Effective use of technology in hiring process

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

Applications send through mail and postal address by job hunters are received. Recruiter System will receive application via online submission through MTC Employment Website and store in the applicant database within the hiring system. A more efficient submission process decreases time needed to receive and begin processing applications. This will present a positive image to potential employees and help MTC compete for top IT talent. Recruiter then will screen the received resumes as well as the applications Recruiter Applicants of certain qualities will be previewed through the database. Highlighting will help reduce lots of manual work. Interviews are scheduled by the admin assistant. Administrative assistant The exact date and time for the interview are sent automatically by the system. The applicant either accepts or declines the interview date or time depending on his/her schedule 8.

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Feedback from the interview team is collected by Ted Administrative assistant Notes from candidate profiles are availed online for the interview This reduces the work done the interview members. Communications: Communication within the firm is crucial, hence using the hiring system will help in improving the level of communication within the firm since it will give people a chance to talk out issues by use of the already existing opportunities to monitor the process of hiring a new candidate up to the day that the new member reports to work (Bloomsberg 2017). This creates transparency within the organization. Workflow: The hiring system gives an opportunity for everyone to fully achieve their set goals once provided with a structure that is reliable hence it will help maintain the flow of work within the organization.

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