Representation of Africa by Filmmakers

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Cultural Studies

Document 1

Africa, this dangerous and chaotic ground, is better enjoyed from a distance. Once you get too close, you might get attacked. Or sick. The distanced glance is a stock element of colonialist (Mayer, 260). Africa being a primitive continent will for a long time remain to be primitive for quite some reasons. From the film, it’s through the good effort that Mwana made in Africa that landed her an opportunity to go and study medicine in Belgium. Finally on the issue to do with dependence from the European countries, this now has been a big stereotype that has been challenged immensely. According to the film, king Kongo did not depend on anyone more so the European authorities to trace her daughter from Belgium where she went for further studies an idea that is clear show of lack of dependence that has been shown to be a stereotype about the African continent (Barlet, 159).

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