Developmental Biologist Howard Holtzer Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Biology

Document 1

(185), there are more than 200 publications that convey Holtzer’s evolving ideas of cell development and differentiation. Of significant importance is Howard’s contribution to the significance of cell division in the delineation of cell diversity together cell lineage concept. He discovered how the cytoskeletal elements and intermediate filaments are imperative in differentiation as well as assembly. Some of the other notable developmental systems where Howard made contributions comprise of the nervous system, pigment, hematopoietic tissues, cardiac and skeletal muscle, and cartilage where he discerned the primary elements that unify differentiation together with embryonic development. Howard was a theoretical and the same time an experimental biologist. (683), together with his colleagues demonstrated the importance of making use fluorescein labeled polyclonal antibodies while investigating the initial processes in cell differentiation, with specific focus directed at the formation of nascent sarcomeric myosin, which happens within the embryonic muscle fibers.

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