Special Issues and International Perspectives in Plea Bargaining

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Criminology

Document 1

Such crimes require lawyers and equipped personnel to solve such cases. These are non-violent crimes that are a result of deceptive practices with a primary aim of gaining financially. Inn most cases, they are usually committed by business people who are able to access huge amounts of money. One of the major examples of white collar crime is fraud. With the intention of gaining something in return, fraud misinterprets facts to someone or organizations. This also happen to be special issues since they white-collar crimes are now committed at an alarming rate and there is an urgency of bringing the fraudsters to book. For the public defender’s office and the Attorney’s office to be much stronger, then they will need abandon the standardization of information that they give the young lawyers so that they can be able to gather appropriate information during such cases so that the offenders can get to the book.

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International Perspective for a Visiting Public Defender It is important to note that different countries have different laws that govern them which might be quite an obstacle when a lawyer would like to move to another country due to the issues of case processing. For instance, with regard to the court systems, that of the United States is similar to that of the United Kingdom. Despite their similarities, while the minor offenses are solved by magistrate courts in the U. Research has indicated that there are several early releases in Canada for the same crime committed in the United States. On the same note, it has also been proven that there are fewer options to incarceration in Canada as opposed to the United States.

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Such differences might impact the results that you are likely to achieve when you move from the United States to Canada since it might be cumbersome for you to adapt to a new set of court structure in the new country. Such differences might affect how Jane Doe will approach some of the cases that she might encounter when she moves to the new country. For instance, in Canada, she might experience much difficulty adapting since they have very different court structures which has the implication that Jane will have to develop new approaches to the cases which is likely to deteriorate her performance. Brooks, Susan E. , and Rachel Raimondi. "The Public Defender System in North Carolina-Its History and Future. " NC St.

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