Maslow hierarchy of needs essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Marketing

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Needs are a major motivation in carrying out the actions. The urge to fulfil our needs makes us do things in hope that this action will eventually bring satisfaction to our needs. I see the hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow as a perfect explanation of how our needs motivate us to do actions. Hierarchy of needs theory According to McLeod (2007), the theory is psychological and it serves the purpose of human motivation. The theory has five human needs models commonly known as the hierarchical levels that can be related to a pyramid. The people who seem to have achieved a lot either politically, socially or in economic aspects reach a point whereby their success does not matter anymore and now they concentrate on mentoring people who are behind them in the success.

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At this point, the people are concerned with growth. How hierarchy needs to motivate employees According to Tanner (2015), people begin their careers with concerns of physiological needs such as decent wages and salary that will enable them to fulfil their basic needs. Employees will also seek to acquire security of the work and safety in their working environment. If an employer is not keen in helping to achieve this, the employees will be frustrated by the work environment and they will revert to satisfy their lower needs. Hierarchy of needs may apply to everyone as all people have needs, as a person advances the needs increases driving the person to do more so as to reach there. References McLeod, S. Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

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