Optimal Nurses Staffing

Document Type:Creative Writing

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

As such, the authors deduced that improved patient outcomes could be derived from staffing models that incorporate the number of patients and the nurse-to-patient ratios. According to the article, factors that influence nurse staffing needs include: proximity to or availability of healthcare technological support; layout and physical space of the nursing unit; professional nursing and other staff skill level and expertise; patient’s number of transfers, discharges, and admissions; and patient’s stability, acuity, and complexity (American Nurses Association, 2015). The article concluded that appropriate nurse staffing is associated with improved patient outcomes. I agree with the author. I believe that nursing employees are crucial prerequisites in sustaining the high quality of a healthcare facility. Optimal nurses staffing also results in the satisfaction of the nursing staff.

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The wellbeing and satisfaction of nurses are crucial concepts in maintaining the quality of healthcare facilities and improving the outcomes of patients. Having an optimal number of nurses in a healthcare facility allows the nurses to work in conduce environments without unnecessary pressures. Hence, they get to love their work. The job satisfaction by nurses is then translated to increased productivity and better performance in improving the health of patients. As such, inadequate staffing is costly to the healthcare facilities. Thirdly, when nurses are dissatisfied with their work, the patients are also likely to be dissatisfied. When patients dislike the services in a healthcare facility, they might express their dissatisfaction to the public which may result in the decrement of the facility’s fame and market value.

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