Recommendation letter assignment

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

I have observed the student for long since he worked with me until 3 am. The student remained effective throughout his practice under my supervision because he never complained about the rest time. He was also never late for work and his focus made it clear that he is determined to serve the patients in the psychiatric or being late for work. His assistance was paramount as it increased the efficiency of the psychiatric department. The student exhibited excellent skills in patient care and his level of utilizing knowledge has shown that he understands how to handle different cases. He would interview and counsel patients with different illnesses including those with clinical depression and those in acute psychosis. The student had previously undergone psychiatry training which allowed him to work independently and effectively.

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He was focused on accomplishing the goals of every task which he undertook. In the psychiatry department, some patients are hostile and agitated while others are underserved. However, this never discouraged him as he managed to make them feel better by having an environment in which they would openly express their emotions while sharing their symptoms and life challenges. The student possesses high levels of learning abilities and he understands work ethic as he applied it all the time. He shows professionalism in his work and his attitude drives him towards an excellent performance of his work. The student worked towards meeting the needs of the patients but always applied ethics and professionalism. At the end of his rotation period, the student requested that he would still participate in my night shifts.

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