English language Learners

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

Hispanic refers to nations, culture and people with historic connection to Spanish language or Spain as a country. It has shown that non-Hispanic students scored highly in reading (180 versus 165 points), science (87 versus 80 points) and math (148 versus 138 points) compared to Hispanic peers. Among ELLs, non-Hispanic English Language Learners who were proficient by spring of kindergarten had higher science (83 versus 73 points), mathematics (148 versus 126 points) and reading (173 versus 149 points) compared to Hispanic peers. Armbruster, Lehr, and Osborn, 2003 stated that, “reading aloud to children has been called the single most important activity for building the knowledge required for success in reading. ” This will assist students to better their reading skills. Income poverty is a condition whereby households have little income to cater for basic needs like food, clothing and shelter.

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