The Salvation Army research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

It is a religious organization that was formed in 1865 by a man named William Booth (Yaxley, William & Catherine, 1). William was a Reverend living in London who dedicated his life to spreading the word of God in the streets with the aim of ensuring that the gospel was heard by the homeless and the needy in the streets. In the 18th century, the Salvation Army was able to spread in the United States and currently serves in many countries and preaches in 160 different languages. The Salvation Army is an organization that offers all social services to people across the globe such aa spreading the word of God, assist the needy in the basic needs and acts as a transformational motive to societies everywhere in the world.

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The mission of the Salvation Army is to spread and preach the gospel of God and be able to meet the basic human needs without discriminating people. The donations collected assist them in feeding the hungry in the streets, give clothes to the needy, take the homeless in the streets in shelters and offer guidance and counseling for people who have gone through a major disaster in their lives. The donations received also assist the Salvation Army organizations in funding health ministries in poor countries, better the language and education in the poor countries, guide and counsel the sexually abused people and many other projects (Winston, RedHot and Righteous, 1) There are also stores where the Salvation Army organization can donate items and sell them at a cheaper price.

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