Virginia Country Referral Hospital Case Study

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Health Care

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However, there are some instances where the medical practitioner can be faced with some ethical dilemmas in their quest to provide effective medical care to the people. An ethical dilemma can be said to be an ethical paradox that requires the medical practitioner within the healthcare unit to make some tough and critical decisions; It often involves solving problems when two conflicting situations arise and which both are morally tied. Here, the medical practitioner in a health care unit is faced with a dilemma between choosing between two morally binding occurrences. The purpose of this study will be to analyze an ethical dilemma in the health care unit and provide possible solutions to these ethical dilemma issues. I am going to analyze the ethical dilemma faced by Caleb Powell, the Chief Executive Officer at Virginia Country Referral Hospital (VCRH).

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Ethical issues abused if the Move is Undertaken The dilemma here arises on the turning back the patients to comply with these rules while at the same maintaining the professional ethical standards of autonomy, beneficence, and justice. Autonomy is the honor of the patient rights to make their decisions. This means that a hospital overruling a patient who has come back for services in a hospital infringes this ethical standard. Patients have a right to getting medical services from the hospital of their choice. Beneficence is the ethical requirement of the medical practitioners to help the patients advance for their good. Personal values play an inherent role in solving the ethical dilemma issues. There are some values to which the society agrees as for right and need to be upheld in both the general practices of the society and the activities within the healthcare unit.

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According to Levvit (2014), the society has certain values that form what we think, how we act and the general outlook of what is going on in the society. These values are what forms how the medical practitioners think, how they reason and how they solve such ethical dilemmas in the health units. Every medical practitioner should be fully conversant with the values that the immediate society uphold as right. Anything that one decides in such scenarios has effects and must be done with extreme care and precaution. For the ethical dilemma case on the Virginia County Referral hospital, I can advise Caleb Powell to consider the needs of the patients and not necessarily what will happen if they allow more than the required readmissions.

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