Qualitative research critique and ethical considerations paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

This study provides insights on the aspect of treatment resistance especially in patients dealing with schizophrenia. In case there is an observed response to treatment, most schizophrenic patients experience negative symptoms like cognitive impairment which affects a large number of patients. This study helps clinicians to choose the right treatment since clinicians have been known to administer antipsychotics frequently to patients with schizophrenia. Besides, treatment manuals do not recommend multiple administration of antipsychotics. Instead, they need to be administered as a last option after patients show resistance to clozapine. Also, he sought to develop the study from the increased rate of side effects which could result to patients staying for long at the hospital and increasing the costs of care. The authors did cite other quantitative and qualitative studies that were conducted in the past and relevant to the focus of the study.

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For example, the authors cited a study conducted at the University of California to test the prevalence of multiple administration of antipsychotics. They also cited other studies that sought to examine the rate of use of antipsychotics as well as the rate of multiple administration. They also cited studies conducted in other parts of the world like a few selected countries in East Asia, France and Turkey. The study found that there was a higher administration of haloperidol and chlorpromazine than the rest of the antispatic agents. Moreover, antipsychotic polypharmacy was common among patients who were diagnosed with the onset of the disease and among those patients that had been hospitalized for longer. This study could be helpful to nurses in the future by helping them establish the right option for treatment for schizophrenia depending on the age factor of the disease onset as well as according to the length of stay at the hospital of these patients.

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Nurses would also be able to determine the factors that affect their compliance to treatment with antipsychotic drugs and develop the most effective methods of managing negative side effects in patients that have been treated with multiple antipsychotics. The findings of the study would contribute to nursing knowledge by providing insight on some of the factors that influence the treatment of schizophrenia. It is important for clinicians to develop alternative treatment options for schizophrenia by first establishing the possible limiting factors to compliance and responsive treatment. Based on the study, the prevalence rate of multiple administration of antipsychotics drugs is high. Furthermore, patients who undergo an antipsychotic polypharmacy end up being re-hospitalized at a higher rate than those who are not.

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