The present essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

Document 1

However, as the story unfolds we get to realize that the term has been used figuratively to refer to the present time. In other words the best gift that you can ever reward yourself with is to be able to live fully in the present by realizing what really matters in your life and putting as much effort as you can towards it. Basically the story is about a young man who wonders where he can get ‘The Present’ after being told by a wise old man that it would be the most precious gift he can ever get. The old man observes the boy as he fully dedicates his efforts in cutting grass. When the boy asks the old man about how he could get the present, the old man responds by telling him that The Present is the best thing he can get since it would make him happy and successful in life.

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He is able to catch the attention of his boss due to his commitment and passion. However the two fall out when the young boy starts developing a ‘great relationship’ with a woman he meets. He returns to the old man who further advises him that he still misses another element of The Present; being able to learn from the past. Upon returning to work, he solves the problem and once again returns to his happy life. He is promoted to a new position and performs well for a time until he starts being overwhelmed by undertaking too much at a go. As such, he can only lead him to understand what The Present is but he cannot hand it over to him.

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People will understand the importance of The Present only when they have gotten to certain critical points. It was only when the boy had searched high and low for The Present that he now got to a point where he was ready to realize what The Present was. That explains why although the old man noted the preset in The Present in the boy when he was cutting grass, he could not openly tell him what The Present meant because it was not relevant to him at the time. What the author is trying to demonstrate in this case is that The Present is not a formula to problems but rather a guiding path towards realizing what matters to you and being able to dedicate yourself fully in what you do.

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