A Christmas Carol analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

This time served as evidence in the decline of faith. Dickens is popular for humanizing Christianity offering a pathway to a belief in the supernatural while still stressing on human ethics. Modernization has effectively led to disenchantment with religion since it has reduced most of the religious aspects into an understandable and more feasible science. This results in acceptance of secularism as important to foster new ways of living harmoniously with others. Dickens therefore offers a kind of secular approach to Christmas set in an enchanted world. By helping these individuals, they give them a chance to better understand others who are in worse off positions. People become empathetic which is a common characteristic of spiritual enlightenment. Scrooge is an example of consciousness which is a common characteristic of spiritual awakening.

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This state encourages charity, good morals, caring for one another and social consciousness. Dickens does not necessarily encourage readers to follow a particular religious’ belief rather he highlights the importance of achieving human consciousness that enables one to do good always regardless of their religious beliefs and practices. Conclusion Dickens is a believer of disenchanted and humanistic form of Christianity. He proposes the belief in the supernatural while stressing human ethics (Taft 664). A keen look at the book by Dickens reveals a non- religious account of Christmas based on an enchanted world. The mere presence of Scrooge as a ghost spells supernatural however, as a reader, we can still find the human touch present in the book. We can find a connection between faith, skepticism and also enchantment.

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