow you to speak brilliantly before the publication and convey important information.

For each topic, we also recommend that you conduct a method such as brainstorming so that you have the opportunity to generate ideas for the speech. Start choosing a topic and write the perfect speech soon, for this we have shared all the secrets that experts use, even such famous ones as Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Les Brown.

History and the Humanities

  1. How did the history of immigration develop in America?
  2. How did society live, and what kind of culture was at its peak in the 19th century?
  3. What is hidden in the painting, "Mona Lisa?" What did the writer Leonardo DaVinci want to tell through Mona Lisa's smile?
  4. What traditions did the ancient people use during the burial procedure?
  5. What was the fashion during Victorian Britain time?
  6. Why is the murder of John F. Kennedy still mysterious?
  7. How did the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece differ from the modern ones?
  8. Where did the tattoos begin to appear, and how are they with body art?
  9. Why is the Spanish Flu a terrible disease and similar to coronavirus?
  10. What technologies began to emerge after the Great Fatherland?
  11. Challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about human race diversity through education, empathy, and action.
  12. How have natural disasters shaped the course of human history?
  13. Cross-cultural encounters throughout world history: Analyzing the exchange of ideas, goods, and technologies between societies.
  14. Impact of the Industrial Revolution on society: From agrarian to industrialized.
  15. Evolution of the printing press: From Gutenberg to modern digital printing.

Classic Literature

  1. How much did the English language begin to shape thanks to Shakespeare's plays?
  2. How could American writers describe a supernatural event in 16th-century books?
  3. Does the selection of classical literature at school correspond to the program?
  4. How do filmmakers use films to shoot classic American books?
  5. Can modern books become classics in the future?
  6. How does modern technology affect book publishing? If writers in the 15th or 17th century had the same technology, what results would they have achieved?
  7. How did American writers from all over the world overcome writer's block?
  8. What art techniques did Jane Austen's use in Pride and Prejudice?
  9. Charlotte Perkins Gilman actively supports feminist theory. What is it called to?
  10. What are secret meanings hidden in Lord of the Flies by William Golding's?
  11. What was the influence of ancient myths on classic literature?
  12. Portrayal of women in novels such as Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and To the Lighthouse.
  13. Evolution of the hero's journey in classic literature.
  14. Influence of classic literature on modern popular culture.
  15. Themes and motifs of classic literature and their relevance today.

Society, Politics and Human Rights

  1. How have COVID-19 affected lifestyles?
  2. The profession of a model is gaining momentum. What is the reason?
  3. Why is a social movement like Black Lives Matter so important to the modern world?
  4. What are the rules for protesting on the streets of America?
  5. How did celebrities isolate themselves from society to protect their health?
  6. Why is life evolving streaming on Tik Tok and not in the real world?
  7. Why doesn't the government monitor that people are illegally trafficked?
  8. What are universal human rights being violated by the authorities?
  9. Can the United Nations affect human rights protection?
  10. Why is a woman's right to abortion losing its force every year, and more and more new prohibitions appear?
  11. How NGOs and human rights organizations work together to protect vulnerable groups?
  12. Role of social media in shaping society and politics.
  13. Impact of political correctness on freedom of speech and human rights.
  14. History and significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  15. What is the role of the ombudsman in safeguarding human rights?

Movies, Music, and Art

  1. How do movies and TV shows attract the viewer?
  2. What is the role of music in the modern world?
  3. Why does the media sometimes provide false information?
  4. What is the power of comedy? Why do these films get more views?
  5. How did the 2019 pandemic affect the film, television, music industry?
  6. The musical subculture is expanding its capabilities. What is the reason for this?
  7. Why is censorship increasingly common in music?
  8. Why is it essential to teach a lesson like music in an educational institution?
  9. How are modern horror films made? What are the capabilities of the new technology?
  10. Why are Disney princesses so influencing the mental health of girls?
  11. How movie music is composed and what effects it has on the audience?
  12. Evolution of classical music: From baroque to modernism and beyond.
  13. Different styles and techniques of painting and their cultural influences.
  14. Roots and evolution of reggae music.
  15. Role and challenges of storytelling in various media forms.

