Reflective Essay on Emotional Intelligence Exercise

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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Likewise, emotional intelligence helps different individuals to overcome relationships related matters. From within my real life experiences, I have been trying to use my knowledge about my emotional intelligence and below I give the reflection of my own life occurrences and my scores on my emotion intelligence test. From my intelligence test that I took online for a number of times, there has been a similarity between the results I found. Previously, I was working as a distributor in a motor company where I happened to test on my emotion intelligence and the impact it had on work there. I realized that from some areas I was failing as a person and also there were some failure when it came to relating with other beings.

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As a result of this, working as a distributor and been in charge of a group consisting of my colleagues, I really managed in creating a successful team. This was because I was an influential person and also good in settling disputes amongst my members. As a result, I ended up having a good and a successful working environment by first taking care of other people’s need before mine (Zahavi 1026). In conclusion, emotional intelligence is the main base of all other forms of intelligence since human beings are social being and spend about 70% of their time socializing. In line with socializing, we often find it hard to have and create a good for ourselves and for others too. van der Linden, Dimitri, et al.

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