Tannen's Conversational Styles and Whorf Revisite Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Anthropology

Document 1

Men have conversation rituals that involve using opposition. That is why they de emphasize individuals who are likely to bring them down. On the other hand, women are expected to remain humble and maintain equality. Women have a ritual of apologizing and softening criticism. On the contrary, men state their ideas in the most absolute form. (David and Spradley) Tannen takes a sociolinguistic approach to understand the gender differences in communication. Girls and boys are raised in different cultures. The society expectations are also different. (David and Spradley) On “Whorf Revisited: You are What You Speak” Many scholars do not agree with Whorf’s argument. Benjamin Lee Whorf argued that a language that and individual speaks affects his perception of the world.

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