Law and Business

  1. What schemes and strategies do you need to know to build a business from scratch?
  2. Why do all accountants need to improve their knowledge and skills?
  3. How does artificial intelligence affect the country's economy?
  4. Why are taxes increasing every year?
  5. With the advent of self-driving cars, the demand for the services of an insurance company has grown. Why?
  6. How does the relationship between the company team affect the productivity of the work?
  7. Why are private prisons in the US more effective than public ones?
  8. What rules do Internet users violate, and can the cyber team handle them?
  9. Why isn't the Internet and advertising censorship banned?
  10. Can the state intervene in family problems?
  11. How do legal and ethical considerations intersect in business decision-making?
  12. What is the role of intellectual property law in promoting innovation and creativity in contemporary business?
  13. How has antitrust law evolved over time, and what are its current applications in regulating corporate competition?
  14. What are the legal protections afforded to workers, and how have they changed in response to shifting employment relationships and economic conditions?
  15. What are the regulatory challenges faced by multinational corporations in navigating the complex landscape of international business law?

Science and Medicine

  1. Why does water play an important role in human life, and what can dehydration do?
  2. What is the dangerous refined sugar for people?
  3. How can a patient cope with chronic illness at home?
  4. What are the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes?
  5. What are the possibilities of LASIK surgery? Is this a long-term treatment?
  6. Why do different species of living creatures disappear every year?
  7. How do habits affect lifestyle and nutrition?
  8. Why does caffeine have both positive and negative sides?
  9. Why is diet dangerous?
  10. Many firms refuse animal testing. Why are other companies still using it?
  11. How stem cells are used for medical research and treatment?
  12. Complexities of eating disorders: Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatments for anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.
  13. History and development of vaccines and how they work.
  14. Benefits and risks of genetic engineering.
  15. Substance abuse, its causes, and the importance of seeking help.

Education and University Subjects

  1. What is the difference between the education system in the US and the EU?
  2. Why are computer science lessons so difficult for students?
  3. Should parents be involved in children's education?
  4. How can a student's academic failure be eliminated?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
  6. Can a poor person become educated?
  7. How can bullying at school, college, university be stopped?
  8. If you ate an education, does this indicate that you can always find a job?
  9. Why do girls suffer from violence while studying in universities?
  10. What is the cost of education today?
  11. Strategies for effective online learning: Tips and tools for students and educators in a digital environment.
  12. Opportunities and challenges of AI in teaching, learning, and university administration.
  13. Student loans debts and how it affects the lives of college graduates.
  14. Causes and effects of plagiarism and how to avoid it.
  15. Impact of social media on high school students' mental health and academic performance.


  1. The history of the development of psychology, the main periods.
  2. Scientific methods, the advantages of their application in practice.
  3. Empirical and theoretical methods: description, examples.
  4. The importance of observation for developmental psychology.
  5. Schools of psychological science, what are the similarities and differences.
  6. Psychic development: evolution, main stages.
  7. A human psyche is a special form of his life.
  8. The principles of psychological science, development.
  9. Psychophysiology and Psychology: Connection and Significance.
  10. Human brain and psyche.
  11. Theory and practice of hypnosis and its benefits for mental health.
  12. Impact of domestic violence on mental health and well-being.
  13. Positive effects of video games on cognitive skills.
  14. Different types of intelligence and how to measure them.
  15. The role and importance of emotional intelligence in personal and professional life.

Religion, Culture, and Food Studies Topics

  1. What chemicals does food have?
  2. Why are yoga and meditation more credible than medicine?
  3. What religions exist, and what values do they have?
  4. Why do people treat depression with food?
  5. How much is the impression of the country created by forming a dish?
  6. Why is fast food not only American?
  7. Does nationality influence the culture of the city?
  8. Why do churches live by separate rules that the city has set for everyone?
  9. What traditions and rituals can be found in different countries?
  10. What are the positive and negative sides of nationalism?
  11. History and significance of Ramadan for Muslims.
  12. How different religions use food as an integral part of their traditions?
  13. Power of spices in different cultures
  14. Ethical and environmental implications of veganism.
  15. Similarities and differences between Judaism and Christianity.

