Main Factors to Consider in Lesson Planning

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

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The teacher will then design instructions that address the needs of students. The content is related to the subject matter that will be taught. In this case, the curriculum published by the state can be of aid. The teacher should search for information from any relevant source. It is vital to keep an inventory of resources required for teaching for example software, teacher mentors and any other material that would enhance the preparation of the lesson plan. Measurable objectives allow a repeat of measurement by multiple evaluators and give data that demonstrate progress. Such objectives will inform the teacher what he or she wants the students to have done by the end of the unit or course (Smith, 2012). Unlike the observable objectives, measurable objectives inform the teacher whether he or she is successful in achieving goals set.

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Framework for Teaching NBTPS core Proposition and Charlotte Danielson’s framework for teaching are two major frameworks that are used to measure teacher performance and the knowledge content that the teacher should have. NBTPS has five main propositions while Danielson’s framework has four main domains. However, unlike Danielson’s framework, assessment of the teacher is not possible with NBTPS (Viviano, 2012). Graphic Organizer for Danielson Framework and Standard NBTPS Framework for Teaching NBTP’s teaching standards The diagram above shows a graphic organizer that exhibits a comparison and contrast between the framework and the standards. References Forehand, M. Bloom’s taxonomy. Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology 41, 47. edu. sg/approach-teaching/integrated- design/lesson-planning Smith, T. (2012, July 2). Writing Measurable Learning Objectives.

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