Exegesis of revelation

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

The book of revelation has several themes that are prevalent throughout the chapters. The purpose of this paper is to provide a commentary analysis of revelation by establishing the ultimate purpose of the book and providing an analysis of the themes prevalent in the book including God's sovereignty, the worship of God, the arrival of the kingdom of God and a worldwide revival. Understanding the purpose of revelation The purpose of this epistle is found in the statements used throughout the book and also by understanding the book’s contents. Generally, the divine purpose of revelation can be perceived as threefold. Firstly, the book aims to reveal Christ to its audience in his deistic glory. God’s pronunciation it is done after the spiritual and physical events from the first seal to the pouring of the seventh bowl clearly shows that all that transpired resulted from God's initiative.

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The might of God's sovereignty is illuminated by the continuous use of a divine passive verb, “was given” throughout the book that points to god in control of events. For instance, it is used in the passages of the beast, the four horsemen to illustrate god’s control even in actions of evil forces. This means that whatever they do comes by God's permission alone (Karlson). All the descriptions of god throughout the book emphasize on the immutability of God's purpose that is an indication of ultimate security to those who put trust in him and consequently serve as a threat to those against him. The coming of the kingdom of God is the central theme of this book that looks into the events that will follow and accompany the second coming of the Messiah.

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