Informative Speech Topics About Sports

  1. The importance of physical culture and sports in human life.
  2. Physical Culture and its influence on the solution of social problems.
  3. Modern Olympic Games: Features and Their Importance in the Life of Modern Society.
  4. The influence of sports on the full development of the human body.
  5. The process of organizing a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Remedial sports: complexes of physical exercises aimed at eliminating various diseases.
  7. Sports as a means of fighting overwork and low performance.
  8. The main methods of body shaping through exercise.
  9. Precautions while playing sports.
  10. The relationship between the physical and spiritual development of the individual.
  11. What are the benefits of physical activity and sports on physical, mental, and emotional health?
  12. How have sports evolved from ancient times to the modern era?
  13. Do athletes have a responsibility to be role models and how do they influence society?
  14. How do sports reflect and shape cultural values and beliefs in society?
  15. What is the economics and financial impact of the sports industry and how do marketing strategies impact it?

Fun Informative Speech Topics

  1. Who were the vikings? Exploring the history and culture of nordic warriors.
  2. How do airplanes stay in the air?
  3. History and popularity of memes on the Internet.
  4. Impact and influence of social media influencers.
  5. What makes a good joke?
  6. Understanding irony and the fine line between humor and offense.
  7. Evolution of online gaming: From simple text-based games to virtual reality.
  8. Evolution of dance styles, from the waltz to hip hop.
  9. The rise of TikTok: The influence of the video-sharing app on pop culture
  10. Strange and unusual hobbies and collections of people.
  11. Secret life of bees, ants, and other insects.
  12. The surprising world of competitive eating: The people and the prizes.
  13. The world of professional online gaming and e-sports.
  14. History and cultural significance of jokes and humor around the world.
  15. The history of dad jokes: From puns and one-liners to classic groaners.

Easy Informative Speech Topics

  1. Can we prevent natural disasters?
  2. The most popular and influential social media platforms.
  3. Health benefits of drinking water every day.
  4. History of Halloween and its traditions.
  5. Importance of recycling for environmental preservation.
  6. Benefits of regular exercise for physical and mental health.
  7. Different types of clouds and what they mean for weather prediction.
  8. Science behind how our bodies process food.
  9. Different types of tea and their health benefits.
  10. History and meaning behind different flags across the world.
  11. Basics of gardening: How to grow different types of plants.
  12. Differences between genres of music and their origins.
  13. Advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone vs. with a group.
  14. Basics of CPR and first aid techniques everyone should know.
  15. How does high school shape our career goals and aspirations?

Informative Speech Topics for TED talks

  1. How to build a decentralized internet that protects privacy and freedom?
  2. Myths and realities of the human brain and how to optimize its potential.
  3. How can high school students develop strong study habits and time management skills?
  4. Role and impact of search engines: How Google, Bing, and Yahoo have revolutionized information retrieval and changed the way we access and process information.
  5. Foster care system: Understanding its challenges, opportunities, and need for reform.
  6. The best sales tactics and how to apply them in different contexts.
  7. Impact of violent video games on children and young adults and its effects on aggressive behavior.
  8. Importance of education for the economy and how to improve it.
  9. What are the economic and social consequences of global warming, and how can individuals and governments work together to address this pressing global issue?
  10. The art of public speaking: Tips, techniques, and strategies for captivating your audience and delivering a persuasive message.
  11. Ethics of gene editing and its implications for society.
  12. Causes and effects of global warming and what we can do to stop it.
  13. Role of social media in shaping public opinion and political discourse.
  14. Impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work.
  15. The ethics and economics of global warming: Balancing the costs and benefits of environmental policies and climate action to achieve a sustainable future.

