Improved Classroom Management Results in Decreased Behavioral Incidents

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

Disruptive behavior limits student’s ability to learn, reduces the time available for instruction hence low school connectedness and poor academic functioning, making it an issue of concern to schools. Failure to take control of the disruptive behavior normalizes the negative behavior, and in the long run, the non-disruptive students engage in such actions. Through interrogation of aspects such as teacher demographics, application of classroom management strategies and classroom composition, the researchers found out that, the underpinning of effective teaching is classroom behavior management. The achievement of a conducive classroom environment is possible by promoting positive while preventing negative behavior in the classroom setting. The research postulates that effective classroom management offers an optimal environment that maximizes student engagement, time for academic instruction and academic excellence.

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The research was quick to point out that students in high structure classes had lesser pro-social behavior towards their peers. The article supports the fact that the design of physical arrangement in a classroom should be in such way that it reduces distraction and crowding, for optimal impact on student behavior. Increasing classroom space is the best way to minimize overcrowding. The room design notwithstanding, students learning under more space had a higher interpersonal distance as well as their interaction with teachers, parents, and peers. Further, classrooms more visual dividers offer a conducive environment that reduces teacher distraction, student destruction from noise while at the same time affording students a higher level of satisfaction amidst fewer limitations of classroom activities. Asiyai (2014) in his research was quick to interrogate the impact of physical learning environment on student learning and motivation.

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The study found out that, there was a significant effect on student learning and motivation that is advanced by the condition of physical classroom environment since it influences their school attendance and personal behavior. The study postulates that it remains critical for all stakeholders to prioritize the creation of positive learning environment in schools towards encouraging student academic development and achievement. Skiba, Ormiston, Martinez, & Cummings (2016), in their research highlight, that climate building strategies and classroom management are critical in facilitating active learning environment. Students benefit a lot from instructional and preventive strategies that include but not limited to a suitable curriculum that cultivate student engagement, the building of a positive relationship between teacher and students and designing of clear expectations as opposed to punitive and reactive strategies.

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