Romeo and Juliet Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

The two are in love not because they truly have love affection to one another but because being in love is the only solution to their life troubles as shown in the play events which can be enough evidence that Romeo’s love for Juliet is not true. Romeo was very much worried over Rosaline not loving him back moments before he met Juliet. This indicates that he is still very much in love with her. To suffice this, Romeo attended the party for a different purpose. His main agenda in attending the party was to see Rosaline, the girl who was troubling his soul (Shakespeare, et al. True love develops gradually, the lovers commit their time to know and understand one another, unlike Romeo‘s case.

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He claims to love Juliet few seconds on setting his eyes on her (Burningham, et al. He does not know her, he has never seen her, but he declares his love for her and in a short while they decide to get married, yet they are complete strangers, and according to his conversation with Friar Lawrence, he loves her only under one parameter; her physical attractiveness. He only hails her looks as he uses many praising words to describe her (Burningham, et al. To fall in love, one should consider various factors and attributes including but not limited to the character. First, his decision to commit suicide was not correct. If at all he loved her he should have accepted the situation and moved on (Anderson).

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