Interesting Informative Speech Topics

  1. Higher education in the digital age: Adapting to technology, innovating pedagogy, and expanding access to learning.
  2. What role does the United Nations play in addressing global issues such as poverty, climate change, and human rights, and how effective has it been in achieving its goals?
  3. Geology and geography of the Bermuda Triangle.
  4. The importance of developing good study habits during high school and how it can impact future academic success.
  5. Impact of the Great Depression on different sectors, such as agriculture, banking, and industry, and how it shaped the future of these sectors.
  6. Understanding the signs of domestic violence and how to intervene.
  7. Coping strategies, support systems, and positive outcomes for single parenting.
  8. Evolution, benefits, and challenges of electric cars in the age of climate change.
  9. Myths and facts about vampires, werewolves, and zombies and their cultural impact.
  10. How did the Great Depression impact the global economy and lead to the rise of totalitarian regimes?
  11. Benefits, limitations, and future trends of e-learning in the 21st century.
  12. Privacy concerns and social media - examining the ways in which social media platforms collect and use personal data, and the potential risks and implications for user privacy.
  13. Impact of technology, culture, and social norms on love life.
  14. What are the best strategies for high school students to build positive relationships with peers and teachers?
  15. Benefits of participating in extracurricular activities during high school years.

Informative Speech Topics about Animals

  1. How to adopt a dog and what to consider before doing so?
  2. History and evolution of polar bears and how they adapt to climate change.
  3. What are the causes and consequences of species extinction and how can we prevent it?
  4. The staggering intellectual abilities of elephants and how they communicate.
  5. How do animals communicate and exhibit unique behaviors?
  6. How do different cultures and traditions view and utilize animals in their societies?
  7. What are the ethical issues surrounding the use of animals in entertainment and what are the consequences?
  8. How advanced is animal intelligence and what are the implications of their cognitive abilities?
  9. Different types of whales and their characteristics and behaviors.
  10. What are the benefits of adopting a pet and how do they impact our lives?
  11. Exotic beauties: An introduction to the fascinating world of tropical fish.
  12. Pet snakes: Understanding their care, behavior, and benefits as companions.
  13. How has our relationship with animals evolved throughout history and what does it look like today?
  14. History and culture of animal rights movements and how they challenge human supremacy.
  15. Importance of animal welfare for the economy and how to improve it.

Health Informative Speech Topics

  1. Fast food and health: Understanding the risks and consequences of consuming processed, high-calorie foods on a regular basis.
  2. Importance of a balanced diet for optimal health.
  3. Benefits of regular physical activity for overall well-being.
  4. Mental health and the role of counseling and therapy.
  5. Dangers of sedentary behavior and how to combat it.
  6. Preventative measures for common chronic health conditions.
  7. Importance of sleep and its effect on health.
  8. Understanding the risk and consequences of substance abuse.
  9. Ways to reduce stress and anxiety for better mental health.
  10. Dos and don'ts of medication use for better health outcomes.
  11. How to improve gut health for better digestion?
  12. Importance of vaccinations for preventing common illnesses.
  13. How to maintain a healthy immune system?
  14. Importance of regular check-ups and screenings for early detection.
  15. Understanding mental health stigma and ways to combat It.

Unique Informative Speech Topics

  1. Can neuroscience help us understand consciousness and free will?
  2. How do cultures around the world approach death, mourning, and grief?
  3. Tips and techniques for managing conflict and building positive relationships through communication skills.
  4. Why school uniform is more than just an outfit: Benefits and controversies surrounding school uniforms.
  5. The role of the New Deal policies in addressing the economic challenges of the Great Depression.
  6. Challenges and opportunities for improving public schools in America.
  7. The negative effects of consuming junk food and strategies for breaking free from its hold.
  8. What are the benefits and risks of gene editing technology?
  9. How can we address food insecurity and foster sustainable agriculture?
  10. What impact do social media platforms have on mental health and wellbeing?
  11. What lessons can we learn from the history of pandemics and epidemics?
  12. The role of individuals, governments, and corporations in combating global warming.
  13. How social media has shaped teenage culture and behavior?
  14. How do different learning styles affect education and retention of information?
  15. How does sleep deprivation affect physical and mental health, and what can we do about it?

