Drone Warfare Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Philosophy

Document 1

Drones have improved battles as soldiers do not need to be physically present in the war zone. The drones are controlled by pilots who are miles away. The drones are armed with missiles that they shot at the enemy with the help of a pilot who is miles away. The pilots use computers which help in controlling the drones. The drones have killed many innocent people as they cannot accurately destroy the evil people and leave the innocent. Some of the short-term effects are the death they experience (Shaw 2016). But the long-term is more vital because the people have to move from the place they called home and go and settle elsewhere. Most of the time these people end up becoming refugees, and since their homes and business have been destroyed, they cannot afford food for their children (Akbar 2015).

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Moreover, their children cannot attend school in such an environment (Barnidge 2016). The citizens of such nations may never better themselves, and this creates more terrorist who revenges by attacking Americans back. Drones can stay in operation even without the control of a pilot without getting fatigued. Also, a pilot or operator of a drone hand off the operation of the drones to another person easy. Thus, the pilots can get time to relax and carry out other activities. Drones are more accurate than humans and can target places when faraway without destroying infrastructure and civilians. Chiefly, this promotes military accountability. Therefore, those areas that are prone to drone attack have ceased to make any such meetings. In the bombings, innocent children die while some lose parts of their bodies.

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Although drone attacks have mitigated terror attacks, more innocent people die and suffer permanent damage due to the drone attacks (Admin 2018). Drones are also limited as compared to humans, this because the drones cannot capture surrendering military or abandoned hardware. Again, they cannot communicate with people to get more intelligent information. The drones cannot make ethical decisions and end up killing innocent lives. Additionally, the users of drones have become careless at their work where they shot missiles at people without thinking critically about their decision. They do not think about the people who will be affected and how their lives will change negatively. Important to note, the nuclear weapons do not just affect the people physically but also health wise.

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