Sleep Deprivation on New Parents Literature review

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

The research paper would typically analyze the issue of sleep deprivation amidst new parents in a given society, examine causes of sleep deprivation as well as impacts associated with it. The research paper would also highlight various ways of preventing sleep deprivation among new parents among other facets. Sleep Deprivation among New Parents It is easy to spot new parents who are under sleep deprivation. Their bloodshot eyes tend to communicate much regarding their insufficient sleep. This is because newborns need constant attention which greatly affects the parents' sleeping hours. Mindell (Ding, 2018). Causes and Effects of Sleep Deprivation There are several causes of sleep deprivation including anxiety, insufficient sleep due to family or parenthood issues, and insomnia among other hidden sleep disorders.

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Hidden health conditions might also bring about sleep deprivation. Motherhood might bring a host of health problems which a new parent might not have experienced before pregnancy. This may include hypertension, mood disorders among others. As a result, a survey conducted clearly indicate that very few men, about 7 percent, get out of bed at night in order to check on the newborn. There is the option of shelling out for a night nurse for the parent to get adequate sleep. Moreover, parents might set up a schedule so that nighttime chores are split amidst both partners. This is because insufficient sleep is attributed to many risk factors and chronic disorders. New parents, especially mothers should not be tortured, they need to be valued and respected.

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