Beginnings of Modern Science

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

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The scientific changes experienced in the 20th century were an advancement from the progress made in the 19thy century such as the Newton theories. Due to changes in the structure of an atom, there were drastic changes in chemistry which resulted in the production of plastics. There were also developments in biology and physics which allowed people to reduce illnesses, increase food manufacturing and create nuclear weapons. There were many inventions made during the renaissance that facilitate the production of airplanes, computers, and electricity. Discovery X-rays and Radioactivity Wuerzburg University professors W. In collaboration with her husband, they were able to invent radioactive rudiments such as radium and polonium. Through different experiments, Marie Curie discovered that uranium rays were constant irrespective of the type used or the prevailing conditions.

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This feature was based on uranium’s atomic structure. As a result, she theorized this invention to create atomic physics. One of the radioactive elements Curie discovered was polonium which was named after her country of origin Poland. It is believed that modern physics was created based on this theory (Neuenschwander, 2017). Despite her extensive contribution to science, Emmy did not receive the recognition that she deserved. As a Jew in Germany, she was persecuted and denied career developments in her entire life. She is also known for discovering why bicycle wheels do not fall over. This is because they have revolving balance which allowed them to preserve angular movement. Marie Curie: Physicist and Woman. In APS Meeting Abstracts. Neuenschwander, D. E.

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