Trends in Food Business Industry

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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This is aimed at gaining diverse knowledge and understanding on the ways the consumers needs and want to be handled or engaged, consequently employing appropriate measures in order to improve their business operations (Sarkar, 2004). Therefore, the following are some of the major emergent trend that have hit the food business industry and permanently made a 180 degree turn toward achieving loyal clientele. Customers experience management This has made a new experience in the food service industry. Consumers have been given priorities in such a way that they are able to express how they have been handled or served in a motel or a restaurant. These have been facilitated by the management through an executive level program that engages the guest during service thereby extracting real results on consumers attitude towards the services rendered.

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Technology adoption From the above emergent trends, technology can therefore be described as the trends that have transformed the food service industries almost by 80 percent. In the past, many restaurants and other food service firms used to taking orders manually with little pieces of paper, the papers were then littered in the kitchen for chef to fulfill the order, and also using a manual sales record (Ruiz-Garcia, 2009). Not forgetting how tedious and involving it was doing tasks that can be easily automated by any integrated point of sales system. This system has facilitated the working environment of the individual staff members within the firm therefore saving time for the workers hence improving service delivery. In addition, there is introduction of mobile technology.

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The consumers are conscious on their diet; they are demanding healthier solutions that will nourish them. Therefore, the foodservice industries having this knowledge have been in the frontline to produce food brands such as low calorie snacks and also low carbohydrate meals that are in line with the customers’ expectation. Undoubtedly, the implementation of the above strategies to address emerging trends in foodservice should be tailored to each brand’s unique goals and circumstances. Cumulatively, the resources and energy invested in creating more meaningful engagements with customers and employees will ultimately determine each brand’s ability to remain competitive in the industry therefore creating sustainable businesses. In a hotly contested battle for consumer wallet share in a tight economy, success will lie with the companies with strong competitive advantage against their competitors through establishment of strong customer relations to their customers.

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