Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Computer Science

Document 1

A conceptual data analysis can be made from this to monitor important business processes such as the supply and demand chain and the prevailing market condition what to produce and at what quantity with what prevailing price. This is just to reduce the risk of losses and maximize profits. Key words: forecasting methods, supply chain, analytics Introduction This project is just trying to portray the other picture of how the newly reliable developed analytic soft wares can be used in order to improve the business a sector. Engineers have developed some of this big analytic software specifically to be used to analyze business conditions and ensure fair competition within the business environment and reduce the rising cases of heavy losses being incurred by some of these firms as they are really investing heavily hence want to reduce the chances of risk as much as possible.

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The significance of the study The essential of this study is to boost the output quality of production as these soft wares are used to tell the best production method hence the firm will without any doubt use the most ideal production process with less production cost. Also, decision marking like finding a Nash equilibrium for two competing firms. Research questions • How has the big data analytic helped in increasing the company’s profit? • What are the benefits enjoyed by consumers from the incorporation of software analytics in the business sector? • What can prove that the algorithm from the data analytics have been proven to be reliable and can be used for reference for making big decisions in business? • How much has the use of big data analytics helped in making the business a better sector for rival competing firms? • What role can data analytics play in helping a growing nation by improving the gross domestic product stem? Methodology Research Design On this research design, the explanatory and descriptive research design methodology was selected this was on the ground of its efficiency to exhaust all the aspect incorporated to improve the ways in which the growing data to be processed are increasing due to growing technology by each passing day.

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