Pathophysiological mechanisms of Acute and Chronic asthma

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

This paper will discuss the pathophysiological mechanisms of acute and chronic asthma, a factor impacting the pathophysiology as well as mindmaps for acute and chronic asthma Pathophysiological mechanisms of Acute and Chronic asthma exacerbation: Similarities and Difference Chronic Asthma attack is a condition that leads to swelling and inflammation of the airways. It is possible to reverse the clinical expression of the lower airway obstruction due to the bronchial hyper-responsiveness. Bronchoconstriction causes interference of the airflow by the physiological event (Louie, et al. Persistence of Asthma Inflammation becomes progressive limiting the airflow. An acute asthma attack is stimulated by allergens or irritants causing narrowing of the airways. 40 respectively (Bernstein, et al. When the attack become extreme PaCo2 increases to over 40 mm Hg and may get to approximately 50 mm Hg or more, while pH decreases to less than 7.

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