Who moved my cheese by spencer johnson essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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The book is one of the best books known for their simplicity. It makes life appear quite easy than it is in actual life. The book has majorly addressed the need to adapt to the necessary changes in society. Human beings have to learn to deal with the change in individual life and work. The text has such a remarkable insight throughout the text (Spencer pp 13). The change process is such a complicated process rather a simple stimulus that needs a quick reaction from an individual. Change requires an individual not only to think and come up with a plan to ensure that the necessary transformation is effectively implemented (Smith pp 21). Nonetheless, the book is still important despite the limitations due to the basic ideas provided by the author especially on change, the resistance to change and the great adjustment approaches to change in the society either at work or home.

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As a law enforcement officer, it is quite important to understand the significance of the attitude of an individual. Attitude is quite important in approaching life’s changes and uncertainty that people face every day in their daily lives. More specifically, the book discusses the needed to anticipate a change in normal life activities. There should be no room for complacency in the community especially in the job place (Bhadkamkar et al. pp 18). As a law enforcement officer, I have to constantly strive to do well and improve in whatever one decides to do in society. I must constantly have an alternative to whatever happens in life. It is always quite difficult for most individuals to take a new path after they had already settled in a present situation that they had liked for a long time.

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