Essay on Cultural diversity

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Cultural diversity is a source of learning (a) Geographical differences of cultures promote certain opportunities (b) Information inclusiveness calls for cultural interactions 3. Resources are spread all over different cultural boundaries (a) Not all cultures control all important resources (b) Trade, economic integration relies on respect for all cultures Conclusion Throughout the world, all nations are made of a wide range of cultural diversity (Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, Article 1). To even a small difference of geographical locations, there exists differences in what those particular resident believe and do, consider to be morals and the recommended ways of living that re unique, cherished and used as an identity among the other people. In this case our cultural diversities are the things that we are born and brought up with unique from other backgrounds.

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Inclusion entails bringing people together to harness these differences in a way that can prove to be beneficial. They get to know how people from different communities did things. By so doing they create an environment where there is trust and respect and individuals can tolerate each other. But still there are those who do not want more inclusiveness and acceptance and because of that over the ages there have been many wars and disagreements between people. Most of the people who do not support cultural diversity think that through that they will not have to share the resources with other people therefore they only want to benefit alone. When these are the conditions then individuals tend to be more cooperative and willing to put a lot of effort into building their community or country.

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