Political responses to the industrial revolution

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

Document 1

This was far from the truth. The intervention of the government, when it did finally happen, leaned towards favoring owners. This, the government explained, was for the sake of order and safety. For instance, unionism was abolished through an Act of Parliament, which was passed in 1799, rendering the existence of workers’ unions illegality. Further, there was a tendency that went on for a long time of the House of Commons continually rejecting any laws that appeared to support the review of minimum wages upwards. She had a strong belief that technological innovations, as well as general progress, was necessary if the living standards of the poor were to be improved. She went on to write about how hardships and excesses brought about by capitalism were as a result of wrong actions as well as misunderstandings amongst the stakeholders.

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She held that obedient towards the unseen power present in the market was responsible for the economic betterment of all classes. Harriet also believed that social unrests were human-made, which could also be stopped by the man himself. Charles Dickens Charles Dickens2, like Harriet Martineau, was an English author of the Victorian era whose writings were about the strenuous labor and poor living conditions that were present at the time of the industrial revolution. The Industrial Revolution: Marxist Perspectives Marxist researchers have maintained, as Marx did, that the Industrial Revolution3, albeit noteworthy, was less so than the origin of private enterprise in the sixteenth century. The Industrial Revolution must be comprehended as a private enterprise's dénouement. Recorded research has affirmed this view.

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In this light, I will show that even though the Industrial Revolution underwent a sense of a European deception of social predominance over the remainder of the world, in certainty, its triumph showed up after the expected time, and demonstrated briefer and less supreme and inadequate than recently suspected. Marxists have would, in general, pressure the socially and politically troublesome character of the time of the Industrial Revolution, while non-Marxists have underscored its congruity with the past. ctt183p671. Bibliography Dickens, Charles, Madeline House, and Graham Storey.  The Letters of Charles Dickens: 1850-1852. Vol. Oxford University Press, 1965. Historical evidence regarding the transition capitalism is also provided. Capital should be understood as being both economic and political entity. Klaver, Claudia C. "Imperial Economics: Harriet Martineau's Illustrations of Political Economy and the Narration of Empire.

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