Social Challenges Facing the US

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Criminology

Document 1

S. The United States of America is faced with social challenges just like any other regions in the world. However, the region has its unique challenges based on its history as a country. One of these social challenges that are facing the nation is challenges encompassing race issues. Even though racism is something of the past in the U. ” (Hardiman, 2013 n. p). Some of the indicators that the author in this article uses to support his assertion are that the Chicago as an example is a region that has over 1,800 shootings in a year for instance in the year 2012. Furthermore, the same region has recorded about 508 homicides in the same year, and it is overwhelming that out of these incidences, the African Americans are victims to 80 percent of these occurrences.

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People of color follow in this statistics at 60percent of the victims and also of those that are making up the population in the prisons (Hardiman, 2013). Additionally, with increased lack of jobs, many of them are likely to end up behind bars. The author has made it very clear that the African Americans are faced with the social challenge of mass incarceration, violence, and unemployment. The author towards the end points out that the African-American young men should be given special attention and help since they need to be in a place where they sure well educated and given correct information to help them understand the social problems they face and how they need to face the life ahead of them.

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