Assessing the Abdomen

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Often, after the comprehension of the location of the pain, the next step is often to find out about the quality and sense of the pain; as this will often help in the diagnosis process. Review of the Abdominal Assessment Subjective From the information provided by the patient under the subjective review, there is some more information that should have been presented to better assist in the diagnosis present. For instance, under the history of patient illness (HPI), the patient does not state whether the condition has occurred before or whether this is the first time that they are experiencing such symptoms. The clarification of this point will help in the direction of the diagnosis. For instance, the patient does not provide the exact timing or cause of the pain and the duration that it lasts.

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• GU-there is no review of the urinary frequency, incompetence, hesitancy, nocturia and flank pain. • Hematologic-no assessment of heat/cold intolerance, gland disorders and history of blood transfusions. • Other systems that are not reviewed include the musculoskeletal, neurologic and psychiatric. Assessment The assessment that is made is overly supported by the subjective information provided in the patient review. While there is no distinguishing of the type of diarrhea that is experienced in this case the rest of the factors point towards gastroenteritis. Lab diagnostic tests that may be applied include stool cultures to identify specific bacteria that cause the suspected medical conditions. The bacteria that cause specific conditions will be identified and the diagnosis confirmed from that. Ideally, I would accept the current diagnosis.

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