Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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It provides authorizations for the medical use of marijuana for individuals suffering from debilitating medical conditions. Although the legalization of medical marijuana and its public health effect are little understood, one of the effects is that legalization of medical marijuana causes adverse pulmonary effects to the public especially smoked marijuana. Pulmonary health effects According to Food Drug Administration, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug which has a high risk of addiction and no medical benefit. However, it has been legalized in several states for deliberating conditions. Furthermore, it is used for various other conditions even though studies have shown greater harmful effects than benefits. Apart from the use of marijuana hastening the onset of lung illnesses, edible and smoked marijuana tend to affect the unborn child’s health.

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(Howden & Naughton, 2011), smoking marijuana deposits greater harmful substances in the lung airways. This is because marijuana fumes are usually inhaled to an extreme inspiration and longer holding of breath to increase THC absorption. The deposition of the carbon monoxide within the mother’s airway affects the breathing system of the baby as the unborn babies get their oxygen from the mothers. This can be attributed to the persistent legitimate concerns on the pulmonary effects of cannabis smoke, mainly with the fact that some evidence has proven of the higher levels of carcinogens and tars in cannabis cigarettes than in tobacco cigarettes. one of the Public Health policy that seeks to address the legalization of medical marijuana is the “Colorado Amendment 20”. The Colorado Amendment 20 Approved smoked marijuana (marijuana plant material) as a nontoxic and effective medication for an individual with “incapacitating medical condition.

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The Debilitating conditions accepted and approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and contained within Amendment 20 are; HIV/AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, cachexia, severe pain and nausea, seizures, Muscle spasms, characteristic of epilepsy, and kind of medical conditions sanctioned by the state health agency. It allows ownership of up to 2 ounces and farming of up to 6 marijuana plants for medical use. Apart from those patients with all criminal and civil marijuana penalties. Section 10 (a), of this policy further tries to protect the health of the public. It states that no health insurance provider will be required to be liable for any claim for reimbursement for the medical use of marijuana. And no employer shall be required to accommodate the medical use of marijuana in any workplace because this may have adverse effect on other workers.

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