Easy Informative Speech Topics for College Students

  1. How to recycle and reduce waste on campus?
  2. Benefits of meditation and mindfulness for stress relief.
  3. Understanding the basics of financial literacy: Budgeting, saving, and preparing for your financial future.
  4. Causes and effects of procrastination and how to overcome it.
  5. The most popular and useful apps for college students.
  6. Benefits of joining a student organization or club on campus.
  7. The best practices for healthy eating and exercise for college students.
  8. How to build and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen as a college student.
  9. Different types of learning styles and how to improve your memory.
  10. The most famous and successful alumni of your college or university.
  11. Importance of diversity and inclusion on campus.
  12. Importance of proper sleep hygiene for better academic performance and overall health.
  13. An overview of available mental health resources and strategies for coping with stress in college life.
  14. Scholarships and grants available for college students.
  15. Tips and tricks for effective time management and avoiding procrastination in college.

5-Minute Informative Speech Topics for College

  1. History and significance of your college mascot.
  2. Benefits and challenges of studying abroad.
  3. The best apps and websites for college students.
  4. The most popular and controversial trends on social media.
  5. Causes and effects of climate change and what we can do about it.
  6. The most interesting and unusual facts about your major or field of study.
  7. Advantages and disadvantages of online learning.
  8. The most influential and inspiring people in your industry or profession.
  9. Best tips and tricks for acing exams and assignments.
  10. Dangerous myths and misconceptions about health and wellness.
  11. Useful and fun skills to learn in your spare time.
  12. The most fascinating and bizarre phenomena in science and nature.
  13. Important and surprising lessons you learned in college.
  14. The best places and activities to explore in your city or town.
  15. Memorable stories from your college life.

Informative Speech Topics About Finance

  1. History and functions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
  2. Benefits of financial literacy and budgeting.
  3. Causes and effects of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009.
  4. Advantages and disadvantages of different types of investments and savings.
  5. Impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology on the economy.
  6. Causes and effects of the Great Depression on the global economy and society.
  7. Ethical implications of corporate social responsibility and sustainable finance.
  8. Differences between various economic systems and policies.
  9. Factors that influence personal and business credit scores and ratings.
  10. Trends and innovations in fintech and digital banking.
  11. The risks of entrepreneurship and venture capital.
  12. Concepts of behavioral finance and nudging.
  13. Controversies surrounding taxation and money laundering.
  14. Myths and realities of financial independence and early retirement.
  15. How stock market impacts economic growth and development across the world?

Self-Help Informative Speech Topics

  1. Benefits of meditation and yoga for your mental and physical health.
  2. The power of positive thinking and affirmations.
  3. Science of happiness and what makes us happy.
  4. Importance of sleep and how it affects your mood and performance.
  5. The art of interpersonal communication: Strategies for effective and meaningful connections with others.
  6. Secrets of successful people and what they do differently.
  7. Ways to build self-confidence and overcome self-doubt.
  8. How to set and achieve realistic goals?
  9. Ways to overcome procrastination and increase productivity.
  10. Strategies for improving communication skills.
  11. Habits of highly effective learners and how to master any skill.
  12. Strategies for coping with rejection and failure.
  13. Methods of relaxation and how to reduce stress.
  14. Benefits of physical exercise and healthy eating habits.
  15. Steps to self-care and how to love yourself.

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Angelina Grin

Creative Writer and Blog Editor

Despite my relatively young age, I am a professional writer with more than 14 years of experience. I studied journalism at the university, worked for media and digital agencies, and organized several events for ed-tech companies. Yet for the last 6 years, I've worked mainly in marketing. Here, at Studybay, my objective is to make sure all our texts are clear, informative, and engaging.

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